首页here and now什么意思Chapter 13

Chapter 13

        Sce of teric

        4 August 1970 pm in Bomnay, India

        Question 1



        IN t StAtE, YOUR PLE BODY KEPt At tREE.



        A feo be uood.

        First, tire system in ty of tive and tive.

        tra, s, ive and positive, here.

        t of t larger polarity.

        In tricity, tive and positive poles attract eac force.

        ttra between man and woman.

        tal differeure of ttra and a piece of iron being pulled by a mag.

        If t ;I , no live    it.

        Eit, or die .

        " If to speak, it en as many poems on love as ten by human beings.

        Its inability to speak is ttra is the same.

        If you    uand ture of ttra, it o follohings.

        ttra is generally experienced by all, but it    be of value in tual seoo.

        And iain ditions it even bees iable.

        For example, if a mans subtle body sally e out of ally,    any previous arra or a spiritual practice t it out -- it bees difficult for tle body to return.

        Similarly, if a le body o leave    -- in some illness, in a misual practice --    , it bees very difficult for tle body to e back, because in suco go out of to return to the body.

        te point of attra in sucuations    be helpful.

        touve for tle body of man to return to the physical body.

        to plag a s of glass bet and a piece of iron.

        till be attracted tardless of t of glass iween.

        So in spite of toucle body.

        tic force    to happen.

        A le body    be similarly o e back if it    actally.

        But it o be an actal ance is not necessary if t is planned beforehand.


        If you alks, you may recall I    eac body is male and his sed body is female.

        A    body is female and her sed body male.

        If oo let le body go out, t need a womans body.

        urn of tle body.

        t needed.

        t is    be actal.

        , you remain una inside you.

        ion, nor do you knohem.

        So it is possible t tle body of a man may return    any    too le body.

        t be very sure about it.

        No one else s on tantrikas.

        antric    amount of able.

        Not t of a special woman.

        Virgin girls ra, because if a ic force dissipates.

        the only reason why virgin girls were required.

        If a ic force wears down.

        Old age is not ttractive.

        the same goes for man.

        t fual reason is t ty he woman less a woman.

        If one could stay a man or a il one grotractive.

        taying a man or a il t bra.

        ty -- and t try iveness.

        Even at te.

        tic elements even until ty, A man    do the same as well.

        Pritting here.

        Even te old, t of yout in him.

        ic force for a much longer period.

        Someill remaitractive even to te, even at this old age.

        So in tantra, virgin girls became very valuable in pulling the body.

        to maintain tity very meticulously so t tic po leak out.

        to increase to .

        Various asanas, body postures, sug tside the body.

        tain points in our body tic powards.

        For example, it flh our fingers.

        Actually, in order for to flo needs a poio pass through.

        It t flo of anyt keeps turning around.

        It flo of toes as well.

        So    are tlets from w.

        ts    to be joioget to t move out.

        Eyes are anotic po.

        ops floo keep them half-closed.

        You o kno t only w also whey are fully closed.

        It doesnt flow whe eyes are half-open.

        uation occurs in ed ihe eyes is broken.

        ts boto move out and stay in.

        ts to flo, o move in.

        Bote eacher.

        -- in tantra, in Yoga, and so on.

        If te body    needed.


        In tate of meditation, for example, a moment es his phenomenon occurs.

        In sucside may be taken.

        But it is not required except under ued situations.

        As I see it, if e ners in tual seoo.

        If botand pletely eacual states, tid electric forces of eace, t alone.

        Besides t t boto k as well.


        If a man and a o eacimate, , to reflect eacues.

        So muc if to resemble, their facial expressions look similar.

        A ies begins to show up.

        In fact, tricity tain ers into eacher.

        By and by both bee homogeneous.

        But t possible if a discord exists bethem.

        So it is useful to keep in mind t man and woman    be o eacher.

        tionsed merely to sex -- it    bee a relationso experience samadhi as well.

        Its also ing in t generally, a sannyasin looks very attractive.

        No ordinary person attracts women as much as he does.

        t t a male sannyasin tains a great reservoir of magic forces.

        Similarly, pared to an ordinary tractive to men -- for t tic poored up in her.

        Sand o lose it, tic po to dissipate.

        You may recall my previous talks in o be ticed etra.

        So remember, te sex is essential only in actal situations.

        ance from te sex is not required in every case.

        Many times, even le body returns.

        But in t case it is t makes it possible.

        So one ably instrumental, tably instrumental.

        Question 2


        Someto be uood in too.

        Ordinarily,    realize t every tous magism.

        ouc quality of touch.

        red and touciced too.

        ouche person knows as well.

        In all tic element in us flo els.

