Grandma Fa [to Fa Li]: I ts going you?
Matc of t it out! Put it out! Put it out! [Mulan takes teapot, tea on Matcs outteapot baatcoceapot doo pieces] You may look like abride, but you will never bring your family honor!
[townsfolk whered whisper and walk away]
[Cut to Mulan e er and smiles. Mulan sees o tertrough]
[Song: Refle]
Mulan: Look at me [looking at ion iroug bride [taking off daugg co Fa Z beIm not meant to play t? [Mulan releases Cri-Kee back to t if I o trulyto be myself [Mulan
girl I see [Mulan looks into tion]Staring straig me? [Mulan puts Stone Dragon and looks toemple]ion someone I dont kno o temple]cemple seeing multiple refles ofors storied [Mulan boo tors]ion sionin tones]ion ss up and temple]
[End of song. Mulan sits on a bencree. Fa Z. Mulan sees urns s down beside Mulan]
Fa Z beautiful blossoms ree]. But look, te. But, Ill bet t beautiful of all. [Mulan and Fa Zart pounding announg two guardson horseback]
Mulan: is it?
[Fa Zs up and o trance of th Mulanfollowing]
Fa Li: Mulan, stay inside.
[Grandma Fa clears cattion and motions inside. Mulan spies to che roof]
s I bring you a proclamation from ty: thehuns have invaded a!
townspeople [expressing surprise]: No!
C serve in teps up, boo takes tion notice from the Yi family.
Yis Son [hers place.
Che Fa Family.
Mulan: No.
[Fa Zo Fa Li and oward Che horsemen]
Fa Zanding proud]: I am ready to serve tion notice]
Mulan [running outside to keep aking tionnotice]: Fat go.
Fa Zurning to see er]: Mulan!
Mulan: Please sir, my fat bravely--
Co teacer to onguein a mans presence.
Fa Zhou [looking away from Mulan]: Mulan, you dishonor me.
[Grandma Fa guides Mulan back away]
notice]: Report tomorro the uShu camp.
Fa Zo tead refusing to takehis e from Fa Li]
C as we follow Fa Zhe...
[Cut to Fa Z nigakes out ices ances. leg, sup and to ches heavily]
[Cut to di in silening be seen tea for eacup doableand stands up]
Mulan: You s o go.
Fa Li: Mulan!
Mulan: ty of youo fight for a.
Fa Z is an o protect my try and my family.
Mulan [angrily]: So youll die for honor!
Fa Zanding up and angered]: I .
Mulan [starts to speak but is cut off]: But if you--
Fa Z is time you learned yours.
[Mulan looking like s to cry, turn ao torm and cries]
[Cut to Mulan sitting at t Stone Dragon in to see ion in t turns ae. Fa Z t. Mulas up and o temple. Mulans image reflects off toablets as ssinse and places it in tetting up, Mulan eps. Cri-Kee sees o s bedroom andtakes tion notice replag it o o give s a loving, sorro to Mulan in t s and ties it up above ting o in t. Sakest in to . Cut to Mulan in table door t of Mulan. Mulan goesfors Kting ity. Mulan able, Cri-Kee cakesone sorro s bedroom and rides Ke and off to camp.]
[Cut to tatue in temple. t toGrandma Fa. Sart rising in bed. Cut to Grandma Fao Fa Li and Fa Zh are in bed]
Grandma Fa: Mulan is gone.
Fa Z? It t be. [Fa Z standand notices tion notice. and sees side] [calling out] Mulan! [umbles while walking because of his leg injury] No.
Fa Li [kneeling do go after her. Shecould be killed!
Fa Zhou [sadly]: If I reveal her, she will be. [Fa Zhou embraces Fa Li]
Grandma Fa: Aors, ch over Mulan.
[Cut to temple. A t ter stoer stone begins to glo Aor es tolife]
First Aor [motioning to a bronze dragon]: Mushu, awaken!
[Muso life and falls to t on his back all beingobscured by smoke]
Musretc]: I live! So tell me al needs my prote Great Aor. You just say there.
First Aitated]: Mushu!
Mus me say someto tenour family, vengeance will be MINE. hrrrrr.
First Aor [sternly to silence Musioning tooatues oals hey...
Musedly]: Protect the family.
First Aor [pointing to ty pedestal]: And you, oed one.
Mushe gong.
First Aor: ts rigors.
Mus up. [ringing ts go! get up. Lets move it, rise and s ty sleep trust me!
Aor 1: I kne, I k Mulan rouble maker from tart.
Aor 3: Dont look at me, ss it from your side of the family.
Aor 2: S trying to her.
Aor 4 [appearing out of t, if so traditional valuesegrate.
Aor 5: Not to mention the farm.
Aor 1: My crouble. turists.
Aor 3: ell, e t all be acturists.
Aor 6: No, yreat granddaugo be cross-dresser!
[All aors argue at once, except First Aor]
Aor 7: Let a guardian bring her back.
Aor 8 [grabbing Mus to a guardian]: Yea ing.
Aor 4 [taking Mus to tone rabbit guardian]: No, test.
Aor 9 [grabbing Mus to tone monkey guardian]: No, send t.
First Aor: Silence! e must send t poioning tot Stone Dragon as it is seen the window]
Musy guardian post laug t, Ill go. [All Aive a quick look of surpriseand laugrollably] You all dont t. atcty make me o singe nobody to prove no point.
First Arabbing Mus]: You o protect the Fa family.
Aor 6: Your mis-guidance led Fa Deng to disaster.
Fa Deng [ated .
Mus is?
First Aor: t is o retrieveMulan.
Mus? But Im a real dragon.
First Arabbing Mus asMuss to . No Stone Dragon. [First Aor t of temple]
Muso temple]: So youll get bae on thing.
[An aor ts Mushe face]
Mus ooo muco ask? I mean, its not like itll kill ya.
Mus t Stone Dragon]: Yo rocky, ta go fetco tatue] boy, go get ick off tles] e on. [Angrily one Dragon] Grrr, Grrrr. [speaking in ly] ra t to break off]. U Stone Dragoncrumbles to tact minus toney, Stooooneeey. onna kill me!
First Aor [calling out temple Stone Dragon,have you awaken?
Mus Stone Dragon up to t First Aor only see its Stone Dragon, good m [Mus t I Stone Dragon?
First Ao, te of ts in your claws.
Mus even it, I lose face. [Mus of t Stone Dragons al op of him]
Mused somets just great. Noo take tle drag she road.
[Cri-Kee enters stage right]
Cri-Kee: Chirp, Chirp.
Mus s tter er t stoney Dumpty mess, Id o get ba temple. ait a mis it! I make Mulan a o s ter plan. O no]
Cri-Kee [hopping along side of Mushu]: Chirp. Chirp Chirp Chirp.
Mus makes you think youre ing?
Cri-Kee: Chirp, Chirp.
Muso you?
Cri-Kee: Chirp. Chirp.
Mus I pop one of your antennas off andt across then whos a loser, me or you?
[Cut to S a c. ops and motions stage rigrong Guy, and o t. tsbefore t of the army]
[Ss and os]
Scout #1: Shan-Yu.
[ of them]
Sing Scout #1s collar]: Nice lemen. You found tioning to the hun army laughs]
Scout #2: top you.
S #2 by t collar and lifts o op me? ed me. By buildio play #2 to ts Scout #1 as s up and runs] [calling out to ts] Go! tell your emperor to send ro armies. [Quietly] Imready.
[ts run off tohe palace]
Sc take to deliver amessage.
Archer Guy [drawing back his bow]: One.
[End Interlude]
[Cut to Mulan on a side of tting g]