You kno said drunkenly. *You just------’
All rigly. No, I t No behave yourself.’
Biff to ter aurned steadily a freak, alt sa hing was
deformed about in t erm in prison or o ime ot likely to go or ot apt to do.
Biff cocked o one side and said, here are you from?’
*Now, you o be born somewennessee—Alabama—some place.’
Blounts eyes were dreamy and unfocused. Carolina, he said.
I tell youve been around, Biff ed delicately.
But t listening. urned from ter and aring out at ty street. After a moment o tain steps.
Adios, he called back.
Biff one of one in tomers iill sat by table. Biff stared at tom of back to t on ter.
time keep he words before him.
tes and if it he palm of her hand.
of of d sure senderness came in him. he was uneasy.
Restlessly Biff turention to Sie sat s and tagnant. he
o treat Sio a slug of w.
o Alice rue—he did like freaks. he had a special friendly feeling for sick people and cripples.
.B. came into t o beer. Or if tomer o ing for liquor at ime ed it. Biff o ly it uer along take to toreroom bec a plete file of t dated back a break for ty-one years.
At t eaurant again. in all Negro man carrying a black bag.
tried t o ter for adrink, but t as soon as or own ever since he could remember.
ed in some o young illie ba tc Biff sa red.
t stood there.
?Dont you kn no nigger in a place we men drink? someone asked him.
Biff ce. Blount could easily be seen how drunk he was.
Im part nigger myself, as a challenge.
Biff cly and t. itrils and tes of looked a little as t be telling truth.
Im part nigger and wop and bohose.’
And Im Dutcurkisable we drank his coffee. his voice was loud and cracked.
tm e land.’
?Quiet doo him.
Blount paid no attention to anyone in t te. t eaces eyes le as a cats and all o listen. the drunk man was in a frenzy.
?Youre to said. For talking to you in my mind because I knoand t to mean.’
Some people in a boot kno t a deaf-mute to try to talk ctle darting glances and listetentively.
Blount sat doo table and leaned over close to Singer.
t k k t dont knos like iury ruth.
But its different in t it took talent to figure t truts a miracle of all ory t people dont know. You savvy.’
Biff rested er and looked at Blount y. Know w? he asked.
"Dont listen to said. Dont mind t flat-footed, blue-joard. For you see, . It almost never imes eac ts a bad ts o me a lot of times. But you see there are so few of us.’
Masons? Biff asked.
S up, you! Else snatc you black , Blount bae and o a drunken w and insidious spiracy.
till laug trying to ion e. Only Biff o ascertain if te really uood o ly and emplative. began to crack a fealk about knoe never smiled until several seds after talk ill tle too long. t uny.
People felt tc t about seem quite human.
Jake Blount leaned across table and t as t uand s tongue suc pace t togeturned of t, too—like she said.
Biff yating ips until t stagnant te ient. ening to Blount for almost an o look at t did not notice t on a pause. At last opped a to roll a cigarette, and te nodded ion of t up from table. ayed stuffed in s as al quickly.
Blount know w had happened.
on to t t te made no ansood out on o table angrily s. could not last much longer now.
e on over, Biff said kindly. "Your friend has gone.’
till ing for Singer. before. he had an ugly look.
I to speak e, Biff coaxed.
Blount pulled able aoreet again.
Biff leaned against t—in and out. After all, it . tes lingered. earily ion seemed sloo be leaving the room.
ter, faces, tables, to bee very faint and still.
s came back to o see ed. illie, tcood before e apron. illie stammered because ed about o say.
And so against this here brick all.’
s t?’
Rigwo d-d-doors away.’
Biff straigie.
And t o pile in any minute------’
illie, Biff said patiently. Start at t me get traight.’
It t ache.’
?Mr. Blount. Yes>ell—I didnt see enced. I anding in tion. Sound like a big figo see. And te man going bis tting s. ing like I never seen a
before. it to broken and around and look------So ened?’