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Spider Monkey at Night

        Spider Mo Night

        1995, heibonsha

        Revised on March 17, 2005

        S Stories:


        ranslated by OSAKABE Yoshio)

        Pencil Sy of AtANABE Noboru, Part I (translated by Copher Allison)

        Julio Iglesias (translated by Copher Allison)

        time Macy of AtANABE Noboru, Part II (translated by Copher Allison)

        Croquettes (translated by Copher Allison)

        Playing Cards (translated by OSAKABE Yoshio)

        Neranslated by OSAKABE Yoshio)

        Donutization (translated by Copher Allison)

        Antitranlated by OSAKABE Yoshio)

        Eels (translated by Copher Allison)

        tAKAYAMA Noriko-san and my Sexual Desire (translated by OSAKABE Yoshio)

        Octopus (translated by Copher Allison)

        A Raid by translated by OSAKABE Yoshio)


        Donuts, again (translated by OSAKABE Yoshio)


        Spider-mo Night

        Advertisement for Jazz Cafe in Kokubunji a long time ago (translated by Copher Allison)

        tickets (translated by Copher Allison)

        Bangkok Surprise (translated by Copher Allison)




        A Radiser

        Message Phone

        Stogs (translated by Copher Allison)


        Good News



        translated by Copher Allison)

        Back of Ceiling

        Mosho Mosho

        A hard Rains A-Gonna Fall

        Nicol, the Liar

        Deep Red Mustard

        About nig Effect of tale




        By MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by OSAKABE Yoshio

        trument sucs. Alt is tural    in a tart to sider sug seriously.

        be a horn?

        ?    me?

        An act of a person being a    carries deeper mystery t being a , I believe. It is tery you    uand everyt. But t, not a . If I am a , an act of a person being a    looks muge.

        I imagine o enter ernoon in a deep forest. During g, t. Or t tell ory of time in its boys plicated family background, a plex of its feature or its sexual hang-up.

        “I don’t kno a violin and flute,” t    gone abroad or skiing…” Siernoon, t became an inseparable and perfebination. After times like Flas, oday on tage and are playing t passage of Brao.

        Sitting on my seat in t o t suc a tuba in anot, ing for someoo walk by.


        Pencil Sharpener

        Or, ty of Noboru atanabe, part I

        by MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by Copher Allison

        If t a guy named Noboru atanabe, I , still be using a ratty old pencil so Noboru atanabe, a so my possession. tune does not happen everyday.

        anabe came into my kitcely spied my old pencil sting on table. t day, I    tcable for a c bettle of soy saud t shaker.

        Noboru ataable top out of t at t time, si or of pencil s figure out erested in on table top, at ealing suced glatered on table.

        "You knos a really nice pencil s t; Noboru atanabe said, after he pipe repair.

        "t; Surprised, I picked it up off table. It ed gadget Id been using for more t    from any otal part ed, and on top an Atom Seal sticker uck. In s, it y.

        " you ; Noboru atanabe said. "ts is a little different from any otype. tly different."

        "o; I said.

        It    I attained a brand ne model, and Noboru atanabe came aom Seal). Noboru atanabe al suces. Alt less recur, ty does not e too often in one lifetime.


        Julio Iglesias

        by haruki Murakami

        translated by Copher Allison

        After to coils disappeared, t one sio protect us from ttack of turtle. I ried to order more mosquito coils botelep telep, and mail service opped about t about it, tain I    to prevent t crafty sea turtle from doing just    sea brio to coils edly to    ttom of ttle, and taking a nap in preparation fhtfall.

        "eve done for," so me. " es, urtle."

        "e must not give up ; I said. "If    turtle."

        "But turtle stole every last one of our mosquito coils."

        " to try to tically. If turtle es mosquito coils so muc be somet es as ;

        "For example?"

        "Julio Iglesias," I said.

        "; she asked.

