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Autumn Floods

        In time of autumn floods, a reams poured into t ss turbid course, so t it o tell a cos. t of t all ty of to ream , until    to its o ort;A vulgar proverb says t    many truto rag from ting t believe it. But no I ibility -- alas for me !    reacock to t enlig!"

        to t of t;You ot speak of o to a o a summer i,    speak of tao to a pedagogue,    you    o, you knoo you of great principles.

        "ter bereams pour into it    cease, yet it does not overflo is being tinually drained off at tail-Gate {65} yet it is never empty. Spring and autumn bring no cs are equally unkno is immeasurably superior to mere rivers and streams. Yet I ured to boast on t. For I t myself, among t take s as a pebble or a small tree on a vast mountain. Only too scious of my o of my greatness?

        "Are not to t like ant- to tare-seed in a granary? Of all ted t one. And of all t tis, live on t of t in cart and boat, an individual man is but one. Is not ion, but as tip of a hair upon a horses body?

        "tentions of ted, trators, are but to get a reputation for learning. timation of self on t --    not very mucimation in refereo er?"

        "Very ; replied t of t;am I tard t and tip of a ;

        "Not at all," said t of t;Dimensions are limitless; time is endless. ditions are not stant; terms are not final. to space, and does nard too little, nor t as too muc t to dimensions. o t, and does not grieve over ime is    end. igates fullness and decay, and t rejoice if    if    ditions are not stant. ence does not rejoice over life, nor repi deat terms are not final.

        " man kno to be pared     knoence is not to be pared eo strive to ex te by means of tesimal necessarily lands o say t tip of a ra of smallness, or t tra of greatness?"

        "Dialectis of t; replied t of t;all say t tesimal    te is beyond all measurement. Is t true?"

        "If    t from tandpoint of t; said t of t; reacs limit; and if    tandpoint of t, it eludes esimal is a subdivision of tension of t. In to different categories. ture of circumstances. Noness presuppose form. t    be divided by numbers, and t    be measured. tness of anytopic of discussion, and tally imagined. But t ally ot be said to ness or smallness.

        "truly great man does not i credit y and mercy.    gain, but does not despise ts    for    does not lay great value on y.    is not proud of s differently from t does not place    or etrior because s y does    flatter a fes of to s puniss and s rig be distinguis great and small ot be defined.

        "I ao ation; truly virtuous ruly great man ignores self. t of self-discipline."

        "But ; asked t of t;arise tins of    and small in terial and immaterial aspects of t;

        "From t of vieao," replied t of t;tins of    of vieo distins, if    a t or small by its oandard of great or small, tion , not small. to kno t as a tare-seed, and tip of a ain, -- tivity {67}

        "In regard to fun, if    somets or does , by its oandard of existence or noe exist, not perisence. If    east and    are vertible a necessary terms iion to eacive) funay be determined.

        "In regard to mans desires or is, if    anyt is eito our individual (subjective) standards, t good, not bad. If    Yao and    of) terests bees apparent.

        "Of old Yao and Sed (in favor of ained, secter failed. tang and u got ting,    it. From t may be seen t ting ing like Yao or like e, and may not be regarded as a stant principle. "A battering-ram    knock do it ot repair a breac tly applied. Cravel 1,000 li in one day, but for catcs t equal to a . Different animals possess different aptitudes. An oigip of a    if it es out in time it    open s eyes a fail to see a mountain. Different creatures are differently stituted.

        "t t    its correlate,     its correlate, misrule, do not appre principles of ture of all creation. One migalk of tence of    t of Eartive principle    tive,     stop; suc be either fools or knaves.

        "Rulers abdicated under different ditions, and ties succeeded eaditions. t time and    against tide are called usurpers. t t time and fitted in . ins of    and small?

        "In t; replied t of t;o do about deing and accepting, folloion)?"

        "From t of vieao," said t of the O.

        " loion (uniting opposites). to folloe course    departure from tao.    is muc is little? Be t. to folloo diverge from tao. Be exalted, as tate ion is impartial. Be at ease, as ty of tion is impartial. Be expansive, like ts of t a limit. Embrace all creation, and none sered or o be    bias. And all t? tao is    beginning,    end. terial t is taken for t. Emptiness and fullness alternate, and tions are not fixed. Past years ot be recalled; time ot be arrested. tion, goes in a cycle, eacrut every turn, at every    s s do? Let t;

        "If t; said t of t;ao?"

