A couple of er Su Mices returned and told me t I eps of an exceedingly antique dance, because before my initiation could be perfected I o join times in a magical dance, for rernity, on and actal could be broken, and t set free. I found t teps, ique Greek dances, and er of many curious Gaelic steps, I soon ume s s, but by its crimson colour a more passionate life t into my tle to tsman, old me to open a small door opposite to tered. I put my o t t I did so terious glamour, made me fall again into a dream, in er of a little Eastern s and still t I kneried me on t at last fluo a er tle laug all t, for ies iful tistery at Ravenna, but of a less severe beauty; t colour of eacy, ed lamp before every divinity. I passed on, marvelling exceedingly s could ed all ty in so remote a place, and o believe in a material alc of so much smoke of ever?ging colour.
I stopped before a door, on ions of terrible faces. t seemed to eps, for a voice cried: Is tible Fire at an end? and immediately Mices ans gold banor. t circular room, and among men and ttle of gods and angels, tes urned from te s, out of love fod of y and sorroed ter, eacies, it seemed, of t out ake my plad dance, and as I turned from to tone, and t a pale a pale cross es told t to trouble y itudinous feet. t, trag upon tals t copied tals in to truments tern, for I te, until all to . After a little I ood under a pillar cil gradually I sank into a als of t rose, raordinary beauty. Still faint and cloud?like, to dance, and as took a more and more definite s I o distinguisiful Gre faces and august Egyptian faces, and noo name a divinity by taff in tering over al foot danced by te foot of an immortal; and in troubled eyes t looked into untroubled sness of uttermost desire as t lengter unreable love of times, but only for a moment, I sa solitary figure torc among t like a dream anding born from a deeper fountain t, t it o ies is altoget, and of al . So t if a man love nobly e pity, unspeakable trust, unending sympat jealousy, sudden red, and unappeasable desire; but unveiled love to me from to t be spared out of to to t t of tance of our s; and before I could anserious seemed like took Aleiting nor refusing, into t. I al august is betar and star, and breaters; and as ed over us and round us, c us a of to pass, and tempests to awake and perishe folds of our robes and in her heavy hair.
Suddenly I remembered t dropped a black petal, or sood I danced han human, and who was drinking up my soul as an ox drinks up a wayside pool; and I fell, and darkness passed over me.
I a I on t no great distance, me on tings. turned faces looking to my imagination like noticed before; and outside tes lying at a little distand beside boumult of angry men and o my feet, I quickly to Mices, and tried to s of ried to lift ly; and to t o give, and I ran to t open and came out upon a passage , and found in to ay kitcs t to tto a small yard, and from teps ers edge, of t lately refaced e, so t it clear of sea , I found it so slippery I o climb up on to toemple of till sing, but somely, and sa t t as I looked, a little es from ime a storm stered te. ood , poio me, and screamed out sometened, for all turo pullers of t t ation and lamentatio to be ringing in the air over my head.
ts even noion and lamentation, and s mastery over my and my intellect, seems about to claim a perfect mastery; but I carry t my neck, and o my and say: our doors deceiving our intellects lety and flattering our s y, and but in t rages otimes is still, and I am at peace.