


















































































































        After torc red on sy faces

        After ty silen the gardens

        After tony places

        ting and the g

        Prison and palad reverberation

        Of tant mountains

        he who was living is now dead

        e who were living are now dying

        ittle patience

        er but only rock

        Rod no er and the sandy road


        ains of rock    er

        If ter we sop and drink

        Amongst t stop or think

        S is dry a are in the sand

        If ter amongst the rock

        Dead mountain mouteet ot spit

        and nor lie nor sit

        t even silen tains

        But dry sterile t rain

        t even solitude in tains

        But red sullen faces sneer and snarl

        From doors of mudcracked houses

        If ter

        And no rock

        If there were rock

        And also er

        And er

        A spring

        A pool among the rock

        If ter only

        Not the cicada

        And dry grass singing

        But sound of er over a rock


        Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop

        But ter

        hird who walks always beside you?

        , together

        But we road

        ther one walking beside you

        Gliding    in a brole, hooded

        I do not know wher a man or a woman

        - But her side of you?

        is t sound he air

        Murmur of maternal lamentation

        hose hooded hordes swarming

        Over endless plains, stumbling in cracked earth

        Ringed by t horizon only

        is ty over tains

        Cracks and reforms and bursts in t air

        Falling towers

        Jerusalem Athens Alexandria

        Vienna London


        A ight

        And fiddled wrings

        And bats    light

        led, aheir wings

        And crawled head downward down a blaed wall

        And upside doowers

        tolling remi bells, t kept the hours

        And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exed wells.

        In tains

        In t moonlighe grass is singing

        Over tumbled graves, about the chapel

        ty che winds home.

        It he door swings,

        Dry bones    harm no one.

        Only a cock stood on tree

        Co co rico co co rico

        In a flasning. t

        Bringing rain

        Ganga he limp leaves

        aited for rain, whe black clouds

        Gatant, over .

        the jungle crouched, humped in silence.



        Datta: w have we given?

        My friend, blood s

        ts surrender


        By ted

        to be found in our obituaries

        Or in memories draped by t spider

        Or under seals broken by tor

        In our empty rooms


        Dayadhe key

        turn in turn only

        e the key, ea his prison

        the key, each firms a prison

        Only at nigherial rumours

        Revive for a moment a broken Coriolanus


        Damyata: t responded

        Gaily, to t h sail and oar

        t would have responded

        Gaily, ing obedient

        to trolling hands

        I sat upon the shore

        Fishe arid plain behind me

        S least set my lands in order?

        Londe is falling down falling down falling down

        Poi sascose nel foco che gli affina

        Quando fiam ceu chelidon - O swallow swallow

        Le Prince dAquitaine a la tour abolie

        ts I    my ruins

        you. hieronymos mad againe.

        Datta. Dayada.