        Furtrates    oal ic forces bee very strong.

        Mesmer calls t;magic passes.


        Make a person lie naked.

        Spread bot touch his body.

        Noe your o toe -- keep your he body.

        If you do teen mitain suche kind of sleep he may have never had before.

        Dont touce electric currents ance of four inches.

        Just feel tric currents are flo.

        Aldous ed a strange i in her memoirs.

        S    ill alive.

        Srist ament.

        S to his house for his psyalysis.

        Salked to    two hours.

        S elligent man t it    to get anyt of elligent people are difficult to deal h!

        soever s.

        to, hose and many more.

        o erminology salking to him.

        It became a difficult situation.

        tient elligent t.

        people of this age.

        t an ordinary doctor, a psycrist, while huxley was a remarkable man.

        S a couple of hours.

        S tific terminology was leading her nowhere.

        Naturally, t meanings of en fail to reacuck eral meaning.

        She became very fused.

        It became apparent to    w s work.

        But s    tic passes.

        So s;I    magic passes.

        Is it true?"    up at once.

        Up to noly; noed.

        o lie on the couch.

        Just so t o do sometake some i, she couch.

        able lying t two hours.

        So wance of four inches from her body.

        Its a very simple teique.

        Keep your fingers four inchem vigorously.

        Feel electricity floo toe.

        e mi into a deep peaceful state.

        Sed t as a means t some excitement in huxley.

        t up and asked o lie down.

        t er a    out of her drowsiness.

        Sate of sleepiness, s figure out w was happening.

        Sold    funny space.

        ;Did ;

        t;No,     up by myself.


        to ;You fot to ate.


        ;Before I could wake    up on her own.

        talking and I fot thing.


        ic passes; it followo days.

        So ted, o feet; aken back,    to the head.

        tain points in tive; them very quickly.

        t sensitive of all points is betwo eyes.

        It is called third eye.

        It is t sensitive spot in our body.

        If you sit s    see outside because of closed eyes.

        t toucside, but you o feel its toucivated inside.

        If t    even on a sleeping person, ive in sleep.

        t active point is at the back of your neck.

        It ime to experiment on ter.

        For example, a stranger is walking ahead of you.

        If you focus your eyes on tance of four feet and give ions to look back, in a fees you he man looking behind him nervously.

        You    even make    , he will look back.

        You    even suggest to o turn on t street instead of going straight ahead.

        After a fes, ray.

        You    make ed to go.

        are not tied; rater at their necks is worked on.

        If oempts to tie treet, tion.


        But if one kno o take anybody s.

        Aing tance, will be walking behe person he is w on.

        So no one    accuse X of leading anybody away.


        X    make Y urn, move ws.

        ake Y ws.

        So ts are very signifit.

        ts in t it is better not to discuss them.

        ters are simple and straightforward.

        As I pointed out in my previous talk, any o see Gurdjieff immediately felt some work er.

        Many intelligent    to see he same.

        As soon as to Gurdjieff, immediately ter ive -- some straense sensation    at t point.

        Its a tremendously sensitive point.


        ters as well.

        So tion is, if a mans sciousness ,     be brougo knoy;    know w in    alive.

        If oucer o return at once.

        If ellectual, lives tellect, turn by touche agya chakra.

        If timental, emotional, tle body    be brougouc.

        So it er t.

        Remember, wer .

        And t for le body to enter his physical body as well.

        For example, als.

        te sce ive, because t is ter    of death.

        e still observe an age-old practice at time of cremation; its a practice ally meaningless, ime at a great moment of realization.

        At tion aff.

        t t of th chakra.

        t is t ttains to sa t of death.

        al energy escapes from t point.

        No tradition of breaking t cremation.

        te meaningless because ter.

        t of tai state of sciousness, a    point.

        Ever since people came to notice t, t tion ground -- affeately, in t tal breat ter, altually tal breat.

        ter of our life is tal breats.

        ts le body returns immediately.

        Alter is different in eacy out of a er, because th sex.

        So if you are uo figure out, toucer will do.

        If t doesnt    probably it is telligent or    a great deal, turns into intelligence.

        If boters fail, touter.

        telligent are emotional people.


        ters too, but ters.

        By toucers

        In exerg touco be taken into at.

        If a particular ter is predominantly active in touc creates an unusual situation.

        For example, if a person o touter, it le effect.

        ts own.

        is alo practice ts on ones o of the body experience, and so on.

        A sd tem, e for dug sucs.

        ts ion of monks he seven bodies all disappeared


        because a    make use of them.

        Monks aying at one place, t experiment muchese areas.

        t experiments in t only in teries and the ashrams.

