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Deformities, or Evidence of a Full Character

        In tate of Lu tai, ai ilated, yet ate as you. ands up to preacs doo give discourse; yet to y, depart full. Is eac    material means?    manner of man is t;

        "; replied fucius, "I ed to go to    am merely beeac t only tate of Lu, but to follow ;

        "tilated," said d yet people call er.    be very different from train ;

        "Life a moment," ans;but t affect     fla    se of all t    trol transformation of ts sourtact."

        "; asked    t of vieiation of t; replied fucius, "inguisate and tate. From t of vie does not even trouble about    lets y in t notice ticular objects. And to ."

        "But ivates only ; said C;o perfect o te Mind. But    t people flock around ;

        "A man," replied fucius, "does not seek to see er, but in still er. For only self still    instill stillness into oter and summer alike, to Yao and to Stained rectitude. o rectify ified. For ture) is evidenced in true ce.

        A man o all temporarily empt for ties of sigo level all knoing ed o go up to o ake seriously t;

        Su Cudied under Po;) togetsecate. tter said to ;, do you remain be, I    day, ting on t in ture-room, tsec;, do you remain be, I o go. ill you remain or not? I notice you s to a ;

        "In ter," replied Su C;ter). Per you are take prece over t. Noly brig    colle it, and t if it does, t. es for long    fault. No t of our Master, yet you    utter    you take?"

        "You are already mutilated like t; retorted tsec;yet you are still seeking to pete in virtue o look at you, I so do to refle your past misdeeds!"

        "t; said Su C;so as not to lose t to cover up t) are fe only tuous man    reize table and remain unmoved. People ing,    lucky. t me for not o make me angry. But since I came to study under our Master, I opped    it. Perer    any rate, I een years    being ay. Noual, and you are judging me in t itting a mistake?" At tseco fidget and enance cu Co speak no more.

        tate ed, by toes. o see fucius; but fucius said, "You o me no; "It    I    my feet," replied No-toes. "No is t    ers    ts    t you, Master, le expected to ;

        "Pardon my stupidity," said fucius. " e in? I s I ; But No-toes left. oes , fucius said to ;take a good lesson. No-toes is one-legged, yet o learn in order to make ato for o atone?"

        No-toes    off to see Lao tan (Laotse) and said, "Is fucius a Perfee or is    quite?    t o learn from you? o earn a reputation by ruse and strange learning, ters."

        " make y and impossibility as alternations of one and t; ansan, "and so release ters?"

        "It is God oes. ";

        Duke Ai of tate said to fucius, "In tate tai (Ugly) to. t stop t o ts, Ratries to lead ot only folloect mens lives. o gratify tfully loat does not lead, and    knoside ate. Yet men and    is different from ot for    fully ugly. Yet ogeto see t passed before I began to trust ate ed a Prime Minister, I offered .    t any rate, I gave t to    in a very s time    me and    a    manner of man is t;

        "o tate," replied fucius, "I sater of young pigs sug ter a    off. For t look at to    t tai    le,    covered    off does not value a present of s cut ts) side (t be employed again. Suce attaco preserving tue o rusted.    after, and is offered t of a try     dee. Indeed    be talents are perfed    out;

        do you mean by alents being perfect?" asked t;possession and loss, success and failure, poverty and ue and vice, good and evil report ,    and cold -- tural course of events. Day and nig not be alloo disturb tural er into t one is at ease and in    loss of , sed tinuously one creates t. Suco    talents."

        "And ue    out;

        "anding still," said fucius, "ter is in t perfect state of repose. Let t be your model. It remains quietly    agitated . It is from tivation of suc virtue results. And if virtue takes no out be able to keep aloof from it."

        Some days afterold Mintse saying, " I took over t, I t t in guiding ty as a ruler. But no I    man, I fear t I    ac, but am fooliso my try. fucius and I are not prind minister, but friends in spirit.

        ook a fancy to    toy. Big-Jar-Goiter spoke ook a fancy to    toy. t is t ten. But mankind fets not t ten, fetting t o be fotten. tfulness indeed!

        And ts    free, s are for tiionss are only for serving erce. For t trive, and t cut up ting of relationso acquire; ions are bestoo say, tle o be fed by man.

        es    ions    toucesimal indeed is t ely great is t wed in God.

        se said to Cse, "Do men indeed inally ;

        "Certainly," replied Cse.

        "But if a man ; argued se, " t makes ;

        "tao," replied Cse, "gives    be a man?"

        "If t; said se, " passions?"

        &qu; ans;are    passions I mean one    likes and dislikes to disturb ernal ey, but rature and does not try to improve upon (terials of) living."

        "But o live t; asked se.

        " try to improve upon (terials of) ;

        "tao gives ; said Cse, "and God gives    permit likes and dislikes to disturb ernal ey. But noing your intelligeo externals, and    your vital spirit. Lean against a tree and sing; or sit against a table and sleep! God , yet your only t is te." {26}