首页canterbury tales20


        So saying, from tree ep surnd,

        But first loo the power [ 835 ]

        t d hin, whose presence had infusd

        Into t stial sap, derivd

        From ar, drink of Gods. Adam the while

        aiting desirous urn, had wove

        Of c Flours a Garland to adorne [ 840 ]

        resses, and her rural labours ,

        As Reapers oft are    t Queen.

        Great joy o s, and new

        Sola urn, so long delayd;

        Yet oft , divine of somthing ill, [ 845 ]

        Misgave ring measure felt;

        And forto meet , took

        t Morn ed; by tree

        Of Kno,

        Scarse from tree returning; in her hand [ 850 ]

        A boug fruit t downie smild,

        Neherd, and ambrosial smell diffusd.

        to ed, in her face excuse

        Came Prologue, and Apologie to prompt,

        will s. [ 855 ]

        t    my stay?

        t, and t it long, deprivd

        till now

        Not felt, nor swice, for never more

        Mean I to trie, , [ 860 ]

        t. But strange

        o heare:

        tree is not as old, a tree

        Of daasted, nor to evil unknown

        Opning t of Divine effect [ 865 ]

        to open Eyes, and make taste;

        And asted suc wise,

        Or not restraind as    obeying,

        n of t, and is bee,

        Not dead, as nd, but th [ 870 ]

        Endud h human void human sense,

        Reasoning to admiration, and h mee

        Perswasively    I

        asted, and have also found

        ts to correspond, opener mine Eyes [ 875 ]

        Dimm erst, dilated Spirits, ampler ,

        And groo Godhee

        C,    thee    despise.