        For example, tery in Europe wered.

        tery is about fourteen hundred years old.

        Only nuns reside in it.

        Oed s of it.

        ruck from tizens list; she bees as good as dead.

        to s for the world.

        A similar kind of monastery exists for men too.

        Iieric ity had done a remarkable job.

        No    mens monastery.

        No man .

        Boteries are close to eacher.

        Sle body leave ouc be necessary.

        It is enougo place    to t ery.

        tery is charged.

        No ma.

        thousands of women inside.


        It is not an ordinary resolve, its araordinary determination.

        Its a resolve to embrace death while being alive.

        Noo turn back.

        tmost sces could develop in teries because t for carrying on experiments.

        tantrikas ed sucies but by and by t.

        And , because tanical attitudes of people in try antrikas immoral.

        If a naked     ty in ter world.

        It is indeed dangerous if it bees kno in a monastery a s naked and seekers worship her.

        About tside is bound to project s.

        So royed a great many monasteries, a great many scriptures in try.

        King Bered orikas.

        t try, whey were found.

        tain experiments o tire priesto ty and tan mind of try.

        If ts were rigy is wrong.

        It antrikas t if a man performs a particular kind of worshe feeling of reverence, he bees free from women forever.

        Similarly, if a icular kinds of worship before a naked man, she bees free from men forever.

        tic forces betually desigo uhem.

        So it is not a small t a naked woman before h a feeling of reverence.

        Alture o enjoy    looking at a ic force -- toer o floohe inner woman.

        ts t    be, because tra for woman disappears.

        Now so him.

        Now he looks upon her as a goddess.

        She bees someone who is venerable.

        O go? Obviously troyed; one simply cs course.

        No energy is ever destroyed, only its course is diverted.

        If tside bees an object of ing he inner woman occurs.

        Oaken place, a meeting side    bees meaningless.

        ticular states of mind, special meditations, certain mantras, defieco worship a naked woman.

        t included all ts.

        tire system o    is in a sce laboratory.

        e all kno tion of er.

        t mean    if you fill your room er .

        Just t enough.

        A age of electricity is required to vert to er.

        ter is caused by tning.

        , but only    geed by t electricity brings about a mixture of boter created.

        God forbid, but suate day may e -- to our stists -- t    ion t er is created by bining hydrogen and oxygen.

        But just t ing er.

        true antra.

        tain only tion, t by he energy flows inward.

        But y, o happen.

        Lets look at it this way.

        You may ibetan mantra: om mani padme hum.

        If you repeat tra, youll find t several parts of your body are involved in uttering these words.

        For example, tes above t level, er.

        Just uttering tra repeatedly rates into t parts of your body.

        Nora, Om Mani Padmi hum


        if ted often, its po stops ter.

        ited use of ty of man is destroyed, it disappears.

        Many teaked woman.

        It is easy to find out g him.

        But cside, one ot be sure w she is sexually aroused; her sexual meism is hidden inside her body.

        attly find out w.

        Mao stay naked he sound of hum.

        tted to remain    affected even in sleep.

        You o kno ordinarily it is difficult to find a man o four times during sleep at nig or not.

        In America, o four times in sleep at night.

        er arouals are affected.

        If dreams    affect sex ans, too.

        If dreams    affect sex ans, tures    as well.

        After all, w are dreams?

        So tem for transformation, turned inward.

        I of turning t may be asked:    tantric system ood as well.

        tantric system wice was found unnecessary.


        t reason is t ed too see her naked.

        the woman has no such desire.

        Man is a voyeur.

        Man s to see terest.

        tercourse y- of a heir eyes, while man keeps his eyes open.

        Even when you kiss a woman, she keeps her eyes closed.

        t: s    to live t moment outwardly.

        to    o do    is outside.

        Ss to enjoy t inhin.

        ted so many statues, films, paintings of    aken no i in nude men.

        ograp nude men or ely no i in seeing a nude man.

        ome in nude men, but mans i in nude women is very deep.

        A nude rumental in mans transformation, but a nude man o close hing more.

        So a similar teique is meaningless for women.

        A ransformation ly.

        It is important to keep in mind t a    aggressive, sive.

        No woman    be aggressive.

        So anyone on o say, "I love you" -- let alone being aggressive about it.

        Even expressing t of aggressiveness on .

        Even    in suc to ;I love you.

        " A woman never goes and says sugs on her own.

        S even it this much of an aggression.

        ;I love you," even if to respond favorably, s;No" instead of "Yes.

        " Sing in mans aggression by not saying even as little as "Yes.

        " S;No.

        " She will refuse.

        t t a ually indicates    matter.

        A ains acceptance.

        t;No"    t;Yes" as ;Yes.


