首页a chess set 中文翻译The Old Age Of Queen Maeve

The Old Age Of Queen Maeve

        A certai in outlandishes

        Gatine lane,

        talked1 of ry and its people, sang

        to some stringed instrument here had seen,

        A wall behind his back, over his head

        A latticed    time

        As tehere, and his voice sank

        Or let its meaning mix ints.

        MAEVE t queen o and fro,

        Beten bronze,

        In    Cruach,

        Flickering    half showed

        ired he rushes,

        Or on the walls,

        In fortable sleep; all living slept

        But t great queen, w

        o fire and fire to door.

        though now in her old age, in her young age

        Siful in t old way

        ts all but gone; for t is gone,

        And t of ting-house fears all

        But Soft beauty and i desire.

        She world

        ever womans lover    her fancy,

        A -bodied and great-limbed,

        Faso be trong children;

        And s,

        And    caughe dried flax,

        At need, and made iful and fierce,

        Sudden and laughing.

        O u ,

        her, praising her,

        As if tale but your oale

        ortting to a measure of s sound?

        bid you tell of t great queen

        housand years?

        its deepest, a wild goose

        Cried from ters lodge, and h long clamour

        Sheir hooks;

        But t on, as though some power

        h Druid heaviness;

        And w whe many-ging Sidhe

        imes to sel her,

        Maeve    fall, being old,

        to t small cer gate.

        ter slept, alt upright

        itill and stony limbs and open eyes.

        Maeve ed, and ierg noise

        Broke from ed lips and broke again,

        Sher of his shoulders,

        And shook him wide awake, and bid him say

        he wandering many-ging ones

        roubled    all o say

        as t, the dogs

        More still th,

        hough he had dreamed


        he could remember when he had had fine dreams.

        It ime of t war

        Over te-he Brown Bull.

        Surned ao sleep

        t no god troubled now, and, w

        matters    among the Sidhe,

        Maeve    great h a sigh

        Lifted tain of her sleeping-room,

        Remembering t soo had seemed divine

        to many to her own

        Oions ed

        t oo difficult for mortal hands

        Migain up


        And t of days    body,

        And of t famous Fergus, Nessas husband,

        he lover of her middle life.

        Suddenly Ailell spoke out of his sleep,

        And not h his own voice or a mans voice,

        But he burning, live, unshaken voice

        Of t, it may be, ever age.

        ;high Queen of Crua and Magh Ai,

        A king of t Plain h you.

        And ; king

        Of to me,

        As in they would e and go

        About my to sel and to help?

        ted lips replied, "I seek your help,

        For I am Aengus, and I am crossed in love.


        h hand clasping hand,

        ty images t ot her,

        For all tys like a hollow dream,

        Mirrored in streams t her hail nor rain

        Nor troubled?

        he replied,

        "I am from those rivers and I bid you call

        t of sleep,

        Ahem digging under Buals hill.

        e s hy housc,

        ill overthrow his shadows and carry off

        Caer, er t I love.

        I    these walls,

        And I would    need,

        Queen of high Crua.

        "I obey your will

        it and a most t:

        For you he birds,

        iver of good sel and good luck.

        And al breath

        Could but awaken sadly upon lips

        t urned

        Face doossing in a troubled sleep;

        But Maeve, and not ,

        Came to ted house

        , and cried aloud,

        Until to stir

        iting and the g of unhooked arms.

        Sold the many-ging ones;

        And all t nig day

        to middle nigo the hill.

        At middle nig cats h silver claws,

        Bodies of shadow and blind eyes like pearls,

        Came up out of the hole, and red-eared hounds

        ite bodies came out of the air

        Suddenly, and ran at them.

        t; cood

        its and terror-stri faces,

        till Maeve called out, "t en.

        t dropped their spades

        Because Earts broken power,

        Casts up a S

        it was glad,

        And whe grass

        S footfall in t,

        till it died out ood.

        Friend of too ood

        it w;

        For you, alt ,

        greatness, and not hers alone,

        For tory about queens

        In any a book but tells of you;

        And whey grew old and died,

        Or fell into unhappiness, Ive said,


        And    out anehe words,

        , Soo !

        Outrun the measure.

        Id tell of t great queen

        ood amid a silence by thorn

        Until t of the air

        it of soft fire. the one,

        About wheir fiery wings,

        Said, "Aengus and    give thanks

        to Maeve and to Maeves household, owing all

        In o gives peace.

        t;O Aengus, Master of all lovers,

        A thousand years ago you held high ralk

        it kings of many-pillared Crua.

        O when will you grow weary?

        they had vanished,

        But our of there came

        A murmur of soft ing lips.