because if yoing to e, and s a dyke, t bestt fool, he laundry.
One could see t rewn, like a girlsgymnasium.
" -- and you kno t fantastic! But a goodt; s of ted a garter. "It ougokeep of my of t be too mucrouble ont. Soo. tiny differen: Id say a foot, ; Ser s so seard it to ponder, ual effect: pampered, calmly immaculate, as ttended by Cleopatras maids. S;Listen," and cupped ;Im glad about tory. Really I am."
t Monday in October, 1943. A beautiful day ostart, ans at Joe Bells; and, er, oary bands and militaryfeet, seemed to o do to be, rather, a fanfare arranged inmy personal honor.
e ate lunc teria in ter bear to see anytoed on t mue, autum season of beginning, spring; ting of ture, and spoke oft. Because ed to kno my calked of oo; but it ic recital, trary to ed, for svoluptuous at of srees, pretty cousins andparties: in s, s, and never, certainly, thebackground of a child who had run away.
Or, I asked, it true t s on een?
S;ts true. t. But really, darling, you made sucragedy out of your c feel I se."
S;Any reminds me: I ougo send Fred somepeanut butter." t of ternoon and ofrelut grocers s of peanut butter, a ime scarcity; dark came before a delicatessen on t ique ss ook osee it, and s, its fantasy: "But still, its a cage."
Passing a ool;Lets steal somet; so tore, ;e on. Dont be c; Sed ater piled rying on masks. over it on miook my . Outside, o make it more dramatic; but also because, as Id discovered, successful texes. I olen. "I used to," s;I mean I o.
If I ed anyt I still do it every no of to keep my ; e he way home.
I strue, odd moments see a great deal of ea to is to add? tter, except to say it ed from ofive. remely different. Unless it imes, stoppingt, not aly tra usually, and usually, too,te; Ybarra-Jaegar: et, tru unmusiote, primarily t of Ybarra-Jaegar, elligent, able, o al,vaguely important, and took o ason several days a er nigening to tter and staring into Rustys ratocks face? Per ofus in a fn try, ing a frame forture, as o be judged in apretty equal ligo be tolerableexamples of local color and national cer. t ion explains t.