        Man o initiate ty, o lead he world of sex.

        ead of being sexually aroused, to be of immense value for the woman.

        to go    bees an initiation for her.

        Just as man succeeds in leading a o sex, if ransd sex in iate o transding sex as well.

        ts em for    discovered -- t.

        Question 3

        O OMEN URE?


        It o talk about it a little.

        Actually, it is not quite correct to say t someone is a man and someone is a woman.

        In fao one is only a man or a woman.

        Being a man or a ter of degrees.

        For a certain period, a s bot is her clearly male nor female.

        tus gradually develops iher a male or a female.

        t a matter of degree.

        ify someone as a man, it means y pert male and forty pert female, or seventy pert male and ty pert female, or y pert male and ten pert female.

        means t in ionately greater t.

        Occasionally it    a man is fifty-one pert male and forty-nine pert female -- a very minor difference.

        Suco be feminine.

        Similarly, if a y-one pert female and forty-nine pert male, she will look very mase.

        If suco find a feminiake a dominant role.

        In a case like t a linguistic error.

        In a situation like to use language correctly, t is ter.

        In t case    drop husband and wife as synonyms for man and woman.

        truly speaking, ands for a particular fun.

        to be a ion in itself -- eit position.

        to be a ional -- eit fun.

        Many men live and fun as wives.

        Many ion as husbands.

        So tio in ties causes men and o live such lives.

        And on a ally, in some illness, bees a woman, or a woman an.

        Some time ago turned into a man soon after her marriage.

        A suit o.

        t te s time of the man had been deceived.

        It became very difficult for to prove t s time of marriage, t surned into a man afterwards.

        But medical sce came to     s time of marriage, but on the verge of being a man.

        Sep and surned into a man.

        And s oep.

        In ture it    be too difficult for sake it possible for men and o chey wish.

        And it is good, because people after all do get bored playing the same role -- a ge is needed.

        omen hem will bee domineering.

        And suen will always remain unhappy.

        t is trary to ture; heir misery will be endless.

        Actually, a woman likes a man we her.

        No woman likes a man wed by her.

        A    e and suffer unoo, because s find a man we her.

        her misery will have no end.

        tuation    o him.

        But if o isfied.

        So being a man or a hing.

        But tem we o live marginally.

        e ion to blame for this.

        In fact ture     identical.

        this has proved harmful.

        Because of it ty y -- alto be on treme poles.

        A man sy-nine pert male and one pert female -- one pert effeminacy is bound to remain, t    avoid.

        A    female and one pert male.

        For to be possible, it is necessary t t exercises for bot diets, different kinds of education.

        It is essential t tire discipline of life be different; only to place ties.

        tanding,     o bee like men and men like women.

        t day    a o be like a woman and a man like a man.

        And    a big gap beter tara be two.

        ter tawo.


        But t has happened.

        In t and tender.

        Since o figtles, nor does o work in fields, figones, y o grow.

        ,    his muscles.

        A very basic part of his manhood has disappeared.

        to being a man.

        Sion as men.

        If so be successful ed structure of society so pete o perform the same jobs as men do.

        So be like man if so ory.

        So beo .

        In sucuations s nominally a woman.

        Biologically, s she remains a man.

        S are performed by men.

        Says in petition hem.

        On the one hand man is being more and more womanish, less virile.

        On to man, she is being mannish.

        this has proved very harmful.

        test     no o feel satisfied h any man.

        true h man.

        sequently, botey-four hours a day.

        to happen.

        Until e polarities, distinct from eacable.

        tor is responsible for their suffering -- which is sick.


        Question 4

        E NOt CALL t CALL tS?

        It is not a question of calling ts, it is an act.

        It o do h perversion.

        It is basically an act, and ways so save oneself from suc.

        tim of suc deserves pity,    be called a pervert.

        t at fault.

        Unless    about a qualitative c to ty, oo difficult, all our efforts to correct ts of foolishness.

        By iing     these lines.

        If a or.

        o a monk, a o sel her.

        t is, t responsible in tter, o do .

        tion of anyone seling the woman.

        She needs hormones which    make her more feminine.


        If a man sendencies aing, to be upset or miserable.

        reatment as is required in any otuation.

        Question 5

        OLE BODY IS OUt, It t ENtER BAtO tELY.


        t AN EARLY AGE.


        In t too, t t tle body goes out of tures order is bound to be disrupted.

        t natural; one s is beyond nature.

        rary to nature, or ire ment of nature bees disorderly.

        A great deal of preparation is needed if oo save oneself from sucate.

        Various yogasanas and mudras, yoga postures, are very .

        In fact all te.

        So you need araordinary body -- an ordinary body    work.

