

        DAN StUARt oold us, t    remember tely o tion at Somerset    occasionally ed a party of ladies across t     in of    t neood t y years or more -- s gilt-globe-topt front fag t emporium of our artists grand Annual Exposure. e sometimes h Daniel.

        A    tempered of Editors. Perry, of t,    oier. S. was frank, plain, and Englislemen.

        It is sooto plate to trace t little bubblings of a mighty river;

        ito approache rocks,

        reams reno song.

        Fired or ramblings after t Nilus,    Cs al) sallying fort rise of sun, not very aking, to trace t tonian stream ! -- to its scaturient source, as ary quest -- for it ial to ty, of a Discovery, t no eye of sce. By flos, and verdant lanes, skirting rained us on in many a baffling turn; endless    seemed; or as if ters ant to    of tivity revealed; till spent, and nig of te dotenit aplis, t t Bru enterprise    too arduous for our young shoulders.

        Not more refreso ty curiosity of traveller is trag of some migers up to tlet, t is to a pleased and did reader to go back to t calloure; from t o trod on.

        In tial retaio its establis, kept an auto furnisum of ty paragrap    pretty oo -- uarts settled remuion in t of t, above all, dress, furniserial. to exceed seven lines. Ser t be, but t .

        A fas ture, er to S.s Paper, establisation in t line. e ;capital ; O ts ic differences! from trite and obvious floo tume of t ting upon "many ers." teral topic of ancles.    an occasion to a truly ce er, like ourself, of touice brink, a umbling over it, of a seemingly ever approximating somet;not quite proper;" er, balang bet des and tes, ion is destru;    and darkness, or ; a ain delicacy; Autolycus-like in till putting off ant auditory ;; But, above all, t ceit arrided us most at t time, and still tickles our midriff to remember,    of Astraea -- ultima Coelestum terras reliquit -- o togs still -- t MODEStY tAKING ALS,    BLUS tO tRACt OF tEP. t be called t; and eemed tolerable ing in those days.

        But tra mode eness, a us scarce a leg to stand upon. Ot none, met, snant, so invitatory of ss, and more t to sively for a f toutest digestion. But to o furnis not for a f for a long traio do, tle ion. "Mao il t; -- from a reasonable    . Noion took us up from eigill five every day in ty; and as our evening    t time Of life, o do    follo time ory of jokes -- our supplementary liveli supplied us in every    beyond mere bread and cly t part of tly denominated No Mans time; t is, no time in o be up, and ao speak more plainly, it is t time, of an ion, in    for .

        O da mucer in to rise,    above four o-beds icipated times in ing cup at midimes, and to    us --    stellated under Aquarius, t ery sign, and ter-sponges, nor aken rees at Mount Ague -- s, jolly panions,    to o get up, as ailed of ing, a of refresance -- to be ated to rouse ourselves at testable rap of an old ic, ake a diabolical pleasure in    t it ;time to rise;" and o amputate, and string t our co be a terror to all suc-breakers in future -- "Facil" and s, as Virgil sings, ;desding" of t, balmy t sinking of t to get up, as o say,

        -- revradus, Superasque evadere ad auras --

        and to get up moreover to make jokes ;labour," t;;

        ian taskmaster ever devised a slavery like to t, our slavery. No fractious operants ever turned out for yranny, ing Sundays too), ter of course, and claim no Sabbatical exemptions. But to our     to tain must e to Ma --

        Reader, try it for once, only for oh.

        It    every    a fasogs came up; but mostly, instead of it, sed, untractable subject; some topic impossible to be torted into ture, upon illatioale of brick-making    before you, ra emple -- must be fed; it expected its daily rations; and Daniel, and ourselves, to do us justice, did t ing him.

        liness for t, and oil of ;easy ing," Bob Allen, our quondam scapping icable brains in a

wer>like service for t;Oracle." Not t Robert troubled    . If ly air about t .    last, t a matter of intelligence, and t no very important one,    seldom palmed upon ; for example sake -- " alkierday m casually o Deputy o add, t ty appeared to enjoy a good state of    remember ever to ter." tleman, so surprisingly met upon Snesture, ant butt for mirto t t     . e met A. in ly after traordinary renter, ears of satisfa in    ticipated effects of its annou    day in t quite pre of it lay at time; nor    easy to be detected, aged by type aer-press. ter    any t m tly after dispensed    e    in point. tion, it must be oy; and timent, or moral,    of y, and good neig some judged altogeto anso t promise of traced our friends pen after;true Briton," t;Star," t;traveller," -- from all ; Noto detect    failed, or topics ran loantly appeared t is not generally kno t t arms of Lombardy. t money-brokers in Europe." Bob o set t on tant point of blazonry, the whole College of heralds.

        tment of a regular    o be a part of tors find t te, and top up t    of "ty paragrap; first in t;orld." Boaden     to discover in traces of t vivacity and fancy    t of t tury. Even t er -- t "Astraean allusion " --    pedantid out of date, in these days.

        From t (for    once) by    transferred, mortifying exco te Rackstro-street    a transition -- from a ment, from rose-ands, to an office -- no office, but a den rat just redeemed from tion of dead monsters of    -- from tre of loyalty and faso a focus of vulgarity aion! , ie from its square tents to t of tor, and oget oime, sat in torial funs (t;Bigod" of Elia) ted John Fenwick.

        F.,    a guinea in , and    not many in ts of    and, ick doubtless) torsorss and titles (suc ood in t s e, and could no more tely determine upon pulling do in t instance, and making botunes by uated Demo about borro tamp Office, o publications of t side in politics. An outcast from politer bread, tats to tunes of our friend. Our occupation reason.

        Recolles of feelings --    boyiss kindled by tion, endency at time to Republi does assisted us in assuming a style of ing,    in no very uoo t ear fanaticism of F. Our cue o insinuate, rations. Blocks, axes, eribunals, ly -- t ttorney General    to detect times, indeed, ion uuart. But ers it is ever cerleman at treasury, o be marked at t office, s being submitted at least to ttention of t Sir J---s M----ing for India to reap ts of acy, as F. pronou, (it is icularising), o offeo be called, Citizen Stan one of t    patron t uck by us; and breaking up our establis, left us to t someifying,    of t    time, or a little earlier, t Dan. Stuart made t curious fession to us, t ;never deliberately o an Exion at Somerset ;