首页lost in paradise罗马音12


        tions, Prins, Vertues, Powers, [ 460 ]

        For in possession suely ht,

        I call ye and declare ye nournd

        Successful beyond o lead ye forth

        triump out of t

        Abominable, accurst, the house of woe, [ 465 ]

        And Dungeon of our tyrant: Now possess,

        As Lords, a spacious orld, to our native heaven

        Little inferiour, by my adventure hard

        it atco tell

        I    sufferd,    paine [ 470 ]

        Voyagd t, unbounded deep

        Of horrible fusion, over which

        By Sin ah a broad way now is pavd

        to expedite ylorious marc I

        toild out my uncout to ride [ 475 ]

        tractable Abysse, plungd in the womb

        Of uninal Night and Chaos wilde,

        t jealous of ts fiercely opposd

        My jourrange, h clamorous uproare

        Protesting Fate supreame; thence how I found [ 480 ]

        ted orld, which fame in heavn

        Long old, a Fabrick wonderful

        Of absolute perfe, therein Man

        Pla a Paradise, by our exile

        Made happie: him by fraud I have seducd [ 485 ]

        From or, and to increase


        Offended, er, h givn up

        Both his beloved Man and all his orld,

        to Sin ao us, [ 490 ]

        it our hazard, labour, or allarme,

        te in, and to dwell, and over Man

        to rule, as over all he should have ruld.

        true is, mee also her

        Mee not, but te Serpent in whose shape [ 495 ]

        Man I deceavd: t wo mee belongs,

        Is enmity, ween

        Mee and Mankinde; I am to bruise his heel;

        set, shall bruise my head:

        A orld w purch a bruise, [ 500 ]

        Or muc

        Of my performance:    remains, ye Gods,

        But up aer noo full bliss.