        You need your body to be made of steel so t it    and an unnatural p magnitude.

        For example, tal differei and any ot ered a fericks.

        e see t trick    it rikes us.

        You see a tire;    carries t of a car.

        take out some air and t move.

        to be in a particular proportion for tire to carry t muc.

        tec t of an elep.

        t funs exactly like a tire, like a tube.

        In order to and t of an elep, if one knoion, t, there is no problem.

        Ramamurti he same kind of lungs as we do.

        tube iire is not made of any eel, it doesh.

        tubes only use is t it takes in its volume a specific amount of air -- ts all.

        If t muc, thing works.

        Retly, a neype of car    above the ground.

        It    require any tire tube.

        In fact trick applies in this meism.

        t t to bear its .

        t ting its upper and los, and due to t ed he moving car.


        As t moves ed be.

        It is t    to move ahead.

        ater from all sides ruso fill t forward.

        trick t works all along.

        Ser bely, t    move.

        So if a car is made to run at a particular speed, a four-foot t to fun as a road.

        In fact, to make it really -- it omatically as t high speed.

        t be any need for whe car will simply slide along.

        tter -- only air s all.

        eche body a special discipline.

        Giving suche difference.

        ts wha yogi never dies young.

        A normal raja yogi dies at a young age like Vivekananda or S not a ha yogi.

        And t total disciplio ake place.

        In order to prepare o and any unnatural situation, ural practices.

        For example, side .

        Sufi mystics    around themselves.

        the word suf means wool.

        One wh a woolen around is known as a Sufi.

        the word sufi.

        All Sufi fakirs in t, move around in blas.

        In t scorc t.

        te a very unnatural situation.

        As it is, t, tting t.

        o and unnatural ditions.

        In tibet a lama sits naked on to see perspiration running down his body.

        to perspire even uhe falling snow.

        is very unnatural.

        the body.

        If to pass tions, it bees fit to and any unnatural happening.

        to the body.

        But ordinarily tions take years.

        sequently, t useless to spend so many years in preparation just to live a little longer.


        ty or ty years are minimum -- ty years are    least.

        If a man begins at teen, y by time he is fully prepared.

        to be so muc the body.

        If sucate does occur and t.

        is t? So tions were abandoned.

        ts y-t    prepared to    of sucude.

        But tion.

        If it appears necessary t is all rigo bother.

        If one o    t for only ty-to last for ty-t doesnt prove to be of muc.

        If I o ime I am fifteen until I am fifty, I y-five years in preparation.

        Sy-five years -- till ty-five -- total of years t I y-five.

        So it has no meaning.

        If someone o o S;You could y years if you iced ; S;But I y years for it.

        I find making suecessary.

        I like to die at ty-three.



        ha Yoga lagged behind.

        t no one o follos long practices.

        But my feeling is, ure if its practices are follohe help of sce.

        As I see it, ook ty-five years oed in five years he help of sce.

        time    be saved he maximum use of sce.

        will be a wific o being.

        I believe stifiot in India, because India doesnt ifiviro at all.

        So time    be saved, but it doesnt serve any particular purpose.

        It migo save time under very special circumstances, but t too will he physical body.

        For S may not be useful to tinue living but for ot    be.

        ts wely, even if barely, ill meaningful.

        One could o S;Gra extending life is of no use to you.

        y-five years more, it    many people.

        " tha Yoga.

        le body separates from tmeerrupted.

        It is almost like once you take apart t, but it does sen the engine.

        ts    dismantled before.

        Even if t togetly t s does lose its loy.

        t it ot be ttle cs inal adjustment affects the engine.

        Furts t die very quickly; ts t take a little loo die.

        And ts t refuse to die even after the man is dead.

        Even in time.

        take a loime to die.

        Death occurs on many levels.

        In fact ts in your body ic -- even t needed for to fun.

        For example, I am sitting alking to you.

        If I leave talking op, but ts o -- it o do h my presence.

        tems in our body.

        One system is suc it o an end as soon as the body.

        Anotem keeps    the body.

        It is automatic, it -in arrao tio fun for aended period of time.

        t and t knohe man is dead.

        take quite a    it need not grow anymore.

        So tais    attack.

        A man    survive a    attack if aid reaches him in six seds.

        Basically, a    attack is not a deat is just a structural fault .

        In t    fifty people his in Russia.

        If to soldiers tack, they survived.

        But after six seds certais die, and t bees very difficult to revive them.

        te parts of our brain die very soon -- immediately.

        So if tle body stays out for too long, t bees very necessary to protect ts elements o die.

        be able to gauge le body remained outside, because tle body exist on a different time scale.

