首页canterbury tales22


        So having said, as one from sad dismay

        Reforted, and after ts disturbd

        Submitting to w seemd remediless,

        to Eve urnd. [ 920 ]

        Bold deed t presumd, adventrous Eve

        And peril great provokt, wh dard

        been onely coveting to Eye

        t sacred Fruit, sacred to abstinence,

        Muco taste it under bao touch. [ 925 ]

        But past who    recall, or don undoe?

        Not God Omnipotent, nor Fate, yet so

        Per not Die, per

        Is not so asted Fruit,

        Profand first by t, by    [ 930 ]

        Made on and unaste;

        Nor yet on    lives,

        Lives, as t, and gaio live as Man


        to us, as likely tasting to attaine [ 935 ]

        Proportional ast, w be

        But to be Gods, els Demi-gods.

        Nor    I t God, Creator wise,

        tning,    so destroy

        Us ures, dignifid so high, [ 940 ]

        Set over all his orks, whi our Fall,

        For us created, needs    faile,

        Depe made; so God se,

        Be frustrate, do, undo, and labour loose,

        Not well ceavd of God, whough his Power [ 945 ]

        Creation could repeate, yet h

        Us to abolis the Adversary

        triumpate whom God

        Most Favors, w

        ? [ 950 ]

        Matter of se, not to be given the Foe,

        my Lot,

        Certain to undergoe like doom, if Death

        sort o mee as Life;

        So forcible    I feel [ 955 ]

        ture drao my owne,

        My o t is mine;

        Our State ot be severd, we are one,

        One Fleso loose to loose my self.