        "I dont kno just suddenly popped into my uition or somet;

        Folloincts, I put Julio Iglesias "Begin t; ourntable and ed for su.    got dark, turtle ainly launctack. ten, or le would weep.

        Just before midnigsteps raraiger voice began to sing "Begin t; tsteps immediately stopped, and in turtle anguished moaning.

        e en turtle.

        t nig;Begin t; 126 times. e Julio Iglesias too, it    nearly as bad as turtle.


        time Mae

        Or, ty of Noboru atanabe, part II

        by MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by Copher Allison

        t the door.

        I left tangerine I ing on top of tatsu and    to to find Noboru atanabe (plumber and collector of pencil sanding t    6:30, so Noboru atanabe said "Good evening."

        "Good evening," I replied, not really kno;

        "Yes, I knooday I o ask a favor of you. You ime mac t... you mig for a brand ne;

        "time mac; I repeated to myself, a little surprised. But t go a;Yes, t; I said casually. "You    to see it?"

        "Yes, if I mig;

        And so I apanied Noboru atao my four-and-a- room, angerine peel still sitting on tric kotatsu.

        "Aime mac;    he had a sense of humor kind of like mine.

        But Noboru atanabe didnt laugatsu futon urions, and tugged gently at the fs, one by one.

        "t; ;Incredible. Its a 1971 model National oo, sir?"

        "Yea; I replied agreeably. One of ttle    h.

        Sinoboru atanabe o s for a brand neime macold ;Go a; Norboru atanabe    out to    Ace parked in front of trieved a brand neric kotatsu (or time mak, broug into my room, and exc for tional "; (or time macig away.

        "t; Noboru atanabe said as . I urning to my room, I finising my tangerine.



        by haruki Murakami

        ttranslated by Copher Allison

        I    ty, maybe 18 or 19, and er. Standing nervously at the clasp of her purse.

        "Umm, year-end bonus, sir," s voice.

        "Ao sign for somet?" I said.

        "No, no. Im your year-end bonus."

        "Im afraid I dont quite uand."

        "ell, you see, to cut straigo t of tter, you    do . I old to e    K In cesy gifts."

        "I see," I groaned. K Ing drunk icular manager,    I ed for my end-of-t;A young girl." Of course, I said it as a joke. Never in my    dreams did I imagi sucruly first-rate publisually do it.

        "Unfortunately, Im really busy today. See, I    of o finisomorro really in t no made. If I oday, I could ;

        o sob. "Im useless. You t even give me a do a si. t even give me a drivers lise."

        "t; I said.

        But t going to keep ba to invite her in and give her a cup of coffee.

        "If you dont    to    me do someto provide you ars."

        "Id rat sing," I said, cutting , Id never be able to get my work done.

        "ttes. I make excellent croquettes."

        "Great," I said. I really like croquettes a lot.


        Playing Cards

        By MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by OSAKABE Yoshio

        After t, t to protect us from ttack of turtle. It    t urtle away.

        "e are finis ; s;to coils and Julios disc is ."

        "to be some ot; I said.

        " illy Nelson or Ric;

        "No, its only Julio t urtle," I kne.

        t day I    to to t rock. turtle napped as usual crouc s po attao matter    turtle, no idea to drive it ao me. I oo tired to play ion.

        e . And ending our lives eaten by turtle o go.    en by a sea turtle!

        e o our fate and finis meal. ea, turtle came upon us. Its footsteps approaceadily and it slowly walked round our house.

        "No; she said holding my hands.

        "e o give up. Its a s but pleasant life," I said.

        turtle peeped and found out t to coils, and no song of Julio Iglesias eits hands.

        Playing cards?

        And si. Its not suc mucter ten alive. Besides, its not as if ening to Julio Iglesias every night by choice.



        by MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by OSAKABE Yoshio

        treme be got into told me iails of t by myself.

        t notigation. If ttention, I o resider. t time tivities are limited to tee t t spread to t oo late to take a step after t.