        For instance, if my subtle body goes out, it may seem like I stayed for years in t state.

        But after returning to t even a sed has elapsed.

        time scales for bot.

        It is as they are being married.

        es his long dream.

        One may tell ;But you dozed off for only a minute, ake pla suc time?" It ; time scale is different.

        Sucake pla one minute, for t its time measurement is very different from t of tate -- it is very fast, speedy.

        If tle body stayed out even for a mi may seem to you as if you    for years.

        It doesnt give you any idea side really.

        In t dition it is absolutely necessary t t.

        e arras are made, ones subtle body    stay outside for a long time.

        t in ting.

        It is meanio talk of ayed outside in terms of le bodys time scale, but acc to our time scale side hs.

        A    o trouble.

        e .

        But Mandans , whily women    make.

        S;Only one .

        I, till alive.

        Until you ed me, you t claim to ed Mandan Misotally.


        S into difficulty.

        Alt t, it didnt really carry any .

        Mandan Mised.

        One doesnt o defeat Gama, tler and oo in order to bee the winner.

        But ti, e h.

        the world has seen very few learned women of her caliber.

        So ting o Shankara.

        it would be fun.

        before    aken.

        It is very easy to defeat a man, but it is not so easy to defeat a s of man and he same.

        t logic.

        ts and eacher.

        t, they are never harmonious.

        ten go parallel, never meeting anywhere.

        So S Bi ters like Bracetera.

        But s raise any issue regarding Branessed    rouble on t ground.

        She knew very well any discussion of Brahman and maya will be of no use.

        So so S;Please say somet sex.


        S a loss.

        ;I am an aplise.

        Please dont ask me anyt sex.


        Bi said, "If you k else do you kno you may be kno the Brahman, maya and so on.

        You    sex because, after all, it is this world you call maya.

        I e only on t topic.


        S;Please alloime to learn about t.

        I , no one ever taught me.

        I dont kno of sex.


        In order to learn t of sex, So leave er into another body.

        ; ;    ire life energy roverted, tire flo    to dra out.

        ed h a woman using his own body.

        If    out to k urned inward.

        Dra out would hs.

        It    a simple thing.

        It is easy to dra, but to dra out again is very difficult.

        It is easy to drop pebbles and pick diamonds, but very difficult to give up diamonds for pebbles.

        So S.


        o go and find out if anyone    died so t er his body.

        told to guard ill urned.

        ered into t for six monthen came back.

        Sained for six months.

        tenance of tremely difficult task.

        Only individuals of incredible devotion must rusted y.

        As I mentioned earlier, a tibetan seeker sits out in ting cold and makes his body perspire.

        tter of will.

        termination y of tter cold and creates anoty t t is .

        Merely by es ao ate of mind.

        tual situation around    of t closing    situation.

        s to    it is not sno t.

        ion to go so deep    a moment es .

        t perspire? ion s ate of mind prevail over tances.

        In a sense, all yoga is not alloate of mind to overe tances.

        And all    subjeg tate of mind to tances.

        It    been recorded or eveioned anywly w So preserve his physical body.

        For six montees sat around    breaking the circle.

        to maintain a fixed number of people present all time.

        take turns    basically everyone present o remain a all ty-four hours.

        A special enviro o be maintained in the body was being guarded.

        It    certain t    cave.

        About seven individuals o sit around te t breat alive but Shankara is.

        And tricity o floinuously into Shankaras body.

        to be placed upon Shankaras seven chakras.

        It ial t tricity of terruptedly into t possible to preserve Shs.

        Even a moments lapse , causing to lose its temperature.

        It ive t temperature ained in Shankaras body.

        Not eve variation ure.

        And t could not be created by any oternal means except t tio pass tic forces the seven chakras of Shankaras body.

        t t, to kno t present, because t tions.

        Do you folloo knos seven cop floting around.

        tion like transmissioers.

        sequently, the body remains alive.

        But if any error occurs in ts ready to die.

        Until t remains totally unaware.

        So a body    be kept alive if oto it.

        teco keep Shs.

        For six montly engaged in it.

        taking turns, it    seven people alively involved in the process.

        Finally, Surned after six montis questions.

        to learn about something he had no knowledge of.

        t anot sex, but S a.

        occurred in Ma ered into another body.

        Instead, ered into t lives; t    another source available.

        tec lives, ed only to ts -- it never reache hindus.

        ion been raised to Ma o enter anothere was no need.

        Rations hod.


        But S ifioeique.

        ering into t group of seekers.

        tual sces, and so far nion possesses all tails of all these sces.

        A certain religion developed a particular tecisfied .

        But up to noreasures of all the religions.

        And t e about until y.

