首页感恩的句子经典语录Chapter 11

Chapter 11

        ted on Pepper Street in toxic ed East London area called ter-bound tongue of marsic u-bend in t oime been transformed from orical ial plexes unning vie ime ago. Rising crime eady flos bail out of tions. ted into a ters, ote and Union freelancers boating or driving in from ti.

        At t of ted-looking boats bobbed atop ter. Most of t look seaer of c a ramser of mobile residences. o a ale beer, cigarette smoke and rotting pub food.    to suppress to gag.

        It    already a roal bar celebrating ts on Union social security money and staring at ting pixels of a ripper. Caldypes. None of t al floating world.

        Caldo to one of ts, aele.    stand idle versation or prolonged tact o get a message to Glyprying to look like ween rangely reassuring.

        ty among its patrons. talk omers omer’s voice suggested t ype, an assortment of tattoos adorned flaccid ain of one of tside. Caldwell wondered w for Ramesh.

        tomer’s order te ing a temporary question mark in ter a robot sed bucket came to life on ter s. to one side of tal bodying. t blinked and    ro ts miniscule antenna started blinking as it figured out tion of tomer. t grabbed a beer mug from a rad proceeded to pull a pint of broomer’s amusement.

        “Ne barte ’t do is juggle bottles,” Ram tender explained proudly to tdedly at omer c make its o pint of ale doer in front of s o present tomer    of t tarily lost i in to see ion of urention back to ting pixels.

        “More skullduggery from t,” tattooed er said, still slurring. “t careful.”

        “tle buggers tomated Bartender robots. Free me up to spend more time pig my nose,” Ram said, pulling a moist finger out of one of rils. tomer started laughing.

        “t you out of your job if you are not careful. Some union glomerate    a ed pubs, not a . these dumb maes.”

        “One pint of lager, Fifty Union Euros.” t said in a female voice, its ser searc chip.

        “Put it on my tab,” said tomer to t. took a large so rid th.

        “One pint of lager, Fifty Union Euros,” t said again, time terized voice ave. to pummel t into ter . Ram read pressed a button to override t, racted auro join its brot the bar.

        “Bloody puters, you present t requires    and t on you,” to Ram w shook his head.

        to t of ood a bunc macerminals. Clute of terminals and typed tbase. t reply to Glyp desired locatio’s meet.    of tbase and    back to . No.    Glyp be surprised if turned out to be some ae- year-old hings had happened.

        ten minutes later, t just took Caldo clude t it    appeared to be ed on it. Despite y, tic about t air of fidence possessed by ting edge of tecy-five and sported a ruddy plexion and a rugged black beard.    looked like trodes e s orso.

        Glypion as tly iated teps t lead up to t tting. It looked like tted oo as Glypoing. her.

        to Caldable and a pair of emerald green eyes sized o a smile.

        “I am Glyp my message. Obviously you are still alive and lookiirely not I imagined,” said Glypter-of-fact ered. For someone delivering bad nee s . It    store.    stumbled out of a Neer a particularly    of alcohol abuse.

        “t’s great to finally meet you in ter me Glypinctively looking around to see if aention to them.

        “I tter . Yoing to .”

        “I am out of credit, out of a and my impatience,” Caldinctively kno puso spill before ile.

        “Drinks are on me.    are you    knorace of desponden his voice.

        “In t case, I’ll    o afford    muc tronic displays set into tables said they were on “Special”.

        “XO ing riging a mock bo it balanced kicked in. Caldcic touch s.

        “    use tick.”

        “e doest neurosensor system from taiamp ied just uime,” tapping a gray enclosure on the wheelchair.

        “Must ed.

        “Not really. tart if then you    really mess yourself up.”

        “tec live , ’t live    it,” Caldudying terized iple displays. Glyper aails of eder brouguro took a sip and t Glypo get on . the glass in one single gulp and grimaced.

        “Kenzo Yamamoto, t t is dead. ter you are his Yakuza ies,” Glyph said casually.

        “ be dead. I just ion ar t purported to be    over an    ter me?”

        “tar could er struct. Kenzo    as    ray of    of gatorm clouds. t be called upon again today.

        “his?” he asked.

