















        一只老鼠悄悄爬过了草丛 把它湿粘的肚子拖过河岸,



























































































































        tent is broken: t fingers of leaf

        Clutco t bank. the wind

        Crosses ted.

        S tly, till I end my song.

        ty bottles, sandwich papers,

        Silk te ends

        Or otestimony of summer niged.

        And tering y directors;

        Departed,    no addresses.

        By ters of Leman I sat do . . .

        S tly till I end my song,

        S tly, for I speak not loud or long.

        But at my ba a cold blast I hear

        ttle of to ear.

        A rat crept softly tation

        Dragging its slimy belly on the bank

        he dull al

        On a er evening round behe gashouse

        Musing upon thers wreck

        And on th before him.

        e bodies naked on the lo ground

        And bones cast in a little lo,

        Rattled by ts foot only, year to year.

        But at my back from time to time I hear

        tors, which shall bring

        So Mrs. Porter in the spring.

        O t on Mrs. Porter

        And on er

        t in soda er

        Et O ces voix denfants, t dans la coupole!

        t t t

        Jug jug jug jug jug jug

        So rudely forcd.


        Unreal City

        Uer noon

        Mr. Euge

        Uns full of currants

        C.i.f. London: dots at sight,

        Asked me iic French

        to lunc treet el

        Follo tropole.

        At t he eyes and back

        turn ups

        Like a taxi ting,

        I tiresias, two lives,

        Old man s,    see

        At t    strives

        he sailor home from sea,

        typist    teatime, clears , lights

        ove, and lays out food in tins.

        Out of the window perilously spread

        ions touc rays,

        On t night her bed)

        Stogs, slippers, camisoles, and stays.

        I tiresias, old man h wrinkled dugs

        Perceived told t -

        I too aed ted guest.

        he young man carbuncular, arrives,

        A small s clerk, are,

        One of ts

        As a silk    on a Bradford millionaire.

        time is noious, as he guesses,


        Endeavours to engage her in caresses

        ill are unreproved, if undesired.

        Fluss at once;

        Expl er no defence;

        y requires no response,

        And makes a wele of indifference.

        (And I tiresias have foresuffered all

        Enacted on this same divan or bed;

        I he wall

        And    of the dead.)

        Bestoronising kiss,

        And gropes airs unlit . . .

        Surns and looks a moment in the glass,

        ed lover;

        to pass:

        "ell nos done: and Im glad its over."

        oops to folly and

        Paces about her room again, alone,


        And puts a record on the gramophone.

        "t by me upon ters"

        And along trand, up Queen Victoria Street.

        O City city, I    sometimes hear

        Beside a public bar in Loreet,

        t whining of a mandoline

        And a clatter and a cter from hin

        noon: whe walls

        Of Magnus Martyr hold

        Inexplicable splendour of Ionian we and gold.


        Oil and tar


        iturning tide

        Red sails


        to leehe heavy spar.

        the barges wash

        Drifting logs

        Down Greenwich reach

        Past the Isle of Dogs.

        eialala leia

        allala leialala


        Beating oars

        tern was formed

        A gilded shell

        Red and gold

        the brisk swell

        Rippled both shores

        Sout wind

        Carried doream

        the peal of bells

        e towers

        eialala leia

        allala leialala

        "trams and dusty trees.

        highbury bore me. Rid and Kew

        Undid me. By Rid I raised my knees

        Supine on t;

        "My feet are at Mate, and my

        Under my feet. After t

        . art.

        I made no ent.    s?"

        "On Margate Sands.

        I    ect


        ty hands.

        My people


        la la

        to Carthen I came

        Burning burning burning burning

        O Lord t me out

        O Lord t
