首页fate伊利亚ALL FOOLS DAY


        ts of to my ers, and a merry first of April to us all!

        Many urns of to you -- and you --and you, Sir -- nay, never fro a long face upon tter. Do not    need of ceremony among friends? and me -- a speck of tley. Besival, s to stand aloof. I am none of tion, and care not s me in t to-day, s ell ultus sum. translate me t, and take t to yourself for your pains. , man,    t putation.

        Fill us a cup of t sparkling gooseberry --    on t us troll tc?

        here shall he see

        Gross fools as he.

        Norifle to knoically,    fool t ever lived. I ainly give    breed, I t muame you ty.

        Remove your cap a little furt ride    aune ,

        _______the crazy old church clock,

        And the bewildered chimes.

        Good master Empedocles, you are    is long since you    a salamander gatna. orse tis a mercy your achios.

        us! and    upon at ttom of terranean? You ake it, of terested sect of turists.

        Gebir, my old free-mason, and prince of plasterers at Babel, bring in your tro A Grand! You o a seat at my rigron of tammerers. You left your ly, at eigoises, or t, above t a long bell you must o call your top o t? I am a rogue if I am not aso s on Fisreet er your altitudes. Yet    somew.

        , tears ? -- cry, baby, put its finger in its eye, it sty moppet!

        Mister Adams -- odso, I    -- pray do us to read to us t sermon, o Mistress Slipslop -- ty and sed in your portmainence -- t    irrelevantly and impertily seasoo time of the day.

        Go Master Raymund Lully, you look    t error. -

        Duns, spare your definitions. I must fine you a bumper, or a paradox. e er, t lemaender sumbling across them.

        Master Stepe. --    you ? -- Ague-c, let me pay my devoir to you. -- Master S to and. -- Master Silence, I    s you in someo-day. -- I kno, I kno.

        R--, my fine old Librarian of Ludgate, time out of mind, art t, it is not over-neories --    tting about t te ? -- tomers are extinct, defunct, bed-rid, o read long ago. -- t still among ture, t    patron, is flown.

        King Pandion, he is dead,

        All t in lead. -

        ake your seat rue courtesy, in gravity, in fantastic smiling to teous smiling upon oture of e noto t of c t    be uated bet spinsters -- able formal love urning noo to t Malvolian smile -- as if Cervantes, not Gay, ten it for    revolve, before tesy could ied aorious-equal damsels. . . . . .

        to desd from titudes, and not to protract our Fools Ba beyond its appropriate day, -- for I fear t many ant -- in sober verity I ruto turally, as if I o    dived not beloter, I read t guessing at to simple arcect, t built ertained for ious    soul t kept alent; and -- prizing ty beyond t, and, to my appre unfemiors -- I felt a kindliness, t almost amouo a tendre, for tless virgins. -- I ance si lasted; or a friends ans    some tincture of ters. I vee an    obliquity of uanding. t in your pany, tests     betray or overreacy, s; ty, ifies. And take my old it you, if you please, t    a dram of folly ier in ion. It is observed, t "tterels, -- cods-; and    suc     patterns of our species, but so many darlings of absurdity, minions of te boys? -- Reader, if you    my ru, it is you, and not I, t are the April Fool.