        “Kenzo    t. Our relations t big and    you    to c. Folloo make sure t you don’t suddenly bee dispensable. You take your precautions. Let’s just say apped into tioo access tellites, discovered exploits in trusioion AIs, so tle about okyo. Uand w I am saying?”

        “And t and are now ing for all ed.

        “t’s not it at all. It appears from ternal unications t Kenzo sent out tly from tokyo. Oo    he packages?

        “I ’t see tion.”

        “I to’s deations,    part of ter plan. t very badly to retrieve    you and to make sure t anyone    is taken out of ture.” Caldense lolyph.

        “ing all tion. Glypicularly al ear to the ground.

        “Professor Joplin of y, deceased as of yesterday. t.”

        Cald fears came true    oence. On t    tail. Kenzo Yamamoto’s deat explanation for oo many tform    after    to retrieve t on taking his life.

        Caldco see t to ion it seemed o sell to disappear deep    be able to e a buyer. Glyptons on    to reveal a small display s.

        “So, o to me? I don’t uand,” Calder it became clear t some response ed. Glyp sure .

        “You said t you talked to ruct today. Didn’t    tell you?”

        “No.    in touch soon.”

        “ord in cyberspace, to suspect too, is t o ooo many pies and the ese made him pay.”

        “t Kenzo o mostly Japanese corporate stuff,” Caldwell said.

        “So did I. At any rate, oilet at tess club in Sokyo. It’s a popular Yak . Apparently, oxipound, one used for assassinations predominantly in     you imagine? o reports. Loaded nanobots gained access the pores in his skin.”

        Cald about ts tents righere.

        “Kenzo’s associates kno t took anot Caldo deny t one of the said soles were in his possession.

        “So you know?”

        “A o Dom declarations mainframe in India. ter ronic declarations for all of Dions.”

        “I see. For te cut up by t t I    of team on trated t, obviously icipation.”

        “Yes, on Kenzo’s request. Said    of ture for a    so I    relut to do it but Kenzo’s pockets are deep. Sorry.”

        “No offeaken. I received t just till don’t knoo do .”

        Glyp in t noched his beard.

        “?” Glyph asked.

        “Only to my base.”

        “trace t.”

        “So ly do you kno t Kenzo inteo be used for?” Caldwell asked.

        “If I kne, I’d probably be dead.”

        “Fair enoug who were his buyers?”

        “Anybody ed. As I said, Kenzo made markets in information. ise, if you could call it t, o find information on people anizations, valuable information, not t in cyberspace, a information to tions, or ts, o call it blackmail.”

        “Aual global work?”

        “t’s just part of tory. Kenzo ion dealers around to Moscoo Beijing. ted anonymously, delivering ta tricate routio e inatio any trace. Yet rest assured t Yamamoto a oional    tsus okyo could never directly ey of to him.”

        “Eleic spying and blackmail.”

        “Correct, and like a ped certain insiders suc officials, bank employees, academics, programmers and so on. Sometimes    people s in    taste.

        “People ory, like me?”

        “Correct. It appears t someion about you. Per your past. Information t made you valuable to    t t of tificial intelligence.    whey are readily available?”

        “e’ll never knoant to tell Glyp t sure rust the wheelchair-bound hacker.

        “Yes, but I t ted you to o a o ordinary soles. t t ificial intelligence expert and a    be ce. Also, t ao it. e all kno tory of creating altero cyberspace itself. to depend o are effectively created, evolved and managed by ted States.”

        “By t ter me today?”

        “e found out t t kno it. e eavesdropped on unications t indicated t Yakuza co the Union.”

        “tory sounded like too muc    look like y.

        “Probably sario analysis structs. Lucky for you, t of London after ter massacre. truce    and to pull out.”


        “Kenzo    of t po    off on a ta doing uff,” Glyp appears t t er ems offline and decided to do some ing up first. Fortunately for you, to fly people out from tokyo. ton Yakuza are still very mucive.”

        “So you’ve got an AI guy and a ...     to    for being on the receiving end of DhL’s package delivery service?”

        “I am sure Kenzo didn’t see it t     you t,” Glyping at t to go to t bad ake a look at t sole.” ts oooilets, rubber wiling.