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        J.M. SYNGE AND tIME

        On Saturday, January 26turing in Aberdeen, and elegram     from Dublin after t of tern orld, t time. After one in t brougo my bedroom telegram, Audience broke up in disorder at t. I kneil I got t to Dublin on tuesday m. On t no    forty young men    on t seats of t, and stamped and sed and blorumpets from to tain. On tuesday nigy young men o silence    a or could anyry men and , grotesque persons, heir fancy.

        A patriotic journalism    est and most ignoble po of repeating a name again and again ion. tio performance of t play, ion made in ignora repeated in disy, t aken ers, not from    profound kno and curragted to possess, but from a er of taneous dislike    natural, fenius like    sle, set forty of its beauty, and ts passion; but t    violent tificial, tue by t    little, s rigo govern the world.

        As I stood tc I saion of a s t ood beside me, and said, A young doctor    told me t o a seat, and pointing out in t reating for venereal disease.