首页elitepain疼痛精英1RED HANRAHANS CURSE


        One fine May m a long time after    Margaret Rooneys     . It o tle place     t pleased ired of so many years of o ser at all times of t    seemed to imes t ting stiff like s, and it    so easy to    used to be to make fun and sport t, and to set all t talk, and to coax turned into a    t some poor man    to go ing and o again. And    tent to tle place for    as     imes. One by oo send to get some learning from    t, a feen cake or a couple of sods of turf,    a o be a poet, .

        It    May m, liged enoug o    it    long till a o tones of t ing for ent for aime si is likely enougting some bad thing before me now, he said.

        And after    ting under a buse        Purcell and Margaret Gillane and Maeve elan and Oona Curry and Celia Driscoll, and t of t from tering tongue.

        So be a girl of ter.    is on you, Nora? ake from me, Red    is I myself so serve you,    is I knoory of t s, and t able to save you from trouble,     is in my songs, as it s t    is    of ts I myself ting and talking in some far place beyond to time, opped en ion, and t you knoroubles of time you refused your love to tge; and t s you in quiet since. But     is yourself knoo put    I ask you, Owen    indeed, said he.

        It is my fat are marryio old Paddy Doe, because ain. And it is er Kilmartin iime you    sorro    of marriage.

        A you make no delay about it, for it is for to?morrotled, and I    day.

        I    o a song t ell me    the song?

        O, y years and more bet is a bad day indeed for O.

        urned from    doill o a stone, and    do, for it seemed as if all t of te. And     many days ago t a    Red    yelloo to given    sour; and sometimes t men iffness of s er making a journey, and it seemed to o be a very old man, s t anger against old age and all it broug. And just t spotted eagle sailing sloooo, eagle of Ballyga you and your a rades, teep Place ers into my r there may be a curse on you for ever.

        to t, flo, and a little gust of e blossoms over . May blossoms, y, and I    you into my rhyme and give you my blessing.

        tle bran    it is old and broken    day oop in he darkness in his face.

        to    and lay doo do o make a poem or a praise or a curse. And it    long    time, for t    out over tryside.

        Some of to see if t day, and    on tood around him.

        t    t instead of t tle branc. Co?day.

        You yourselves and tiful people of t es and bloen no to you. And t he said??

        t, O is t t kno imes out of mind By teep Place ers and t grey pike t broods in Castle Dargan Lake er , and Micories are    an end. And tc; But    es iy, and iy blows away.

        over to till all of t of it, and some t    could say t.

        t o?day,    you o do noo go out and sing t song for a une of to everyone you meet, and to themselves.

        I , said one of ttle lads; I kno Saint Jo tter than a mouse.

        I o to i, said anot, said o tell it taret Rooney and Mary Gillis, and bid to it, and to make t    t    be heard.

        ting outside t m, looking at hrees.

        to ko begin, ime of flood. to took notice t all t t    ick or a blackt sigicks began to    to run.

        ed no longer, but made off up till    of t.

        After a , and one of t at t time ting a rake ed stra into tch.

        My grief,    Old Age and time and eariness and Siess against me, and I must go    me from tree of teep Place ers, tle Dargan Lake, and from ted he Old Men!