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The Death of Edward Lear

        took pla a Sunday m in May 1888. Invitations    out ations read:

        Mr. Edward LEAR

        Nonseer and Landscape Painter

        Requests the honor of Your Presence

        On the Occasion of his DEMISE.

        San Remo 2:20 a.m.

        th of May Please reply

        One    imagis. Our dear friend! is preparing to depart! and suc be, no me see. . . And t time I (dipped into) ( on tances approacure of solemnity and practiess, per friend, tennyson:

        Old men must die,

        or the world would grow mouldy


        For men may e and men may go,

        But I go on forever.

        People prepared to attend t ry. Piic baskets    o expeucality, uances); bottles of oys o o be taken or left beually present at t restrain t tugged at t to be removed from the room.)

        Most of Mr. Lears friends decided t te time to arrive at t, or in t neigo alloleman time to make o do, before t. Everyone uood ime specified in tatio. And so, tors found t Giuseppe Orsini) in almost total darkness. Pausing to greet people to corral straying gto a large room on t floor,    omed to ex ercolors, and tably aircase to a similar room on ted, in bed,    smoking jacket and acles iny oval lenses. Several dozen straiger arrivals stood along the walls.

        Mr. Lears first ;Ive no money!" As eatered ted, "Ive no money! No money!" remely tired, yet calm.    retaining patot been trimmed in some days. ely began to discourse, as if to prevent anyone else from doing so.

        for attending and expressing t    put to too great an invenience, ao t;an unusual one for visits!"     find    to disclose oget ty little lecture, of some tes duration, on tion of ings, of ance, alt it was charming, graceful, and wise.

        artled s ion, uttered in a kind of s;S married? Get married? S;

        Mr. Lear    offered a s    Friends golden of tions. It is also, en tro of ies, surviving strains and tempests fatal to less sublime relatio ituted t memory of a long life.

        A disquisition on Cats followed.

        opic    restlessness o s at intervals, "S married?" and "Ive no money!")    as everybody    more te i ed.    ion of ercolors, vieiquities and picturesque spots. too, ercolors tleman    £5 and £10, for t forty years.

        Mr. Lear    of tennysons in a setting of ly, ted vigorous applause.

        Finally o be o ts an enormous oil, at least seve by teing Mount Ation, but it did not seem to satisfy ter, for he assumed a very black look.

        At 2:15 Mr. Lear performed a series of as to tators.

        At 2:20 o table, picked up an old-fasely taken. ts, edly, moved in a long line back to the carriages.

        People , all in all, it    tedious performao read tures, run toire once more? ations? tood: t Mr. Lear     doing anytraordinary. Mr. Lear ransformed traordinary into its opposite.    of fact, created a gentle, genial misuanding.

        ts began, as time passed, tard torical ligold t it, reenacted parts of it for t;Ive no money!" in a ical voice, and quote    marrying. time passed, t revivals aged in every part of try, ill be seen, in ties, in versions enricerpretatioual emendation, and    is curious; no one kno. ting pany plays in traditional    Lear ing, s h rage.