A group of senior citizens on a ben Square Park iizens and tizens.
"Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit," one of turned o eache four ers of an imaginary room as she did so.
tizens stared at her.
"?" one of the men asked.
"Its t of t four times, oo eac you are in, on t of t lunt;
Some angry black people eel-band instruments and bunches of flowers.
"I dont ts true," tizen said. "I never before and Ive ;
"I ts probably just an old ale," one of tizen cracked up.
"S; t he sed woman.
t to make sure all of our trys satellites places.
" about your daug; t, ;You ;
"My daug; Kate said, "you believe."
"; Elise asked. "Geia or some I fot. Going to sc;
"Sting ers," Kate said, "teco visit at t;
"But you didnt."
"I called to t mind going to t me a ticket. And s Motion. My daug;
"t no; Elise said, "youre lucky s keeping pany s ail."
"ell?" said Kate. "Id be t to kno;
One of tner and asked: "ell, is it ;
"to do," Kate said calmly. "You and yirl friend eace t day of ted to ask you to go out ;
"I dont believe it," said tizen, whose name was Jerome.
"You closed your eyes and picked one and put it in your s boy al;
"I dont believe it," Jerome said again. "I dont believe in t and never believe in magid I dont believe in superstition. I dont believe in Judaism, ity, or Eastern t. None of em. I didnt believe in t orld ar even t orld ar and youll go a long orld ar. t ."
" if you didnt believe in it?" Elise asked.
"My vie sulted," Jerome said. "t ask me, told me. But I still I didnt believe in it. I mars tire battalion of Seabees, six ;
" is s;
"ts uff t ;
" s t;
"Black market stuff. Booze. Dope. Gover property. Unaut; ; else didnt I believe in? I didnt believe in tom bomb but I t. t;
"You t too," said t;I ype operator ype operator until I y a me tell you, mister, if say anyt trade union movement alking about. You dont."
"I didnt believe in t believe in t ; Jerome said. "And I didnt believe in --"
"t.U. is sidered a very good union," Elise said. "I once .U. o Luc. ;
"Did you believe iional unist spiracy?" Frank asked Jerome.
"You t read," Frank said, "youre blind."
"I decided about ional unist spiracy," Elise said. "Im still t it."
"s to t?" Frank asked. "t all."
Some street people tizens but decided t tizens heir faces.
"tle girl, I o go into my fato get tter," Kate said. "My fat me doairs to get tter. All turned and looked at me as I e;
"But your fat from be you tter mean all to keep t you," Elise suggested.
"No," Kate said. " of time. t bartenders not drinking is not true."
"Also I didnt believe in ted Nations and before t I didnt believe in tions," Jerome said. "Furt; e a meaningful glance, "I didnt believe ;
Kate gazed at Jeromes coat, s, his shoes, which were new.
"Do you ate trouble?" she asked.
"Yes," Jerome said, artled look. "Of course. ;
"Good," Kate said. "I dont believe in prostate trouble. I dont believe tate."
She gave him a generous and loving smile.
"You mean to tell me t if you put t in your s day of t; Elise asked Kate.
"Invariably," Kate said. "it fail. orked every time."
"Goddamn," Elise said. "is."
"t; Jerome said.
"Its religious."
" is it?"
"My pal told me, ;
"So?" said Elise. "So, so, so?"
"It is forbidden to gro;
t about the bench.
"Its good," Kate said. "I could do t;
"Me too," Elise said. "I could do t;
"Maybe its not so good?" Jerome asked. " do you t;
"No," Kate said. "Its good." S ting in sandboxes and jungle gyms. "iso yell at."