tfully I lifted my eyes from ter’s diary. A number of truck my attention as I , and no I o sider thodically.
And then, Oh!
o describe my eureka? It began as a stray ure, an implausible notion. It impossible per absurd! For a start—
About to begin marserarguments, I stopped dead in my tracks. For my mind, rag aself in a momentous act of premonitioo ts. In a single moment, a moment of vertiginous, kaleidoscopic bedazzlement, tory Miss inter old me unmade and remade itself, in every event identical, in every detail t entirely, profoundly different. Like t reveal a young bride if you ts of random dots t disguise teapots or cloo see trut.
t at a time, taking all t angles separately, I revieold and everyt. And yes, again. t, and t, and t, too. My ory. It began to breat did so, it began to mend. ts ed. Puzzles explaieries eries no longer.
At last, after all tale telling and all ter trick mirrors and the double bluffs, I knew.
I kne day s s.
I ky of the garden.
I kneacked Mrs. Maudsley h a violin.
I knew whe-dig.
I knew who Emmeline was looking for underground.
Details fell into place. Emmelialking to er tor’s appears and reappears in tory, like a silver tapestry. I uood teries of er’s urn of toeness of Joo teaced o tend it.
I uood t, and of it. I uood a girl like Adeline could melt aer in her place.
‘I am going to tell you a story about ter er me t first evening in t ed ecory attacibly to hers.
Once upon a time two baby girls…
Except t noter.
Sed me in t dire t very first nigo listen.
‘Do you believe in gs, Miss Lea?“ so tell you a g story.“
And I old ime.”
But sold me a g story.
Once upon a time two baby girls…
Or alternatively: Once upon a time three.
Once upon a time ted.
t s, mostly invisible, a not quite invisible. t open, and t s. t in a mirror t made you glance up. t beain ed movement of books from one room to anoterious movement of bookmark from page to page. It ed a diary from one plad in anot replaced it later. If, as you turned into a corridor, to you t you missed seeing ttle g far ay, t ttle g was iness somewhere.
o see. Yet s seen.
Sed softly. On tiptoe, in bare feet, s sfall of every inant of to s of so o move among them invisibly.
Isabelle and C. Living as tside logic, outside reason, t t to be perplexed by tems seemed to t of tural universe. A s fell across a carpet to be did not cause to stop and reflect; suceries seemed only a natural extension of ts and minds. ttle g in t stac t, to tovers in try like a mouse, er to bed, disappeared into tion tant anyone appeared.
S of the house.
Like all secrets, she had her guardians.
ttle g as plain as day, despite . A good too. it ion try, enoug loaf, to sustain ttle g. For it ake to t t ers. No. Somac y it o be filled.
But se, ss, you see, ra pair of and an old pair of Jorousers, cut off at ting of tful. In tatoes gre out under lo only did soud vegetables, but ter, desire of box and yeo bee geometry. At ically straight lines.
In tctle g did not o ectors, augo be safe in it. tger came to live in t, o banis her.
More they loved her.
But appear at random. to le g ill t. ory ten in her copper hair and her emerald eyes.
For curious t tory. t bore t uny resemblao ted for so long? t fell in a mass doriking emerald eyes. Odd, don’t you to ttle g and so them?
‘er told me, ”I .“ So sory in o a piic, met Roland aually ran ao marry ed by er, on a rampage, venting ers of earls or of so did not really matter , ion for oblivion.
Isabelle gave birto t like t like their uncle.
: At about time, in some barn or dim cottage bedroom, anot ter of an earl, I trouble. S oo. Copper hair. Emerald eyes.
Child e. Child of rape. Charlie’s child.
Once upon a time there was a house called Angelfield.
Once upon a time twins.
Once upon a time to Angelfield a cousin. More likely a er.
As I sat in train er’s diary closed in my lap, t ruso feel for Miss inter ailed e ind. Aurelius. And my sympaturo anger. ed from to fend for knowing ory?
I t, too, of te tent and t t I no to be er’s.
It all boiled doo t of t of a baby.
rain arrived in e and I stepped out onto tform, I o find it ankle-deep in sn out train for t side.
I t I kne all, ion.
I t, t Angelfield but t I o tory in my hand.
At tations I realized t until I knehing.