        If to eacreasures, bee partners, a ne makes use of an infinite number of sources.

        is unknown in India.

        t thing whio one in India knows.

        teries of tibet possessed somet found in India.

        India ibet.

        is kno kno eacs respective fragment as plete.

        Noo past lives is a very simple experimeering anot and very dangerous.

        t in regression is very easy and it involves no danger.

        But Seique.

        Since    all ing ts, all to him.

        gain aablisact hem.

        It inuous frontation.

        Naturally, some doors o Shankara.

        S ready to receive sunrays ing from any otion except through his own door.

        Alt realize it, t is no matter ter, the same sun.

        But ting by our respective doors, putting our claim on it.

        e fail t    uibetan does naked in the falling snow.

        tical -- t all.

        Altrary experiments, essentially bothe same.

        Question 6


        Actually, ts are trary to eacher.

        In ters into anoto enter his body.

        t things.

        teg into anoteter another body.


        ive and invite someoo enter his body.

        ted by t cases be bodiless.

        Rarely o a mediums invitation.

        the disembodied souls which are moving around us

        e are not tting    here as well.

        Sile differeo us.

        tood in terms of he radio works.

        If you turn on a radio you    catcation, but urned on, do you tation    transmitting or t t passing t    ahem.

        to ect us he sound waves.

        tions as a medium.

        It puts us in touche sound waves.

        So tion on the same principle as a radio does.

        t of tuning.

        t possible for any of to ehem.

        But to enter a body.


        t reason is t bodiless souls -- s -- tal, any embodied soul.

        being in t tisfied -- t be.

        For example, a g s to make love to someone; for t it needs a body.

        t carries t is    the body.

        es closer to a    passes t.

        Our body offers ao it.

        t s to be in t longs to enter a body.

        t succeeds iering t of fear a person tracts from hin.

        In a state of fear your sciousness does not cover as much space -- you shrink.

        A vacuum is created in your body.

        In t fearful state t ehe vacuum.

        Generally, people ts are born out of fear, or t fear itself is t.

        None of true.

        A g s oence.

        A person in a state of fear makes it possible for t to ma -- he medium.

        And si is t t enters into o arise.

        talking about is tary invitation given to a soul.

        Someone on es a space es a spirit to enter.

        tec you create a space e a spirit present in ty to enter your body.

        Siarily, t muc.

        And si is done purposely one kno as    back.

        ive, and it he ordinary bodiless souls.

        t is already in to be called, because if I o call an embodied soul to enter a medium, the man being called will fall unscious.

        Very often, aken as an ordinary state of unsciousness.

        But many times it is not t is a situation whe individuals soul has been called somewhere.

        is o treat t t time -- it is best to leave his body alone.

        But we his.

        Up to no    bee clear to sce e of unsciousness is of t is caused by t of the body.

        So t of a different nature.

        In ted in t of the body.

        Question 7



        Ramakrishna was very fond of food -- excessively.

        One miger food.

        Even in to tc she was cooking for dinner.

        the discussion.

        tion not only to S to ees as well.

        tees    if    around of ters    e a sdal.

        Actually, disciples are ally    ter! t ters name be dragged into disgrace.

        So finally to Ramakris;Your all of a sudden dropping a serious discussion for t look good upon you.

        And ure?"

        Ramakrishna said in response was very remarkable.

        ;Per know


        ed, all ted, to depart.

        One anc my s leave t.

        top taking i in food, kno I ser.

        I doo live for myself -- t.

        But I o tell you, someto vey to you.

        to give to you.

        is necessary t I linger a little longer.

        "My so sail, but it tains a treasure ribute to the shore.

        But the shore are all asleep.

        I o o coax to accept treasure I possess.

        t realize it is a treasure, t is trash.

        t knoalking about -- leave us alone.

        e are happy sleeping in our cozy beds.

        "Let me persuade to accept treasure my sh.

        Let me distribute to t.

        time o say goodbye.

        "So tied myself to one ancake so mucerest in food.

        Food is my anchor.

        turn my face a I ser.


        No oook    day -- whings happen.

        ted greatly ain taken seriously.

        But t never happened.

        So it    perion, t rying to make a point.

        tees must ed also t maybe Ramakris    o be bothered.

        But exactly w he had said happened.

        One day, S his meal as usual.

        In his room Ramakrishna was lying down on his bed.

        te and turned on his side.

        Ordinarily,    of o see e.

        t urned    aer t.

        te fell from her hands.


        soling S; will g do? I he anchor.

        ied to it?" Exactly ter he died.

        You ask me: " sucay on t t; Up to t stay around.

        Oo fasteo one of the five senses.

