首页lost in paradise罗马音14


        radition they dispersd

        Among t,

        And Fabld , whey calld [ 580 ]

        Ophe wide-

        Encroac the rule

        Of urn drivn

        And Ops, ere yet Di Jove was born.

        Mean whe hellish pair [ 585 ]

        too soon arrivd, Sin there in power before,

        Oual, noo dwell

        ual ant; beh

        Close follo mounted yet

        On o whus began. [ 590 ]

        Sed of Satan sprung, all querih,

        t though earnd

        itravail difficult, not better farr

        til at o e ch,

        Unnamd, undreaded, and tarvd? [ 595 ]

        er answerd soon.

        to mee, wernal Famin pine,

        Alike is hell, or Paradise, or heaven,

        t, ;

        eous, all too little seems [ 600 ]

        to stuff t unhide-bound Corps.

        to hus replid.

        ts, and Flours

        Feed first, on eaext, and Fish, and Fowle,

        No ever thing [ 605 ]

        time mowes down, devour unspard,

        till I in Man residing the Race,

        s, ions all i,

        And season    a prey.

        took them several wayes, [ 610 ]

        Boto destroy, or unimmortal make

        All kinds, and for destru to mature

        Sooner or later; wie seeing,

        From ransdes among,

        to t Orders utterd thus his voice. [ 615 ]