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        In t up ics, ted.

        Sidds to a poor Brareet. e only once a day, and never someted for fifteen days. ed for ty-eiguro icy cempt, rading, princes ing, mourners rying to s determining t suitable day for seeding, lovers loving, mot    all lied, it all stank, it all stank of lies, it all preteo be meaningful and joyful aiful, and it all    cealed putrefa. tasted bitter. Life orture.

        A goal stood before Siddo bee empty, empty of t, empty of y of joy and sorroo    to be a self any more, to find tranquility ied o be open to miracles in unselfiss, t , timate part of me o a of my being, .

        Silently, Sidd rays of tly above, glo, and stood til    any pain nor t any more. Silently, ood ter    stood til    feel til t, until t. Silently, ering ayed motionless, until no blood floil notung any more, until nothing burned any more.

        Sidd uprigo breato get along o stop breato calm t of , leao reduce ts of , until t none.

        Instructed by t if tised self-denial, practised meditation, acc to a neo    and mountains,    bloated, stank, decayed, urned into a skeleton, turo dust, urered as dust, asted toxication of ted in ne like a er iy    suffering began.    of o tone, er, and aime to find urned round in t t, overcame t, felt ne.

        Sidd arily suffering and overing pain, , tiredness.    tation, to be void of all ceptions. to go, a times     to times, stayed in notayed in tourn able, inescapable , in t the cycle which had been forced upon him.

        By ook ts. to one anot to beg for food for teachers.

        "; Sidd;;

        Govinda ans;e inue learning. Youll be a great Samana, Sidden t;

        Quot;I t    feel t it is not like t Ive learned, being among to tavern of t part of a to;

        Quot;Siddting me on. ation, ivity against c;

        And Siddly, as if alking to ; is meditation?    is leaving ones body?    is fasting?    is    is fleeing from t is a s escape of t is a s numbing of t tlessness of life. t numbing is    finds in ted ut-milk. t feel    feel t numbing of t Siddaying in t is, o;

        Quot;You say so, o you kno Sidd and a Samana is no drunkard. Its true t a drinker numbs s true t s, but urn from to be unc bee ,-- risen several steps."

        And Sidd;I do not kno t I, Sidd numbing of tations and t I am just as far removed from ion, as a c;

        And once again, anotime,    togeto beg for some food in teaco speak and said: " no pat    closer to enlig? Mig closer to salvation? Or do ;

        Quot;e , Siddill muco learn. e are not going around in circles, ;

        Sidd; Samana, our venerable teac;

        Quot;Our oldest one mig sixty years of age."

        And Sidd;y years and    rea seventy and eig as old and , and ate. But    read . O of all t t a single one, not a single one, s, to deceive ot t important t find."

        "If you only," spoke Govinda, " speak sucerrible    among so many learned men, among so many Braere and venerable Samanas, among so many wrying, so many ;

        But Siddained just as muc, a sligly mog voice: "Soon, Govinda, your friend ,    as ever. I aled for knoer year. Per    as    and just as profitable, if I    took me a long time and am not finis, o to be lear o as `learning. t one knoman, ture. And so Im starting to believe t to kno, t;

        At topped on t;If you, Sidd botalk! truly, you ir up fear in my . And just sider: ity of prayer, y of te,    , o    is    is precious, ;

        And Govinda mumbled a verse to himself, a verse from an Upanishad:

        , loses ation of Atman, unexpressable by words is .

        But Sidd.    about to    to their end.

        Yes, , standing t    o be    remains?     sta? And he shook his head.

        At oime, er beiold many times: A man ama by ed oed to eac possession,     a ic, but udents.

        ts fragrants rose up, o and in t, tama, talk, ion.

        It    in a try and neo ed ilence, and as sucalk about it, many , but many    on to seek t like t fragrant mytama, t enlig, urned into ted of o t ama igation.

        t. t of magic flos. After all, to bear--and be forto call out, f, mild, full of noble promises. Every a longing, felt er he Sakyamuni.

        t, and also Sidd. talked about it, because t one of t like t to be an ascetic before and , but urned back to luxury and worldly pleasures, and ama.

        "O; Govinda spoke one day to ;today, I ed me into eac ayself: If only I oo, if only oo, Siddo see teaced man! Speak, friend,     to go too and listen to teac;

        Quot;Alay o live to be sixty ay years of age and to keep on practising ts and exercises, le of . So no to take a neeac;

        Quot;Youre mog me. Mock me if you like, Sidd    also developed a desire, an eagerness, to eac at oime said to me, you    ;

        At toucouc;ell, Govinda, youve spoken ly. If you only remembered t I rustful and tired against teac my fait to us by teac lets do it, my dear, I am o listen to teac I believe t asted t fruit of teac;

        Quot;Your    tell me, amas teac fruit to us?"

        Quot;Let us eat t and    for t, o t, ama, sisted io give us, o us a s."

        On t one of t ed to leave    one esy and modesty being to a younger one and a student. But ted to leave alked loudly and used crude swearwords.

        Govinda artled and became embarrassed. But Sidd o Govindas ear and    to s Ive learned somet;

        Positioning    of trated soul, ured te, took aly, e, ionless,    poo Sidd Sidds brougrol, o carry out, ures of blessing, spoke stammeringly a godly ur on tations.

        On t;O is    is very o cast a spell on an old Samana. truly, if you ayed to er."

        "I do not seek to er," said Sidd;Let old Samanas be tent s!"