


        Arto Be a Better Reporter)。指南第一条要求记者看得清楚,写得简明(see a t simply)。第二条要求记者记得请不起公司律师而买得起一份报纸的大众:报人忠於贫穷读者,律师忠於富裕顾客,有些报老闆忘了这一点,一富有就忘了贫穷的滋味(Keep in mind t cro ot afford to ion la    afford a t neo    reader ty t a great lao    t. Some , especially after t feels to be poor).第三条提醒记者写稿要让读者读来历历如亲眼目睹(rite so t tually SEEN ing, don''t fet t back PICtURES. One good picture tells more ture age)。第五条劝记者写浅白简明的文字。不怕重用同一个字、同一个词:切忌忽“马”忽“骏”,忽“狗”忽“犬”,忽用“老鼠”忽用“耗子”(Don''t be afraid to use t e "", t")。忌写花哨文章。文字越简明越有力。自然的风格是最好的风格(Avoid fang. t po.)。文字最好写得读来出众听来悦耳,忌用拟声词(Make y striking, and musical, if you . don''t try for onomatopoeia)。


        第六条鼓励记者天天养脑如养身。好报人博读群书好过暴饮暴食。职业拳师不能靠十年前吃的牛扒打赢今日的对手。报人二十年前的思想救不了近火。多读多想。吸收新知(Feed your mind as you feed your body, EVERY day. Feed your body less, and your mind more, if you    to be a good neen years ago. Ne do good y years ago. READ AND to nee y. "ork,as nature e''s advice quoted by D Annunzip. If you do not burn as you    ers, and read So t

wer>of literature, o t Lakes)。第八条依然要记者多读书,读前人之信仰与事蹟。读经典名着。读古书,看古人的写作技巧。第九条说出更多必读作家的大名,然后回头重读莎翁。第十条教记者学会删改润饰自己的原稿:删掉“非常”;尽量删掉形容词。记住法国人的至理名言:“形容词是名词的敌人”(Learn to edit your copy. Strike out "very" alrike out most of your adjectives, remembering tive is the noun.")。