        "tand tao," ans of t;must necessarily appreernal principles and ternal principles must uand tion. tand tion do not suffer material to i virtue ot be burnt by fire, nor droer, nor    by ter or t of summer, nor torn by bird or beast. Not t    of t t es bety and danger, is ances alike, and cautious in ion, so t none    harm him.

        "t    ural) abides ificial) . Virtue abides in tural. Knoion of tural and of tificial s basis in tural its destination in virtue. ting, to tial and to timate."

        " do you mean," enquired t of t;by tural and tificial?"

        "; ans of t;. t is tural. Put a er on a ring t is tificial.

        "t    let tificial obliterate tural; do not let erate destiny; do not let virtue be sacrificed to fame. Diligently observe ts    fail, and t to true."

        tipede; tipede eo tipede, "I    on one leg but not very successfully. ;

        "I dont ma; replied tipede. " is ejected, t. At random tless numbers. So, too, does my natural mec my kno;

        tipede said to t;it move as fast as you ?"

        "Ones natural mec; replied t;is not a to be eed ;

        to t;I    by moving my spine, as if I o be    form, a you e blustering doo bluster ao t?"

        "tis true," replied t;t I bluster as you say. But anyone o me, excels me. On tear aroy large buildings. to me. Out of many minor defeats I ory {70}. And to ory is given only to t;

        ed Kuang, t    on singing to ar    stop. ", Master," enquired tselu, "t you are so c;

        "e ; replied fucius, "and I ell you. For a long time I    been o admit failure, but in vain. Fate is against me. For a long time I    in vain. t e. In t t due to t t due to tupidity. tances    way.

        "to travel by er    fear of sea-serpents and dragons, -- to travel by land    fear of tigers, -- ters.    blades cross, to look oo kno failure is fate and t success is opportunity, and to remain fearless in times of great danger, -- top bustling, Yu! My destiny is trolled (by someone).

        Sly afterain of troops came in and apologized, saying, "e t you ; ired.

        Kungsun Lung {71} said to Mou of ei, "udied teacood ty and duty. I learo level togeties and differeo found arguments on "; and ";, to affirm ify e. I vanquiss of all people. I t t I ood everyt no I se, I am lost in astonis. I kno    I am not equal to o impart to me t?"

        Prince Mou leaned over table and sigo ;o turtle of tern Sea,    a great time I am o tire to rest in t on my armpits, resting my ja above ter. Plunging into t up to t-are of tadpoles I see around me are my matco occupy suco be as    e and pay me a visit?

        "Nourtle of tern Sea    its left leg duck fast, and it so be excused. It told t t measure its breadts dept Yu:, t of ten; but t add to its bulk. In tang, t out of eig t make its s to be affected by time, and not to be affected by increase or decrease of er, -- su Sea. At tonis very small, like one lost.

        "For one    appreciate ties of true and false to attempt to uand Cse, is like a mosquit to carry a mountain, or an irying to slest teac is satisfied emporary success, -- is not he well?

        "Cse is noo reacly ts are gone, engulfed in t or    - starting from tiknoo t Unity. A you to find ruts! t tube, or pointing at t tty?

        " to study t at an? {72} Before an gait, ten    go a o e, and he slunk away.

        Cse o burden you ration of tate." Cse    on fis turning ;I    in Cortoise ortoise carefully enclosed in a    ral temple. Noortoise rats remains veed, or    rats tail in t;

        "It ; replied ts tail in t;

        "Begone!" cried Cse. "I too ail in the mud.

        se er in tate, and Cse o be minister in your place." tse s to find him.

        tse    to see ;In t is a kind of p?    starts from to fly to t    alig on tung tree. It eats not t of t t spring er. An oten carcass of a rat, looked up as t screec me over your kingdom of Liang?"

        Cse and se rolled on to t;See ing about! t is t;

        "You not being a fis; said se, ";

        "And you not being I," retorted Cse, " I do not kno;

        "If I, not being you, ot kned se, "it follo you, not being a fis kno;

        "Let us go back to your inal question," said Cse. "You asked me ion s you kne I kne (from my o;