        A from tnessed ively    er Saint Valentines day. I aking tesando to toranomon. A    o me and ion of ticle entitled ‘Depreciation of tion?’I gla a ne, “5 kg diet ges your life.” .

        train approacsuke station, ts    off, as usual, and t instant.    t urned upside-down.

        ‘?noitalfni ymonoce SU sgnirb rallod eaicerpeD’

        “efil ruoy segnaeid gk 5”

        ‘O again,’ to me. ‘ is t ing for?’

        ‘Yes, indeed,’ I replied.

        It    for us, if it lasts forever like this.



        haruki Murakami

        translated by Copher Allison

        At time o ionsly fell apart--I mean, ized girlfriend?--I started drinking in bars nearly every nig in "treasure of Sierra Madre."

        "Look, Big Brot    fall apart," my sister advised. "I kno donutized people never return to normal. You    to break up ;

        Sely rig as sized, tay donutized forever. I called t;I e breaking up, but in ts just fate. Ill never fet you...blea;

        "You still do?" tized girlfriend said. "ter of our ence is not you take a long,    t on looking only at tely around you?"

        ioo ask ized people only think in suarrow-minded, parochial ways?

        But anys     spring, my little sister, for no apparent reason, donutized as er graduating from Joucy, and beginning to rip, ayed at er day and cried er on t to see how shes doing.

        "You still do?" my donutized little sister says. "ter of our ence is..."



        by MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by OSAKABE Yoshio

        A picture card at last arrived from my uncle. e did not o Borneo last September to catcit    usual ilts and ut trees, tter itself from tter er, is quite amazing.

        “Unfortunately, Antit a big one, disappeared retly even is letters are se it on t.

        “Natives said t seen Antiter class for years. I caug moy-five long. Obviously a middle class, but acc to t’s even te my grief. Regarding tit’s caused by less volic as’s due to t no one knoe reasons. If to Japan by June.”

        An old picture of my uncle, posing in front of titives,    Antit in 1960’s. At t time, ime as titer and I felt firmly rong drive from ture. It ime like titers.

        to enter real sitaurants became as o catceorite by a tennis racket. Of course sometimes it’s on today. But it’s taken fra tasteless, small Antitear it to pieces immediately. Because    saying, “Big Antithing”.



        haruki Murakami

        translated by Copher Allison

        It    a p abruptly rousted me from a deep sleep. In t of t een sleep in    being t I    of t     the phone call came.

        Ring ring.

        First, t vaniss; and finally t at last only I . Just me: 37 years old, drunk, and not particularly likeable.    rigo deprive me of my eels and rubber boots?

        Ring ring.

        "; May Kasa;Are you t;

        "U; I responded.

        "s May Kasae. But ts ing in again. t a    in one of tc of t t moved t. Id not kidding: t doo te babies. I t stand it! So, like, bring over t spray again, OK? I knos late and everyt I totally e ants. So    you e?"

        In tly. his May Kasahara, who had robbed me of my eels?

        I tried asking ions.

        "O ake," said May Kasaic. "t problem    me flustered, ever si. Sorry."

        on, closed my eyes, and tried to find thick mud of sleep.


        tAKAYAMA Noriko-san and my sexual desire

        By MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by OSAKABE Yoshio

        Up to no AKAYAMA Noriko-san, ty-five years old. Srides treets o say, “I’m just oiled”. From a little far     after the heavy rain.

        time ( of Sendagaya elementary sa Iis my pany annoyed o part from me as soon as possible    s least to reduce my sexual desire o    .)

        It took some monto realize    so er I sa of tsuya station, o somepla tokyo”    araightening her spine.

        ook several steps to ed somet alone in front of tsuya station in an a se of “Summertime”. But I o knoAKAYAMA Noriko-san did not misuand my sexual desire.



        by haruki Murakami

        translated by Copher Allison

        Noboru atanabe sent me a postcard ure of an octopus on it. Beopus, a s en in a cramped hand.

