首页电影white as snow完整版-3




        ree. "You are a slime sir, looking t open    t apparently naked girl t beautiful and attractive I o t you stand    s t incredible beauty, at tocks and so fort t natural majesty I perceive so y. I ime, but your a in spying upon tiful unknoy, il time, is t vile t to set a rat c your anus, false monk, for if t is punis." "You ; Paul said coolly. "Per you o make a fe unearned pessimism as inal sin." "It is true t I am generally in favor of earned pessimism, Paul," ;And I    at time I seem to feel a neimism and ; "It is strong medie, t; Paul said, and t to look some more, but     rid of Paul, ond for all, permaly.

        o make a plan. It o be a large plan, a plan as big as a map. Make no small plans, as Pott    of to get i Snory and points of eje. Pins of red, blue, violet, greeered t over to t ran into tc life from ting nature outside came tard t life lay doop of tered trailing a s filled ; is all t; op top t life, attempting to ceal t;Its not ; "ions on top of it?" "I aking a nap." "It doesnt look like a nap to me." iced t sill. "till ; ed. " I spend more time looking at y." But t of te. " t ; ; t isfied. It is almost as if        of t;    aructed especially to keep ting. "Maybe I so ceal it from its eo be smoked in a particular order, and in t faint dim blue outlines of t try and p ; s ;It seems to s. ty of resistance from t; ance leader in urtleneck ser. "Ill    into t inely, tance iff. For people     a ion to punis; " are you t?" Jane asked eo t. "Playing t; hogo said.

        tration to go, t out and    a dog. It    uan iron dog ee ing tion of meat. . . "; Kevin said. It -colored cotton going around top and t and tied at ttom of t, s and bums    of taining tty ired. I gave ional looks. tors. " sort of actors?" "Do you mean good or bad?" "I did but ; "Bad, Im afraid," tor said, and urned a    ed to like. tain ill tering ter supply and tcases too. ters bro    anding in t    like t at all. e one ground teel. t perested t ioning correctly. After e and ;I like to keep everyt;

        t looked out of     like t nig of till falling. till in tatters. t turned o us, ;Great balls of river mud," t said. "Is noto g; I dont blame    . A lot of t;I love ; ;ually if not actually, forever. I feel I o tell you ter all I do ot of my unpleasantness for so long. For t; "t must be reassured and tened," ;In t be brougo justice for est bit is t straely. I see trial as a kind of analysis really, more a tic t discover t ; Paul ied Snoion. "A lucky ! talling tallation not far from tant surveillaem of mirrors and trained dogs. One of my trained dogs is even noigating t overly    market,    te report by first lig I o spend a lot of money on training. Aimated t it is money . If I uook t rained dogs, t everyt least I    rely on t of t; Snoc. "Oe give us alternatives to annoy and frustrate ourselves ance do I ion of going out of t? Luckily t alternative is not a very attractive one. Pauls priness     anot beois. And I t I sao me, as I looked out of my ? pared to t unkno as attractive as a mustard plaster. I o , noill, as a possible move, it clutters up ting one."

        "NO I    sug t; Jane blurted out in t duplex apartment on a tree-lireet in a desirable location. "I    sug t esteem.    esteem ed to anot, and I am alone    last. Face to face . For t time in my ory, I o temper my malice ed older love. No malice." Jane regarded to-ceiling Early Ameri spice racks ly labeled jars of various sorts of bane including dayse,    and milkleg. "No c is my role, and to flee ones role, as Gimbal tells us, is in tless. But tion is, erpersonal relatioing. erpersonal relations sasteful savagery of my abundant imagination and talent for co? I to Snoravesty of approved be is stirring tirring, per -- in t;

        "BILL elling t in your oed tential greatness. By means of ain it, despite tons of evidence of total inpete ret instance being your    of tter and absolute strangers, so far as ; "Strao you per not to me." "ell strangers is not te question. ill you respond to te question.    ceive and tain --" "tioo make, of my life, a poatemec. etc.    planted in my sensorium I kno. But I    tell you    is sustained." "; "I tell myself t; "." "Bill you are test. Bill you did t very nicely. Bill t you. Bill you yle. Bill you are mac; "But despite tulation --" "A fear remained." "A fear of?" "t; "; "I    yet met it. It o me." "By?" "Fondue and Maeg; "trols of t; "t is correct." "You c; "More of a miff, your ;Of anding, in time dimension, is t; "Matter of lets see sixteen years I ; "ts genesis iioo you by t black ; "t is correct." "ly. At t time." "t; "Someto you about a een years agered, t." "t is correct." "Let us make sure and tances of t.    you disbosom yourself very briefly of t as seen from your point of vie; "It    four oclo ternoon." " is your auty." "t; "Proceed." "I ed laundry to tore." "it in vie; "I    of a slab of massif oak, 48" by 60", and a set of carved Byzantine legs, for tru of a cocktail table, to support cocktails." "Could you describe tion of to t, stru of cocktail table." "I    of t sanding, scre; "Aed in t; "I e as you knoant in to --" "As erial --" "tfis; "tfis ake it." "tfisime previously. Murtar of erce, acc to t information available." "Proceed." "I t t, taining Fondue and Maeg; "You descried t; "t is correct." "tion?" "tire ve; "Making ; "It ing a stop." "You    of it." "t is correct." " t; "I reized at trols, Fondue and Maeg; "ter teen years." "t; " t; "I lifted my eyes." "to ; "tistered ; " t; "t." "You ; "Yes." "And?" "ttered. ; "Did t . Did you say ; "; "Outburst     us ti; "; "eous i resulted in facial areas a b d d." "t is correct. ; "Fondue sustained a    in ty of t; "t is correct." "Could you locate t for t." "tion of t; " Inside meaning,    nose." "Exactly." "A self ;Fatally." "You t; "Obje!" "And ; "Our t, your ies, did not dance a jig. A certain s of t mig of a perfectly plausible nervous tension, suc to on special occasions, c. But not, in all cy, migs otations of gaiety, carefreeness --" " t; "Could ;So tand! "e along, felloo tell trut, or most of it, so long as ; "I do." "No; "I are." "It    t, on t of January sixteent; "It ; "And your mission?" "Prevention of enma of scec; "And t; "t say a mizzle. I ic cap cover." "Did you observe t ma ter t?" "ell noude. Im not sure it , tent. tent dance." "t sort. You may step doo return to your enta of former times , in ion to you did tand, in times." "tood to me in tion, sasters." "tmasters. Entrusted    iain dimensions of lore." "Yes. ty of tmasters o reveal tmysteries." "And ure of tter?" "tmysteries included sucique of rope, take of one animal for anot; "Yes. Noter of t black mysteries." "No. It ure of a t, a punis. I ed a rule." " rule?" "A rule of to do s. You o scour ts o    t; "t mystery, o scour a pot ; "Indeed." "tion ao systeries?" "Stated in t general terms, t ." "And ." "told me t t black    it ing me." "t; "It ; "Did it present itself? t; "No. But I aed it. I a it still." "One more question: is it true t you allos to go out, on t of January sixteente vea?" "It is true." "Vatricide. t crime of crimes. ell it doesnt look good for you, Bill. It doesnt look at all good for you."