

        I like to meet a sand me -- not a groractive -- but one of tender novices, blooming t nigritude, ternal e effaced from t earlier, tle professional notes sounding like to tin lark ss not seldom anticipating the sun-rise?

        I os -- i blaesses -

        I revere clergy imps,    assumption; and from ttle pulpits (tops of ankind.

        a mysterious pleasure it o ion! to see a o bigger ter, one kne by o o pursue ion, as    sounding on tifling caverns, o s "no for ever! " -- to revive at    of discovered day-lig) running out of doors, to e just in time to see ty, t victorious like some flag adel! I seem to remember old, t a bad s in a stack o indicate acle certainly; not mucage dire in Macbet;Apparition of a cree in ;

        Reader, if test one of try in t is good to give    is better to give    be starving o troubles of ion, a pair of kibed ) be superadded, ty o a tester.

        tion, tood to be t    sassafras. to a kind of tea, and tempered o some tastes a delicacy beyond t e may relis; for myself, o time out of mi open a s;-street, as t Bridge-street -- t adveo dip my oicular lip in a basin of    -- a cautious premonition to tories stantly    my stomafallibly, esy, dee it. Yet I es, ot uninstructed iical elegances, sup it up y.

        I kno by icular ation of t    I    tion is surprisingly gratifying to te of a young cicles (sassafras is sligtenuate and soften tions, ions) to ado titioners or    soo mucter    of tims, caused to gro of t lenitive but so it is, t no possible taste or odour to te excitement parable to ture. Being penniless, t eam, to gratify one sense if possible, seemingly no less pleased tiimals -- cats -- we.

        No Mr. Read boastet    reason, t     knoo t one    -- rious imitators, o omers, at t dead time of tremes meet) t cups, and tisan leaving o resume ture labours of tle, not unfrequently to t discerting of t. It is time    yet relumined kitcropolis give fort satisfactory odours. to dissipate    vapours in mrateful coffee, curses t tisan stops to taste, and blesses t breakfast.

        t of transports o t-gardens famed piazzas -- t, and, ooo often t ter,    over teful steam, regale uous basin (it    t te bread and butter (an added ions from talities, curl up a ligo t aint tly reet to street, of te ttling engines from ten adjat pariso disturb for a casual stillation t!

        I am by nature extremely susceptible of street affronts; taunts of triumprip, or splasog, of a gentlema    I ey of a young s er but one, pag along ed precipitation reac me upon my ba an instant. I scrambled up     to face it dos entered me. tood, pointi o to a poor ill tears for teness of t it)    at t- inflamed, yet tc of desolation, t     o Finc tood, as ands in ture, irremovable, as if t o last for ever -- ely no mali it -- t I could ent, if tleman mig, to t and ill midnight.

        I am by te to tiveness of    of teet pardon me) is a casket, presumably , metake leave to "air " tleman,    must I fess, t from true so ostentation) of te and sions, strikes me as an agreeable anomaly in manners, and an allo is, as when

        A sable cloud

        turns fort.

        It is like some remnant of gentry not quite extinct; a badge of better days; a    of nobility -- and, doubtless, u of t, oftentimes lurketle ditions, derived from lost ary, and a lapsed pedigree. ture appres of tender victims give but too muc, I fear, to destine, and almost infantile abdus; ty and true courtesy, so often disible in ts (not oto be ated for) plainly    at some forced adoptions; many noble Race t; tales of fairy-spiriting may sable verity, and tagu be but a solitary instance of good fortune, out of many irreparable and ions.

        In one of tate-beds at Arundel castle, a fe seat of t of curiosity to visitors, cs beds, in ains of delicatest crimson, arry ets ier all met noon-day, fast asleep, a lost ctle creature, ricacies of ture ed upon t cired edious explorations, o resist tement to repose, s very quietly, laid . like a young howard.

        Suc given to tors at tle. -- But I ot o perceive a firmation of    in tory. A inct    aken. Is it probable t a poor c description, ever ed, , to us of a Dukes bed, and deliberately to lay , presented an obvious coucill far above ension -- is t poure, ed ing to ture? Doubtless t    be)    amounting to full sciousness, of ion in infancy,    by    sucs as o o ing-place. -- By no otiment of a pre-existent state (as I may call it),    I explain a deed so venturous, and, indeed, any otem, so indecorous, in tender, but unseasonable sleeper.

        My pleasant friend Jem e amorply taking place, t in some sort to reverse tune in tituted an annual feast of c e as    and er. It . Barto ter-s tropolis, fining tation to tripling    in among us, and be good-naturedly ; but our main body ry. One unfortunate y, but by tokens ially discovered in time to be no c soot    of tion, as not ; but in general test    spot among t t so far distant as to be impervious to t vanity; but remote enoug to be obvious to terruption of every gaping spectator in it. ts assembled about seven. In ttle temporary parlours tables    so fine as substantial, and at every board a ely ess presided rils of ted at te, as er,    table; and myself, rusty panion Bigod, ordinarily ministered to tling, you may    at t table -- for Rocer in    days could not    ter some general expression of to clasp t of old dame Ursula (ttest of t sto and fretting, ;tleman," and imprint upon e lips a tender salute,     up a s t tore teetartled t ness. O it o see tuous meat, uous sayings --    tit bits to tercept a morsel even in t "must to to be bro    fit fentlemaing" -- e bread, or t piece of kissing-crust, to a tender juvenile, advising to eet patrimony, eelly    t esting, if it    good, om; ion to oasts -- " t; -- t;Clot; -- , ing and flattering; -- and for a ent, ; All ty ot ts, er, standing upon tables, and prefag every se ;Gentlemen, give me leave to propose so and so," o tuffing into    did not do to be squeamise pieces of tily, and    part, you may believe, of tertai.

        Golden lads and lasses must,

        As co dust -

        James e is extinct, and    least. s look for ered feast of St. Barted for ever.