首页村上春树国境以南太阳以西The Sea Lion Festival

The Sea Lion Festival


        by MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by Kiki

        I am smoking a cigarette after a simple luny apartment. I    my front door t really anyt    is just an ordinary sea lion. I mean    . Actually    ese.

        ”Good afternoon. o meet you,” says trust t I’m not disturbing you. Is time?”

        “It’s ok, I’m not really t busy,” I say, a bit flustered.

        Sea lions are relatively ening about t doesn’t matter    door, t look any different.

        t realization is almost more disturbing.

        “If you could just give me ten minutes, I’d be really grateful.” Out of    I gla my c t is unnecessary. I ime.

        “But it mig even take t long,” tically reading my ts. it even t it I lead o my apartment. I even offer ea.

        “You s    o go to sucrouble.” ea in one gulp. takes a cigarette from    pocket and lig er. “It’s still really , isn’t it?”

        “t’s for sure.”

        “But at least t so bad.

        “Yea it is September after all.”

        “our is already finiss    oto get , is tically finished.”

        “I guess you’re right.”

        t and looks around my apartment. “Five me f, but do you live here alone?”

        “No, I live    srip at t.”

        “Really? taking separate vacations sounds like fun.” tly ical laugh.

        It ely my fault, and I take full responsibility. I don’t care s at some bar in So tting on t stool. I t.    else    I say but since I am a tful person, I offered it to    ’s ook it.

        Misuandings cause problems. It isn’t t I dislike sea lions. t anyt I e about t t I’d be torn if suddenly one day my sister annou ss to marry a sea lion. Assuming t vigorously protest suc happen.

        o a sea lion is a pletely differele of fis o. A is tablisy on sucructure. Maybe it tains a    t’s ’s t collect beads.

        “A fee of mine received your business card, I believe.”

        “Really?” I pretend to    alking about. “I ty drunk so I don’t really remember t well.”

        “But my friend ed.”

        I drink my tea, politely feigning i.

        “I apologize again for dropping in unannounced, but I ed to take tunity to visit you. And since I his card. . . .”

        “You    something from me?”

        “It’s just a little t need some symbolic assistaeacly teacher.”

        “Symbolic assistance?”

        “Oo akes out a business card, and    to me. “tters.”

        “Sea Lioival Executive ittee Che card.

        “I trust t you ion.”

        “ell, I ’t really say t I    it.”

        “For us sea lions, our festival is aremely importa. It’s full of symbolic import. But t is also beneficial for t of the world”.


        “At t our existence is pretty marginal. But, at time …” Suddenly s amps te out in tray. “tors. e sea lions are sy for tual factor.”

        “O really, I’m just not ied in t kind of talk….”

        “e are aiming for a renaissance of sea lions. For to occur t be a corresponding renaissance all over t our festival o you    today our message to tally cival. e    our festival    serve as a springboard to ac is our message for the world.”

        “I guess I follow w you are saying.”

        “Up to noivals. Of course tiful aing spectacles. But    life is preparation for tival because festivals rue nature of our sea lioy. Festivals firm our identity: our sea lion-ness, if you ed in suuous a. Self-discovery is tion of tion.”

        “firmation of t?”

        “the grand deja vu.”

        I keep nodding my    . t’s just alk. t is on t stand bad let t it out of tem. By time t is past 2:30 and I am dead tired.

        “t’s all I ea.” Do you basically uand ?”

        “You are looking for a .”

        “No, no, ual assistas.

        I reay billfold and remove t of    muorroion is also due.”

        “ttle bit ’s t t ts,” th his hand.

        t entitled “t” and a sticker on ion for ticker is a problem until I remember an illegally parked red Seli t firmly in t looks like one of tickers so    rouble removing it.