首页The Horse and His BoyCHAPTER THIRTEEN


        t At ANVARD    By about eleven oclock tains on t.    and Sa r    ts immediately in front of ttle and t;But where is his goosecap    highness?”

        Edmund only replied, "Not in t, and ts good news enough. Leave    well alone.”

        Sa told    most of ures and explai    really knoructed    elling    t sailing from tashbaan.

        "And whe Queen Susan?”

        "At Cair Paravel," said . "S like Lucy, you knoe as good as a boy. Queen Susan is more like an ordinary groo t archer.”

        time    and t eeper. At last ta so t     nig kno. "But of course," , "I e safe. t is . ime.”

        t left and sout and t steeply up and up into top if it    among all trees    you could see ops, and an eagle or two whe blue air.

        "ttle," said , pointing at t;them.”

        Sa didnt like t all.

        a could see all Arland, blue and    hazy, spread

        out belo beyond it. But t set,    distinctly.

        ed and spread out in a line, and t deal    of rearranging. A alkis iced before and    kind (leopards, panthe like)

        padding and groo take up tions on t. ts o t, and befoing took off somet do. ta sa ting on s: s o ttle position. to t see tested trings. And ing on s, drao talking no ;Im in for it no no; t Sa. ting and a steady t;Battering ram," tering te.”

        Even    looked quite serious now.

        " King Edmu on?" ;I    stand ting    about. Coo.”

        Sa nodded:    look as frig.

        trumpet at last! On trotting treaming    out in topped lo; a little, many-tole s gate to,    unfortunately, but of course te s and tcullis dotle s, t fifty of ted, eadily s tree trunk against te. But    at o ready to    assault te. But norained. It seemed to Sa only a sed    before a     tohem.

        And no.    Faster, faster. All s h ched.

        Sa    suddenly came into ;If    you funk ttle all your life. Now or never.”

        But    t tler idea of y soon. And    tangled s o avoid it    off    knuckles terribly against someone elses armour,    and t it is no use trying to describe ttle from Sas point of vieoo little of t in general and even of    in it. t ell you ake you some miles ao    gazing into tree, h Bree    and hwin and Aravis beside him.

        For it    t looked o knoside tage. t certain times, reets of cities far    fartas sting into Rede Seven    Isles, or s stirred iern forests betern    aste and telmar. And all t o eat or drink,    freat events    in Arco    it too. t ead of refleg tree and t revealed cloudy and coloured ss dept t could and from time to time old t tle o    battle, t ;I see oormness    of all t be out unless battle    o and fro, peering doimes at Anvard and sometimes to t, beormness. A Rabadas all day. t tree and t of t as a ram.

        t nig.    o making ladders: but it takes too long a.

        Fool t    to o tas attack failed, for o position. King Lunes men are sing    not many    trusted lords, fierce tarkaans    from tern provinces. I    see tle    tormunt, and Azrooed lip, and a tall tarkaan h a    crimson beard -”

        "By ter Anradin!" said Bree.

        "S-s-sly" said Aravis.

        "Noarted. If I could    a     would make!

        Stroke after stroke: and no gate    stand it for ever. But ! Sometormness    in masses. And     again . . . I t see yet . . . a, is black h    horsemen. If

        only tc standard and spread it out. ts the    red lion.

        the archers. Oh! -”

        " is it?" asked hlessly.

        "All s are das from t of the line.”

        "Cats?" said Aravis.

        "Great cats, leopards and suc; said t impatiently. "I see, I    see. ts are ing round in a circle to get at ted men. A good    stroke. terror already. Nos are in among    t Rabadaso meet ty. I    see King Edmund, I    see t to let to battle? Only ten    yards - t. ts on t are doing     ones down . . .

        s tres all in a muddle. I    see    more on t.

        ts your little Sa.    is fig of tre no t ted them -”

        " about Sa?" said Aravis.

        "O; groa. "Poor, brave little fool.    t all of    test idea o do    no . . . nearly cut    if    careful. Its been knocked out of s mere murder sending a    co ttle;    live five minutes. Duck you fool - oh, hes down.”

        "Killed?" asked thlessly.

        "ell?" said t. "ts reat for ts are turning bato ttle. tes are opening from to be a    sortie. t t. Its King Lune in tran and Sen - ty - nearly ty of t by norokes.    slashed    Corradins head off.

        Lots of enes    remain are s are closing in on t - Cats    on t -

        King Lune from ttle knot now, figo back.

        Your tarkaans do it ing in te of tle. Several enes    see le    I dont knotle is over everyterly defeated.”

        a fell off . But tle, tread on er a very    en minutes or so Sa realized suddenly t tamping about in te ill a good many noises going on)    of a battle.    up and stared    about him.

        Even tle as tles, could soole    gates ering ram. From ted, but obviously . And t    all united and so a great roar of laughter.

        Sa. picked iff, and ran too see    met unate    Rabadaso be suspended from tle     from t    c of getting into a stiff s    t is a little too small for    afterory alked over for many a day) le one of ts amp at Rabadas: unsuccessful because it didnt crus t ended, but not quite useless because one of tore t as you or I migear an ordinary s. So Rabadasime ered    Edmund at te, o ting blod stood t t tion, by    raising o jump doo look and sound - no doubt for a    moment ;t of tas; But o jump side of     dire. A    on a    for tying o.) And to dry,    him.

        "Let me do; ;Let me do a coo do t, kill me at once.”

        "Certainly," began King Edmund, but King Luerrupted.

        "By your Majestys good leave," said King Luo Edmund. "Not so." turning to Rabadas;Your royal    c to t talking Mouse,    by attag our    castle of Anvard in time of peace    defiance sent, you , but a traitor, and oo be o    cross sake ill our pleasure is further known.”

        Strong o tle, sing, tening, cursing, and even g. For torture    bear being made ridiculous. In tasaken him seriously.

        At t moment    ran up to Sa, seized arted dragging    o;; cried .

        "Aye, and , at last," said t;And bast been in ttle,    trary to your obedience. A boy to break a fat!    At ye a rod to your breecter t, ; But everyone,    including , could see t the King was very proud of him.

        "C please you," said Lord Darrin. " be your son if    in your ditions. It y more if o be reproved for te fault.”

        "ell, ; grumbled t;ell pass it over for time. And no;        came    surprised Sa as muc o    ;Stand oget all t see you. lemen, look on    th.


        And still Sa could not uand         nor .