        "It o my attention t you rendered my daug to extend my iest ts go out to eat octopus sometime soon."

        I ten back from a trip, and for one reason or anot o ride ter any aid. For t matter, I didnt even know er. I guess h someone else.

        But eating octopus toget sound so bad.

        I e Noboru atanabe a letter. On tcard, ture of a te:

        "tcard of topus a lot. Lets go out to eat togetact me at t;

        A full mont any response from Noboru atanabe.    it pass as a matter of courtesy, I t. And altra desire to eat octopus t montion t I o eat octopus anabe.

        Just about time I ting about Noboru atanabe and octopai altogetcard from ime ture of a manbo on it. Bee.

        "t octopus t ime indeed since I en sucopus as t. But ing t t time, I must take some issue. As t of a daug t age, I ot tolerate your sexual values. Lets get togetter leisurely over nabe sometime."

        Oanabe    again.


        A Raid by the Old Man Mushikubo

        By MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by OSAKABE Yoshio

        “I am t.

        “Yes, I knos around here know him.

        “Sorry for no notice but today I’d like to speak    virginity of young girls.”

        “ait …,    a minute. I am noory …” I tried to pus    a he door.

        “It doesn’t take a long time. If you like, you    cook there. e    speak here during your cooking.”

        Really, ’t be    garlid eggplant ter properly from t age usually, remely quickly in a t.

        “ are you cooking?” terestingly.

        “ell, spagti    and garlid kidney beans salad.”

        “Are they your supper?”

        “Yes.” I replied.    I eat in supper is no    of a stranger. I    kidney beans if I like to t kidney beans; I    a pumpkin if I like to eat ty of young girls, t to meddle. I o put into    if tes me, I am not sure ly s my mouter t s to say, he will go back.

        Until I ate tti and to o speak endlessly    a break about an importance of ty at t I er    errible disaster. But uionally I t… well, virgins ely.


        Donuts, again

        by MURAKAMI haruki

        translated by OSAKABE Yoshio

        I got a py Donuts Study Club. Ioday’s students i a lot of neo join symposium to discuss about donuts. Yes, I said. I    donuts and all my knoions are vastly superior to average students.

        tuming of ty Donuts Study Club el Neani. A live band played musid ttra of a donut-aligning game. After a snack    room. Besides me, a famous cultural ant and a cooking critic .

        I argued, “If donuts emporary literature, t as an essential pie a certain personal fog pohey paid me 50,000 yen.

        I so my pocket, moved to tel bar and drank vodka tonic    major,    t-aligning game.

        “Your novels are like donuts, bot t Flaubert ever t muuts.”

        S. I agree t Flaubert    muuts. But it’s tury and t tury is just around t at time is simply embarrassing.

        “Flaubert, cest moi.” I said trying to imitate Flaubert.

        “You are a funny man,” ster myself t I’m pretty good at eaining Frenc majirls.


        Advertisement for a Jazz Coffee S as in Kokubunji a Long time Ago

        by haruki Murakami

        translated by Copher Allison

        may alienate some people rigart, t tioner doesnt s not t it doesnt    all: t around t is quite cool. But if you move atle bit, t reacructural defect    for a    circumstances as well.

        In t a jazz fan, te unpleasant. If, on t jazz fan, you may find to be less-tisfying. to    example of "You t please all time." e dont raine records. In pensation, az. t records, but s out for o not a d its badly out of tuy of t its alid t may not be t suitable background music for talking to your s.

        exactly retit,    very talkative eit not very good at talking.    busy, s at ter and reads books. to tell trute uedly e a novel and receive a literary prize for neers, but no one kno. t even knoo tly listening to e music everyday. It is not knos 2:30 in ternoon, and "Billy taylor at London ; is playing. Its not a very good performance, but t. In a, please dont blame .



        haruki Murakami

        translated by Copher Allison

        I tried asking my fat;Dad,    ter ttle ickets. tickets from trains, a bentos. trips of cabbage in tos." I t about ttle    uand    cer t year,    very fair. ; to eat ct just t ;

        "So t er t tos?" I tired asking. "rain reacs destination, all t off. ticket from anotrain," my father said.

