首页励志短片《梦想》Chapter 52

Chapter 52

        Diane Joplin sat in tening to t melee of t in agreement. One of tructed o slide open t. Yet, t sounded vaguely like old o be patient. All t rained on tty girl driving tc driver. Diane    sure, but s so    o be a code name, sikit    far from Kabukichose flyovers.

        told    ried o reassure    srying to make a p seemed to be rouble eg. ting exasperated. urned out to be Englis    the same one she’d heard English people use in America.

        Diaurention to t to t sat a gray box    read “Fuel Cells.    looked like ter equipment but Diane    sure. It looked too small. Some of tors ss on t s s be certain because t really move mu. It    not unpleasant smell of    pos and plastic. to ion.

        “or Ryan, please,” Fouler said, giving are. Dia .

        “I am afraid Director Ryan is on ther line,” a middle age-sounding female voice said.

        “tell ake my call.”

        “OK, ant but Fouler    tarted ing from tor of t o jump from tarted o prison for a very long time. ere t Engliss yet t fitted topped.

        “Bruce, it’s been a    FBI agents sounded like, especially in the movies.

        “t ted about but seems to be getting no to drao a close. I    he upper hand,” Fouler said.

        “O. t t it on fa of tensive files on terday and after a bit of coaxing t seemed t list. For    kno took orders from Japan. ter aken off t list today alt to find    s are pig    el rig do you    call my special lio keep me up to date on cases t sell neabloids.”

        “I am in tokyo. I o talk to or spoke.

        “Alep a kno of    your disappearance suggested you’d done something wrong.”

        “Sorry, I    and o get aand.

        “All to Japan?”

        “I t I o my fatokyo,” Diane said. S it seemed srouble and t liberal of t. tly, geing a    if Diaried really    ted voice of a scared little girl, .

        “You’ll make a fine FBI agent, young    took ents several days to trace to Japan and you did it in    sed?” ting t it riake able. to arrest her.

        “ted in cackles of disappoi.

        “ell, I guess an FBI salary    mean muco you. You are a very brave and very ric you a lot of money. You probably o ed wisely.”

        rying to deduce from your reply    you see t? It’s all one big trap.

        “to respond to t.

        “You’ll o e back    t’s someto sort out he man called John Ryan said.

        You see? And t Fouler is part of the plan.

        But he saved my life.


        “e’ll get o Boston, if t’s o do,” Fouler interjected, giving    strange look again.


        “Sure. Good lud ted t his up.”

        “Sure t time I am in ason,” Fouler said, smiling to himself.

        “Absolutely. Goodbye Brud thanks.”

        Fouler    as to a driveood a looming sno Diane Joplin reized from cyberspace pos as Mount Fuji. A sign in Englis stood outside traractive-looking Japanese lady and a o Diane as t out of t taying    tte family’s    springs ryokan    Jones retrieved el.

        “You’ll be safe o the man’s hand.

        trangely silent. All sing of    as sole anot tte boy.