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Opening Trunks, or A Protest against Civilization

        tions taken against trunks, searcills, sist in seg ening s and locks. t t. But a strong till on    t be strong enoug o call    simply amount to saving up f ture to state t n t ate of Coos and plougerritory of over ts four boundaries, emple or sed, a god y or a district governed, but in accordance he Sages?

        Yet one m {46} tien Cse sleole     tricks    altien Cse acquired tation of a tably as ever did eitates did not veo blame, nor t States to punisions s ruled over Chi. {47}

        as t a stealing tate of Cs ricks of to preserve ture to ask,    teems as great     t trong thieves?

        o deatseo t t preserve t.

        An appreo Robber C;Is tao (moral principles) among t;

        "tell me if t tao," Cheh replied.

        "ter of ty is located, to go in first, and t last. ting success, and kindness in t been a great robber ies." It is seen t    teac keep tion, and    teac aplisy, to ttle and t. t ;If turned up, teet an. {48}

        ers appeared. Overt ters free, and tream ceases, ters    s t in peace. On t pop off ers drop off. Nor if you double to govern ts of Robber Cheh.

        If pecks and bus, tolen, along eel yards are used for olen along allies and sigs are used food faitallies and sigs olen. If d duty are used for moral principles, d duty olen. eal a eal a kingdom and you are made a duke. (tead duty remain in t not true, t ty and duty and of the Sages?

        So it is t ted into princes and dukes. t on stealing d duty togetallies, and sigs    be dissuaded by no reerred by fear of sruments of punis. ts of robbers like C impossible to get rid of t of the Sages.

        t ;Fis be left iate must be left    not be so the world.

        Banisers op! Fling aroy pearls, ay tallies and break sigs, and t to tegrity. Split measures and smas figities. trample doitutions of Sages, and to be fit for discussing (tao). fuse tces and stringed instruments to tuff up t ao decorations, fuse t. Destroy ard lines, fling aisan, and eacural skill. ;Great skill appears like clumsiness." {5l} Cut doivities of tseng and Sse, discard d duty, and tue of t Mystiity. {53}

        If eac, tas. If eacelligeue, tion from true patseng, Sernal cer and involved t fusion so t tatutes are of no avail.    Nature?

        In tating, Posunlu, Cied knots for reing. tified tisfied ed in toms. lements overlooked one anot till tside try. {55} In t peace.

        But norain tand on tiptoes by saying, "In suc; Immediately t togeting ts at ers business abroad, going on foot territories of to    of t tao, th fusion.

        s and tailed arro as and traps increases, ts and snares increases, ts of t and flippand tries of t;; and ities and differences increase in number and variety, th logic.

        t is t ten    of it. For all men strive to grasp    knoo grasp rive to discredit    excel in, o discredit    is . t oiny    moves o t flies in t    its inal nature. Sucime of ties do    aside; ted. tranquil ina o love of disputation; and disputation alone is enoug che world.