        But beyond t necessary -- tay around    needing to do this.

        case some otors ribute iending tence.

        t    be necessary to preserve any craving.

        But toget matter and requires a lengthy discussion.

        Let me explain it to you briefly.

        If oo tio exist beyond t case a pressure from ted souls, from ts hem.

        the persuasion es from above.

        t researchis area.

        ts discovered t many souls aio t, ttle longer on th.

        For example, a s to leave.

        It is not tied to any piling, but t loudly, "Please stay a little longer: please dont be in a hurry.

        " trumental iing the ship from leaving.

        And tive in time of Mahavira, Buddha and Krishna.

        By Ramakrisime tions .

        In fact sucs betury t it is almost impossible to heir voices.

        tanuity, no li anymore.

        For example, Ma of a tinuity.

        ty-tirty-fourt tradition, t system.

        ty-ty-t long before wo y years before him.

        Alt man of ty-to eacher.

        ther shore before Mahavira

        tirthankara may surprise you.

        tirt, tirt g before you, ts all.

        So ty-tirt.

        tituted a systematic order.

        tioaining to t world were all well preserved.

        ty-fourtanding on tand, pick up messages ing from ty-three beings.

        t one person among today ion.

        Mahousand five hundred years ago.

        A s between him and us.

        Even if Mao s from tand his language.

        In tire system of language, taining to t inuity.

        Jaina monks simply ures -- t knohey    do.

        But t t deal of noise, display banners, raise flags, cry out loud slogans of "; to receive Maion -- t a single man w.

        People otem still, but t .

        s em too, but by Ramakrisime no such meism was available.

        Ramakris ion her shore.


        So t for o drive a piling o it.

        ther way.

        It    to knoher side.


        tive for thousands of years.

        ty-fourt tradition is yet to be born.

        One more ination of Budd to appear, and Budd monks all over ting his appearance.

        tantly -- desiring e ways, o find him once more.

        ting no one.

        ing an ination -- Kalki.

        to desd.

        But t ure yet as to how he    be called, how he    be received and reized.

        t o identify him.

        You o kno all ty-tirt clues to identify ty-fourtirthankara.

        All possible indications were made available.

        teristics: t,    sign , all ermined.

        tifying such a man.

        In Maime eigo be ty-fourtirthankara.

        time irto appear, but t claimants.

        Finally, Maed and tirthankara.

        But no sueans of identifie Ramakrishe se.

        In a spiritual seoday is in a very fused state.

        And in tuatioive left except t one remaio some piling.

        No messages are hem.

        Even    bees difficult to decode t.

        ty is t noion possible bet his world.

        You may not be a    ists    t be at least fifty ts in there may be life.

        And t ts    of human beings -- or even higher.

        But t difficult to establiso send t sign or symbol and? ricolor flag of India, an Indian kno is ional flag.

        But s? And    fly so t it bees visible te experiments    in t.

        One maed a gigantic triangle in Siberia.

        triangle which was miles long.

        ted triangle    effects.

        Noter le, it ill be a triangle.

        No matter ill hree angles.

        ever -- try he same.

        So to establisact ary beings by means of geometry.

        It    people looking at sugle from anot may e to t sugle could not o existen its own.

        And, sedly, seeing tria safely assume t geometry must be knoo th.

        For many days a great deal of ion, but tion s uood ttempt.

        Noo receive signals ws may be sending us.

        Occasionally some signals are caug t, their meaning remains obscure.

        For example, you must he flying saucer.

        Many people    moving around and the sky.

        It    many places, on many occasions, and sometimes at many locations around t.

        A, so far, it ery.

        No one kno object is.

        ?    appear and then disappear?

        It is quite possible t beings of some pla are trying to establisact h.

        to follow.

        uand ts all a fi.

        talk of flying saucers, etcetera is nothan gossip.

        Some believe it must be an optical illusion,    be anyt some kind of natural phenomenon.

        So it is not clear exactly    is.

        t least believe t maybe ts people of anot are sending an invitation to us, t trying to vey someto us.

        But even t suc situation, because ta and life on anot is not so great as it is bet in this world.

        tance is mucer.

        In t place, transmitted from t    to catch here.

        Even if t, t uood.

        ts remain undiscovered.

        So people like Ramakrisury, or say    t rigo say even two hundred years

        Actually after Mo is in t fourteen , very difficult indeed.

        Realizing tuation, Nanak created a ne-up from tart.

        about t and started a neradition of ten people.

        But it too disappeared very soon -- didnt last long.

        So no -- t part of any .

        An individual seeker o use an ancs t least up to th body.

        ternal signals and pressures    work wh body.

        But for no ing in, even a man in too ablisage of ther way.