

        OLD NARNIA IN DA tself,    and ill t of t cil. to    sleep uars, to drink not er and to live d , range experience for Caspian after s in a    tapestried c tle,    on gold and silver diseroom,    and attendants ready at    asted more savoury, and o harden and    his face wore a kinglier look.

        nigrange subjects came stealing    into t at    s yet seen - five Satyrs as    red as foxes, ti of talking Mice, armed to teetrumpet, some O of all (and took    Caspians breataurs came a small but genuine Giant, imbleher of    Deadmans

        ful of rated    and were now wisead.

        to    first and leave till afteromorros could bot, and proposed st Miraz i very    night.

        Pattertalk a at time, so    orencs round t it ter to begin    it ake too long to o    be alloo give a brief address to t Caspian and taurs and    tions and insisted on    once.

        ures o sit doly in a    great circle, and    Patterto stop running to and    fro and saying "Silence! Silence, everyone, for t;, Caspian, feeling a    little nervous, got up. "Narnians!"     any furt t very    moment Camillo t;heres a Man somewhere near.”

        tures of tomed to being ed, and till as statues. ts all turion wed.

        "Smells like Man a not quite like Man," wruffleer.

        "Its getting steadily nearer," said Camillo.

        "t tly    off to meet it," said Caspian.

        "ell settle un," said a Black Dting a s t.

        "Dont s if it is alone," said Caspian. "Catc.”

        "; asked the Dwarf.

        "Do as youre told," said Glenstorm taur.

        Everyone ed in sileted    stealto trees on t side of t;Stop! ; and a sudden spring. A moment later a voice, ake    my s if you like,    dont bite rig to    speak to the King.”

        "Doctor elius!" cried Caspian o greet utor.

        Everyone else crowded round.

        "Pa; said Nikabrik. "A renegade D?”

        "Be quiet, Nikabrik," said trumpkin. "ture t s    ary.”

        "test friend and t; said Caspian. "And    anyone    doctor, I am    glad to see you again. ?”

        "By a little use of simple magiajesty," said tor, ;But time to go into    t no all fly from t once. You are already betrayed and Miraz is    on the move.

        Before midday tomorrow you will be surrounded.”

        "Betrayed!" said Caspian. "And by whom?”

        "Anot," said Nikabrik.

        "By your rier," said Doctor elius. "te ker.    dao able i of your fligo be questioned about it in Mirazs torture cty good guess    from my crystal as to    erday - I sarag parties out in terday I lear . I dont t as    miged. Youve left tracks all over t carelessness. At any    rate somet Old Narnia is not so dead as he move.”

        "; said a very s tors    feet. "Let t t me and my people in t.”

        " o; said Doctor elius. "y got grassoes - in your army?" ter stooping doacles, o a laugh.

        "By t; ;its a mouse. Signior Mouse, I desire your better    acquaintance.

        I am ing so valiant a beast.”

        "My friends; piped Reepid any    D - in t give you good language so re h.”

        "Is time for t; asked Nikabrik. " are our plans?    Battle or flight?”

        "Battle if need be," said trumpkin. "But ,    and this is no very defensible place.”

        "I dont like t; said Caspian.

        "; said t;ever    lets     before supper; and not too soon after it her.”

        "t do not al," said taur. "And ion instead of c ourselves? Let us find    a strong place.”

        "ts y, ts ; said truffleer.

        "But ; asked several voices.

        "Your Majesty," said Doctor elius, "and all you variety of creatures, I    t fly east and doo t elmari    region. t may e over t is    raditions speak true, t Cair Paravel    t part is friendly to us and eful    to our enemies.

        e must go to Aslans how.”

        "Aslans ; said several voices. "e do not kno is.”

        "It lies s of t oods and it is a    times over a very magical place, ands - a very magical Sto o    galleries and caves, and tone is in tral cave of all. tores, and t need of cover and are most aced    to underground life    be lodged in t of us    lie in t a pinc t) could retreat into tself,    and t famine.”

        "It is a good t; said truffleer;    but trumpkin muttered under ;Soup and celery! I ales and more about victuals and arms." But all approved    of eliuss proposal and t very    Aslans how.

        It ainly an arees, and otle, loo it. tunnels inside    maze till you got to knoones, and on tones, peering in tterns, and pictures in wed    again and

        again. It all seemed to belong to an even older Narnia told him.

        It er taken up ters in and around t    fortune began tainst ts soon found ten urned    out stro sank as er    pany arriving.

        And to ttle deeply    into it and sometimes almost to tself. Caspian and otains of course    made many sorties into try. ting on most days and    sometimes by nig Caspians party    of it.

        At last t o ra m Caspian    tle yet,    and all .    of to     daybreak, and t imbleaurs and some of t beasts, o     from anoto cut t off from t of t it er days of    Narnia remembered) t Giants are not at all clever. Poor imblerue Giant in t respect.    at time and from ty and Caspians tle    of t, a taur terribly    y    blood. It    rees to eat ty supper.

        t of all    imble    been beginning    to get er out of ttle blas, and asked t in s forcible voices     enoug t of told ts and not as a cert party, and asked    . And imbleiptoed ao find some place    ail and somebody (ter     of temper.

        But in t and magical c t of trumpkin,    cil. t re oself    - a stoable, split rigre, and covered    ing of    some kind: but ages of imes    whe

        Stoable ood on top, and t yet been built    above it. t using table nor sitting round it: it oo magic a t on logs a little , aable, on wood a rude clay lamp lighe walls.

        "If your Majesty is ever to use t; said truffleer, "I time ; Caspian old treasure several days ago.

        "e are certainly i need," ans;But it is o be    sure    reatest. Supposing t?”

        "By t argument," said Nikabrik, "your Majesty    until it    is too late.”

        "I agree ," said Doctor elius.

        "And rumpkin?" asked Caspian.

        "O; said tening e    indifference, "your Majesty kno bit of broken stone over    t Kier - and your Lion Aslan - are all eggs in moonss    all oo me    on is t told    not it. to be disappointed.”

        "t; said Caspian.

        "t; said Doctor elius, "t s. e do not k mig I t is more likely to call Peter ty sorts    do. But i to t -”

        "You never said a truer ; put in trumpkin.

        "I t;    on t;t to    one or ot Places of Narnia. t, is t a    and most deeply magical of all, and    to e.    But tern aste, up-river,    of Beaversdam, ell t tle of Cair Paravel oood. And if Aslan     plaeeting oo, for every story says t    Emperor-over-to    send messeo boto Lantern aste and to receive t.”

        "Just as I t," muttered trumpkin. "t result of all t t us    to lose us ters.”

        "or elius?" asked Caspian.

        "Squirrels are best fetting try    being    caug; said truffleer.

        "All our squirrels (and ; said Nikabrik, "are raty. trust on a job like t tertwig.”

        "Let it be Pattert; said King Caspian. "And    you    tor    elius.”

        "I    go," said Nikabrik. "its about, t be a D treated.”

        "torms!" cried trumpkin in a rage. "Is t o the King? Send me, Sire, Ill go.”

        "But I t you didnt believe in trumpkin," said Caspian.

        "No more I do, your Majesty. But    got to do ? I migaking orders. Youve s time for    orders.”

        "I    trumpkin," said Caspian. "Send for Pattertwig,    one of you. And whe horn?”

        "I    for sunrise, your Majesty," said Doctor elius. "t    sometimes    iions of e Magic.”

        A fees later Patterto ement and    misc to say ceit),    to be off. It    ern aste er jouro ter a y meal t off    the Badger, and elius.