首页christian diorThe Cabinet of Edgar Allan Poe-1

The Cabinet of Edgar Allan Poe-1

        Imagine Poe in ts virtues; no Spartan, ime ilts to greet tere m, antly cur: "No man is safe ; ar of melanc    is alern, democratic ligions off treets do go.

        Perar of melan of time. . . it migtle secret bethe jug and himself. . .

        urns back to go and look; and tiless ligs ruck,    te ligrikes top    in situdes, a man must make s cealment because t of ts of no ambiguities. Eit; or a stranger. ranger, leman up from Virginia some gentleman) in e nigito titude, tocracy.

        Poe staggers u of tion of Independence. People think he is drunk.

        he is drunk.

        the new-found land.

        So you say s? Very    ory of rioni runk, grease-paint in ream, and made    appearan any stage in itled Mysteries of tle. On so sing a ballad clad in tty rags of a ballet gypsy.

        It eentury.

        At tille, old Sade is jerking off. Grunt, groan, grunt, onto teet of ea spring up a so succumb to delirium.

        ure moto a stage in tco sing an old-ty rags of a ballet gypsy. reble, dark curls, rosy ce kid! And eyes , somet struck directly to t so t torium broke out in raucous seal cs leatogetar    nig of fit-ups and dle-footlig so be a sing star; siable trajectory of teor, dorod them.

        But, er puberty, sill able, to ature and slim build, to tio persole ducks and prattlers of bot sility personified; soo.

        Sness, an excellent t;; not a dry eye in tried    Juliet and Cordelia and, if necessary, could perso soubrette; even h!

        Out popped born, ling after to ss and suckle at    s even s in t, Op and ttle Pickle, te kid in terpiece, for to leave tre after a tragedy uumes and came back to give ttle sometra to chem up again.

        Little Pickle rousers role. So top buttons of coat to let out a sore, milky breast to pacify little Edgar calls t ed oo voluptuous imitation of a boy, likewise howled and screamed.

        A mug of porter or a bottle of able all time. Ston in o Edgar to suck .

        tor and only ever carried a spear iayed beo look after ttle ones. David Poe tipped a tumbler of    gin to Edgars lips to keep . temperance    of ttle of ardent spirits and snuggled dotle Edgars longclotage, ero, stitcs flesoget it could u t preserved trical illusion of Mrs Elizabeteen-intil tenth.

        Applause rocked round t so believe t s -- Mrs Poe exited ted se to cram ired tears ran rivers tonous clamour of ts argume last to sleep but ts transparent s vestigial ears in terror.

        (to be born at all mig thing.)

        last t oon in a crical b-y after many ed bed    on to use a pair of blunt iron tongs to scoop out taed up over Mrs Poes looddlers sa trument and ted silence, like te on ice, and sometootche midwifes pincers.

        It was a girl.

        David Poe spent    in a nearby tavern, ting ted.

        to groantial.    once    lines and began to     evening. Mama slept on t on the beginning of absence.

        one o     on evaporating until ed    away, leaving beered floorboards.

        As soon as ted    out of bed, sed doinia s because sour of t a to eat o ; to Norfolk; to Rid.

        Do is tid    of summer.

        Stripped to    into a glass; test baby must be s mother dies.

        S me on ;My c ered and soon acquired a febrile brillia    of t all; red spots brigilton c muscular, palpitating, promi, litood out of tle Pickles vest and breeoe t suspension of disbelief and somete, sometal in racted playing boted and appalled tnesses, ures of deatself upon resss friend, t a deaths head.

        t, sullen, Sned us. S on Opgown for her farewell.

        ral    of truck sparks from tones in tside. "Fat; said Edgar;    t ituted    t extremity in order to transport to a better place but, he ans eyes were full of worms.

        told    noake no curtain-calls no matter re plied s: "And from ed fless spring." (Not a dry eye in ts o table protectors. Eacoo kissed and parted, Edgar from iny one    lay still a ig.    again? tolled: never never never never never.

        Kind Mr Allan of Virginia, Edgars oicular beor, le ed o make room for Mr Allan i. Edgar o Sout do not t Edgar empty ress o leave    could not be taken a, a feattered memories.


        Item: nouris. A tit sucked in a green-room, tcoot, of nouris, ain only t endlessly unsatisified.

        Item: transformation. t reliets on ificial finery and ced ar of t , it rue but Mama slits    to catch her.

        Suck glass je t; bruurns blonde in the wink of an eye.

        Mama turns round to so the mirror.

        "Dont touc;

        And vanision of taffeta.

        Item: t    o be extracted. . . but t of memories and    itself in vague sionable dread only at t of al e.

        Item: tality. For, as soon as    c before, sarted to ree t of dying; once so cougion.

        Item: a face, t face of a tragic actor, e skin stretcige bones in a final state of ion.