首页村上春树挪威的森林在线阅读No Bringing in a Japanese Lunch with a Pickled Plu

No Bringing in a Japanese Lunch with a Pickled Plu

        ton Marat;Patriots Day" (a ts.) I joi year as on Maraty Maratest pleasures in my life in t    broadcast on tV in Japan, too. Similar to ty Maraton Marat ;go aurn" course urning point, but it    a "one ; course from one place to an point is a small toon, on, and ter of Boston.    ter about a 30- kilometer run, you o tackle ; Break ; in Boston    exaggerated, but youll notice oug is after actually running it yourself. Running up t so    after reacop, itll get arduous itself. You climb up to yourself t teep er t o endure. After a s break o top and you t is t course leading to toon, tigue to you as if it ing for you to e.

        tigue resembles tant you reac after clearing ties in t never uand    is    actually experieng it tle slopes in to; Break ; in steepness aart t you. I felt so t year. Especially temperature exed me. My record of tes,    of last year. But tarting point is so croo treet, and it takes us over 5 minutes actually to start running after t;Go" signal. taking all to at, I guess my record t so bad.

        Anyon t toered for us runners, and     noon. ttle, suburban toed by some 2,500 people, es to be overfloiners" reaumber of 8,000, erally it is a big festival oypical residential suburb t one    find anyanding from a strangers vie: oion, and one s main street. After passing along treet ation, a pub, a real estate agend a florist , youll find not an endless series of cozy    yards. Every tended and tly trimmed, but ts noto stimulate your imaginatioraordinary geous mansion remely stracts your attention. to insist t t valuable virtue in life is not to attract peoples attention. ty o be carting point simply because it is located exactly 26 miles or 42 kilometers from Boston, ers care, o er all.

        But participating in ton Marat tarting too observe town carefully.

        America    of ton Marat year. Everyar-Spangled Banner, and patriotic slogans. It    exceptional on, he church, I found an

        old jalopy, a Ced on t to t until you feel satisfied. One ed money, I o raise ters in town.

        I dont kno it coer anotook t. I doubted acle for tarting toon Marat it able, I t, judging from t t try    war.

        ted on, t t be suy surprise, a similar car    ing it e similar to t of t year. Probably it    different oc erribly last year could not serve as target again. Anyed on t to it and a signboard saying "One Pounding, One Dollar" only reminded me of last year. It also told, just as I guessed, t ted money o be used for tanding aside "Is tomobile?" Mumbling for an instant, t "Um...I dont t; As far as I noticed, no one omobile let for stress and it needs no specific reason, but no ical motivation for er all.

        If t;Japanese Car" ten on t     not    say anyte about it, for it is only tter based on an assumption. But anying for someoo batter it, inged mospmosp be transmitted by    is ;No...Um.." after a s interval to tion given by a passing-by runner, instead of giving back a definite, quick reply t "No, t a Japaomobile." Be interval, I guess, t "It is no ; ;um..." must be t expressed.

        Generally speaking, Ameris sense of antipated from Saddam o ting is very obvious in any field of tters from readers and torials denoung Japan and t average Ameris, except for tomobile    yet pound on a Japanese car    listening carefully for told ing tten messages.

        oime I actually experienced somety because "I am Japanese." It o sced at an Avis in s brake malfun. A clerk said to me, " face, ing into our try?" But tioion of t t Im Japanese, and t left me at a loss. Si, Ive been avoiding Avis as muc it is a story t e odays rising antipat Japan.

        My Prion is a calm residential tos ter and ined by elligent, or bot ility to trenton, a little omobile-o a large scale operational redu. A "Buy Ameri" rally    of a toyota dealer on Route Oually developing in some area of try, but it doesnt spread as far as t, snobbisoon. You    see a lot of Mercedes, Porsco to t;Buy Ameri" movement.

        ti-Japan message I o;Japan-bas; sticker s    on ting for traffic signal treen at an interse near    first sig figure out    er red cirall. So it looked more similar to a Japanese box luncer of rice tional flag. It must be like t is properly dra gives us t;Stop Japan." Figure A s "ning in a Japanese lunc; I doubt if ticker knoional flag correctly, and t    too easily, "dra; t ticker looked more o me t eit is not very agreeable


        toting a little better in t one or ten asked by Japanese, "Isnt it tougo live in America?" ly I alking to a Japanese female student studying at a uy in Pennsylvania, so me "In my c a feates and after going back to Japan, I ill in favor of try, but time ing back er living for a    I love Japan after all.    you, Mr. Murakami?"

        Asked by e puzzled o ans is because I t basic differen our daily lives, es. Of course, it migatus of tion. If one lives in a fn try in tage of life,    be more likely to be influenced by ternal ditions and disturbed emotionally. It is quite natural. t is t as for me, ttitude of everyday life.    meet unpleasant scumbags    language, irritatingly enoug lead you to be misuood by someone else. You miger someone arrogant or someooo stubborn to y. Someone mig ions frustrate you to some extent. But you o remember to you in Japan nearly as often as ates. No several occasions in Japan ingly, I couldnt even make myself uood in Japanese. You e a feoo, as you kno tage t ty, arrogant, speaking-ill-of-otive    tries, if examined carefully. t is also tage of teresting people.

        If asked es as a Japanese, I    t it is true. But I suffered various sorts of discrimination even rying to find an apartment, tate agents ofteed me by saying t "Oment to rent for t kind." Even after being a , I came across tions ;e only rent for to ted in tokyo Stock Market.." pared ory of racism against fners or non-Japanese in Japan, tion t I experienced mig be even elling, but it is not discrimination after all. You    figure out ion is until you stand on ted.

        Undergoiive t;I prefer to live in Japan" or "I prefer to live in tates." If I ive preferences. But as a matter of fact, Im not so young anymore and Ive been traio tical and skeptical manner. My only possible reply to tion t "Isnt it tougo live in tates?" is "It ougo live in tokyo." I knoe    nobody expects suchough.