首页杰克伦敦热爱生命简介A SUNDAY IN LONDON.*


        * Part of a sketcted in tions.

        IN a preg paper I ry and its tranquillizing effect upon t rikingly apparent t of t great Babel, London? On tister is co repose. tolerable din and struggle of t an end. t. tories are extinguiso t streets. trians , instead of enances, move leisurely along; t on thes, and are sed in mind as well as in person.

        And nooo t tradesman, tizen and ers, -er tresses, at    sed.

        Noe of ty, peradventure an alderman or a ster of ma annou procession of cy scique cut, and each a prayer-book under his arm.

        t an end; ttering of feet is    cy, cuary. For a time everyt soon is ing ty lanes and courts, and t g of tifying effect of c t recesses of t metropolis, elevating it, as it ions of tide of triump o heaven.

        t an end. treets are again alive iourning to t soon again relapse into silenoo ty tradesman, is a meal of some importa at togeted by tions of tted on t day to e to ternal akes omed Sunday seat at tells over ories, and rejoices young and old h his well-known jokes.

        On Sunday afternoon ty pours forts lesions to breatirists may say    ts of a London citizen on Sunday, but to me tful in bey city eo e forture. ored to t; and t spread out t pleasure-grounds    as mucs y as if t of cost in als, prisons, aentiaries.