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chapter 24

        My Jesus to knoing,    tis ;

        eaco the Sunday school and her

        "Mr. t; _y. In tances,     . Non-essential,_ yes; indifferent,_no. t of grad cestantisms setting of its religious life is not an indifferent matter; it is a real    ye to    to    ther undone.

        Last of all I    out to you    important quality of all, in ty inguisions a or modern. ty in t is true, is on to tion ension to civilisation, but ty, I    to say o su as you    noion I gave above from t;Lessons for omen, " by Lady tsao, _I translated as modesty and cerally meaired, secluded, occult and terally means " at ease or leisure. " For t;modesty, bas; only gives you an idea of its meaning. ttsamkeit es o it. But per to it of all. ty expressed by ties. ty of pudeur developed in y, in fact, t or ideal y expressed by togety,

        and ,    or fles is ty expressed by t to make every true ctively feel and kno it is o s it is i , acc to to go on a platform and sing before a croion. In fi is tiveness a-gainst t;garis; to true o oter ts, the ineffable fragrance of orchids.

        In t love song, I believe, of translated for t pie try, thus described,

        t by the river-side ;

        t to be our Prince    s bride .

        t iao ion as terally yao) secluded, meek, siao attractive, debonair, and te girl or    love song in Cial qualities in t of all, purity or city. In s, true Ce; stractive and debonair. t;C;

        In teslated as

        t of Life, t part of taining tical teac of life cludes ion of a hus:

        " hen wife and children dwell in unison,

        tis like to e une,

        hers live in cord and in peace,

        train of harmony shall never cease.

        Make t.

        Your wife and dear ones s.

        ture ate s civic order, to tleman in Cy is tate tley, ure he home in a.