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chapter 38

        By ta of I^oyalty, tries no    s not to discuss, meddle or interfere in any ics of t ely to accept, submit to and abide by erms of peace tual rulers may decide upon among ta of Loyalty,    once give tual rulers of tries no o make peace; in fact, po oo order and and peace. I am perfectly sure t as soon as tual rulers of tries no    once order and and peace. I say, I am perfectly sure of tries no e incurable lunatics or demons,    t t, _no, not even, I ure to say    slandered man nories no    see t feto tio spend nine million pounds sterling of t-earned money of to slaug men and to destroy t    infernal madness. ts of tries no    see t, as I said because t to be done, if t actual situation noo be saved, is to rescue ts of tries no hem power.

        tragic uation no to say    only in ts, but also in tries no    ted by nobody and brouges to io denous fing on too,    being scious of it, icle by stating t ticle of    a "stop t; paper. o say:

        "Being in t go on figil    erroritory and security intad ure peace of Europe assured as far as . " tegrity and security of tisure peace of Europe to be obtained only by going on indefinitely spending nine million pounds sterling of good money and slaug men everyday! trous absurdity of su, I believe, o be stated, to be seen by any one e of spending and slaugime, tainly be peace, but no Europe left on tterly unfit to decide on tion of pead titude of mind of a man even like Professor Dison clusively s.

        But t I    to insist upon    everybody even in tries no s peace, but nobody o make peace, to stop t t nobody o make peace, to stop t ty of making peace. ty of making peace it is ries no    ted by nobody and broug an infernal madness. t to be doo make everybody see t t an infernal madness is to s ty of making peace . In order to make every-body see t ty of making peace, t and simple to do is at oo stop to i some one o stop to iries no e poy, _absolute poo order and and to be stopped at once. As soon as everybody sees t topped, everybody in tries no    pere incurable lunatics, o see t ted by nobody and broug an infernal madness; t tinued, o tries . As soon as tries no op tries no    t    only possible, but easy for a man like President ilson of ted States to make a successful appeal, as t Roosevelt did during to tries no o order and and to be stopped at ond to find a o make a perma peace. I say it    ilson to make a successful appeal for peace because, I believe, in order to make peace, tant tries no o build a special lunatic asylum and arrest and clap into it te incurable lunatics, _men like Professor Dison y and security of tisure peace of Europe!