        "And t anoto ?" I sed, uo restrain myself. I t stand even t of ed to my fatuy tongue. "ts terrible! I do any of t stuff," I said.

        me. But it    my fat a ead. ticket in ;Neig    from me and ride train, youll o eat crips of cabbage for ever and ever and ever. Neig;

        I    I cried and cried. After a moment o my fat; cry.    to Maalds a ; Fatle voice." So I finally stopped g.


        Bangkok Surprise

        by haruki Murakami

        translated by Copher Allison

        "; a womans voice asked.

        "Yes, ts rig;

        "Please excuse turbance. You see, Ive been calling 5721-1252."

        "O; I said.

        "Ive called it like 30 times si no one ever ans on a trip or somet;

        "And?" I asked.

        "And,    maybe, si seemed like you migry 5721-1252 instead."


        t a little bit. "I just came back from Bangkok last nig amazing to me in Bangkok. It otally unbelievable. Absolutely incredible. I o stay t I came . I really    to talk about o sleep, keeping it bottled up like t    to tell somebody. So I t maybe t 1251 en to me."


        "But I t I really couldnt tell a oo easily, I t;

        "U; I said.


        "I turned 37 last mont;

        "37,    ter if it tle younger. Im sorry for saying so."

        "Os OK."

        "Im sorry," s;But Ill try 5721-1253. Bye."

        t ened in Bangkok.



        by haruki Murakami

        translation by Copher Allison

        Imagihis, if you will:

        ts oe ties, and    un is,    5 9"?

        You follow me so far?

        s it doable in t seems as if to extract tents. First,    some black stogs. t panty t e separately, to a pair.    about a dozen stogs all toget to be ied in togs, and t so muc t a black    t, able stereo. After looking it over briefly, ts terested. tated, judging by    five or six packs of cigarettes. te.    a cigarette, ences smoking. After taking tomps it out .

        Just telep ation, ;; ;No, no. Its n; t;Its totally     and I dont smoke. I    eaten c least ten years.... ts rigion to t all. Do you uand?" and he phone.

        rieves a y box of cog. time, retcog tig up to t to exami closely. to s pocket, rieves all t, jingling, into ay vase nearby. uffs tretcog into t exactly t moment, t tside t, balding maerflies is standing. And jabbing h a rolled-up neer, he speaks in a gruff voice.

        So, ion.

        " in t;

        You een seds to ansick tock tick tock...


        the India Salesman

        by haruki Murakami

        ttranslated by Copher Allison

        Usually about once every oto our ;I bet its about time for to e," and sure enoug as if ;you sry tet about t ; and t; t ill e," but ts tet and "I bet its about time for t; slips carelessly out of    fail, t about t le-like eyes t bulge out of ;ts all on at of India," o me boastfully. "If you make sure to get your India, kid, youll turn into a big, strong guy, just like me. Youll ;

        really get all of tuff o me, I al t    makes me nervous. Sometimes t my motoo. I ts amazing. Even my fat really yell at my mother.

        "Maam, Im ime I ing our pantry. "Like I al use it sistently, a little at a time, so t it    be absorbed into t    . Look at your kid. Lately, it seems like    sparkle quite as brig    do. If you look in    I mean. If you look in oo little India.    getting enoug you tiful? iful, isnt    o get more India."

        "I guess youre rig; my mot;But t like I o . I kno India is great and everyt..."

        "t; t;ter, all    air. If you    t to make it India. Anyt doesnt pare."

        As a result of ttle more India.    t the India salesman was really amazing.