Oernoon o meet Antonapoulos at t store ter explai Cs for o be taken to tate insane asylum tails tled. Antonapoulos o leave and to be admitted into t, week.
Singer read tter several times, and for a alking to er, but even try to read and. At last Singer e on ttle pad :You ot do tonapoulos must stay h me.
Cedly. know muc saying over and over.
Singer kne everyt some day be responsible for his cousin.
o ood to admit his cousin
to t delay.
thing Singer could do.
t y. alked and talked. And alto rest tell all t o say. ed to talk to Antonapoulos of all ts t , but t time. tered and elligent face expressed great strain.
Antonapoulos o w ood.
tonapoulos must leave. Singer broug Ms ocase and very carefully packed t of t possessions. Antonapoulos made o eat duriernoo for t time toget e November, and little hem.
Co travel ood apart from t tation. Antonapoulos croo ttled e preparations on one of t seats. Singer cely to talk for t time Antonapoulos ention. Just before turo Singer and e—as t.
t follo seem real at all. All day Singer niguro ted to sleep. As soon as and try to doze aalk- ing to onapoulos g him.
Siried to time before ried to ret to ain t none of tried to remember seemed real.
ticular fact t it at all important to , alt, ale. an orpitution for to talk o read. Before alk er to follos of peoples lips and to uand augo speak.
At t very intelligent. of t o speaking natural to ongue felt like a t be like t ting in ry to talk o so say. y-toonapoulos immediately. Siime his.
Not ten years onapoulos.
In ag loneliness would be in him.
Occasionally onapoulos, but y, dreaming way.
In t sleep and less. At evening onously around to all it o a sleep t lasted until t struck suddenly bear.
oonapoulos had
lived, and ed a pla a s far from ter of town.
e a restaurant only taurant treet and t day e a s note and to tor.
Eac I an egg, toast, and coffee $.For lunc soup (any kind), a meat sandables (any kind but cabbage), fis, and a glass of beer— $.thank you.
tor read te and gave , tactful glance. , t of er, , quietly all t on around o k one of ables times a day.
Eace .
Sometimes ts o matter. ated and uffed tigo ts of rousers. tation gave o exion and t o be a brooding peace t is seen most often in t still reets of to and alone. \_f N A black, sultry nigood beer of t side treet ligurned off, so t t from tangle o ed, but inside
tomers drinking beer or Santa Lucia olidly, ing on ter and ip of ent. c, squat man in overalls o te ables, or to otomers before ter. But urned back to ter and Biff tio silently beer. t last aurant a final survey and to tairs.
Quietly ered t top of tairs. It er oe struet for tcase on t to leave urned on.
Alice sat up in t you doing suitcase? s you get rid of t lunatic giving hes already drunk up?’
ake up and go do soused on to it, Misses Brannon.’
I you leave t bag alo dont belong to t sponger any more.’
I knos not one, Biff said. Myself—I dont kno Im not t kind of a thief.’
Calmly Biff put docase on teps outside.
t so stale and sultry in t airs. o stay for a s wer befoing back.
I told you already get rid of t felloonigime akes t t nig paid o. And all alking and carrying-on trade.’
You dont kno kno;tion first came in welve
days ago and ranger in to y dollars rade. ty at the minimum.’
And si, Alice said. tive days o, and so drunk its a disgrace to t a bum and a freak.’
I like freaks, Biff said.
I re you dol I just re you certainly ougo, Mister Brannon—being as youre one yourself.’
tention. For t fifteen years of t plain Biff and Alice. ter and Misses, and si up enougo c.
tm just er not be tomorrow.’
Biff into ter ime for a s ood before tatively. alked to Alice. itter.
Being around t woman always made from made , he bed.