Diving ears in , but s on anyinct ake o t t it dido hing would help.
Sired, and so talk to Lon. And o ime came.
It would o.
By time s led to Front Street, stle more under trol. Not pletely, but o talk to Lon. At least she hoped so.
traffic ers going about t a gas station, a meobile ood beside side ti of hearns Jewelers, a well-dressed man walked briskly, carrying a briefcase.
Surn and saruck t blocked part of treet. Somet ting crabs at the dock.
S up treet a red ligook a deep breat turned green and drove sloil s t turned in and sating in t spot. Alt to it a little fartrance.
Suropped promptly. so tment for a mirror and brusting on top of a map of Nort ill red and puffy. Like yesterday after tio hen finally gave up.
Sbook, ope, and once again looked at ticle t felt impossible to serday. It seemed like a lifetime since h Noah.
Starlings crees around o break up ill s s ter of time. It o be a beautiful day.
It o spend ters hem.
Sied t and found t letter ten o open it, topped because s . Somet - tions. After all, ed an aen, ttom of tack. tter. terested ? ?
ten too long.
First, sur over and c a street address in Ne open.
Unfolding it, s ed March 1935.
two and a a reply.
Sting at an old desk, crafting tter, some s earstains on t ion.
Sraigo read in t we sunlig she window.
My dearest Allie, I dont knoo say anymore except t I couldnt sleep last nig it is over bet is a different feeling for me, o I never expected, but looking back, I suppose it couldnt her way.
You and I . e came from different you aug it o care for anotter man because of it. I dont you to ever fet t.
I am not bitter because of oget period of time. And if, in some distant pla ture, a summer berees, learning from eac, youll feel it too, and youll smile back, and savether. I love you, Allie.