首页children of the dark mvCHAPTER 10


        ted a s and is in tood Lucravel in jackets and so .

        "Aniday, get up a dressed. Youre ing ;

        "M?" I rubbed t;Its t."

        "time. Youd best be quick," Luchóg advised.

        e stole along trails t, leaping like rabbits, scrambling t speed and no pause. Clouds passed be rail led across empty roads, our feet sounding on t. e darted talks t rustled and    a barn big against ttis. In all, a co our fleeting presence. A dog barked once. Past tcrees, anotream from t of a bridge. On to a ditc paralleled ts cover. to ligo a deep violet. An engine cougruck passed by on the road above.

        "e started too late," Igel said. "o be more careful    o being one of us."

        Looking doruck stopping at a dreary bungaloskirts of to door stood a small general store    front. te, desded from    t briskly ies t ked against t up in t to follo not ten yards from tation, and ting in dire spiracy. t of desire began to take s. Atop te bea.

        "Go get t cup," Igel ordered. "Dont be seen."

        t, and any ation on my part risked discovery. It ask to sprint across t, grab to our hiding place. Fear held me back.

        "take off your s; Igel advised. "t;

        I slipped off my brogans and ran to ts red-ouro go, o t. Glass on glass. I imagiatioing a peculiar motion at to stop me. But no sucrotted bay rades, riumph.

        "You dole treasure."

        ";—Igel stared do;I    a;

        ttle    s, and ing ttled into my stomaco sch.

        At midday, o toeps, ing at t of any people. Stopping only at places t appeared to be empty, ed. tone ole armloads of fruit from a pear tree. Eace    sin, and ook far more t. I ed to abandon t ossed most of to to rot in took a , fres, and I ser for Speck. Luced one sock from a ;tradition." . "tery of t;

        As dayligs slocer came tomobiles. e ed for su, ligs out. Good-nig goodnigo darkness like bubbles in a craying per midnigful bactlefield general, Igel studied time before    into treets.

        Years    looked torefront oy s to ot I could not pass by a single place    experieng a flood of associations and memories. At tes of tin raised by a pom less dy e in front of t back smells of es and birture of creaming out by ts doubledoors, screaming for summer. For all ty, reets uled me    ers and straig of itive arcecture bore doions—StOP, EAt V—did not illuminate any mystery, but only left me indifferent to reading tant messages. At last, o our target.

        Luco a    seemed muall and narro lookout until    click of t lock; airs to t. As ousled ly,    tine and Bosco, cereal in brigables, fruit, fis. Every ed me, but Igel    allo;e    no; ttom roip, dipped it in tasted it.


        ed the procedure.

        "orse ... sugar."

        "t stuff ; Luchóg said.

        "Excuse me," I interrupted, "but I    read.    are you looking for?"

        Luc me as if tion    preposterous t;Salt, man, salt."

        I poio ttom s even    t of language, one migure of trail of salt. " Rains, It Pours," I said, but to take my meaning. e loaded our rucksacks    tore by t door, a deflatiure, sidering t reacil daybreak. t, as I er discover, o preserve meat and fis at time, I felt as if o port    filled h sand.

        er, Specks eyes . Sattered jersey sed ter over    of tled me, and I looked a, curled up tom, and bade me sit beside her.

        "tell me, O Great er, about your visit to t your misory."

        "t muco say. e    to tore for salt. But I sale of milk." I reay pocket and broug a soft, overripe pear. "I brougoo."

        S t;tell me more.    else did you see? ;

        "Like I ting at time. epped into lampligimes several s oside t;

        "Youve seen ser lig;

        "It is a strange ligraig is unreal and a bit scary."

        "ts just a trick of your imagination. rite your impressions in your book." Speck fier. "Speaking of books, did you see t;


        " see t;

        "I ten all about it." But as alked, I could recall taen and i ake;I used to go t me take    a paper card and signed my name on a slip at t;

        "You remember."

        "But I dont remember e. I didnt e Aniday."

        Sed it for soft spots. "Get me a knife, Aniday, and Ill cut take you to to see t;

        Rat as before,    of camp at noon on a crisp October day    so mucrail into to ook our time, as if strolling t ing to reacreets until dusk. A broad o    for a long break in traffic. I sed t t mig our vantage point oo far from to make out any of the drivers.

        At tation on torag lazy arcs, enjoying t fun in t sunlig before I could see , o t. I    in my bones seric approa. A moments indecision, and    our advantage. Springing from ted, "Run!"

        teet to c after Luced tooo t. rees, s I    off turned and faced t for    sepped to t by t into t landed, and scrambled to its feet i pain and fusion. Looking back over its s tucked ail between his legs and slunk away.

        ing doion, trotted alongside Lucime pet. topped as one in front of us, and ts tail and licked Luc;Do you remember t c;

        "Youre not supposed to mention—"

        " old lullaby our mao sing."

        "Guten Abend?"

        ;Guten Abend, gut Nac Rosen bedad troked t;turns out music dot."

        "Breast," s;te is: Music o soot."

        "Dont tell ; Luc out. "Auf iedersezi. Go on ; trotted off.

        "t ; I said.

        Feigning noncte. "Could ;

        "If    somebody, play dumb," Spestructed. "tell us to go on alk and dont say a ; I looked around ty streets, er, but all to be i dinner, batting ready for bed. In many ed from hin.

        tted stately in tree-lined block. Speck moved as if simes before, and ted. Luco a staircase and pointed out a gap he main wall.

        "I dont t t. My oo big, and Im not t skinny."

        "Luc; Speck said. "atc;

        old me t of softening ones bo is to t, simply realizing ones oy. "It    time, lad, like every good t trick to it. A matter of faitice."

        o t sig narroemples took o er softening myself, I o remember to keep my muscles tense for a ice, squeezing became sed nature.

        Underruck a matcouco a dle a    smelled of must and kerosene. Ea brougures of to s on a slig trancee fortably, rising to te ting. I t tell you imes I bumped my    far ally, a sort of ion to t did not rest on tion, tter tside during ter. By lamplig someone ouc er, a sort of easy cs. Lucte pouc, if    smoke. Grumblihe crack.

        "So    rustic, but still ... civilization."

        "Its grand."

        "You    seen t part. t you ; Speck motioned me to follotled up to turned out a knob, and a panel dropped from ted    on t, ing for urn, looking up ty space. All at once, he frame.

        "Are you ing or not?" she whispered.

        I follo from our ced in t I could still make out—my    leapt at t—roer roy of books. Speck turo me and asked, "No;