首页lost in paradise罗马音24


        No more be mentiond then of violence

        Against our selves, and wilful barrenness,

        t cuts us off from hope, and savours onely

        Rancor and pride, impatiend despite,

        Reluce against God and    yoke [ 1045 ]

        Laid on our Necks. Remember    mild

        And gracious temper h heard and judgd

        it ed

        Immediate dissolution, w

        as meant by Deat day, hee [ 1050 ]

        Pains onely in Cold,

        And bringing fort h joy,

        Fruit of the Curse aslope

        Glan t earne

        My bread; w harm? Idleness had bin worse; [ 1055 ]

        My labour ain me; a Cold

        Or    simely care

        provided, and his hands

        Cloatying while he judgd;

        how much more, if we pray him, will his ear [ 1060 ]

        Be open, and    to pitie ine,

        And teac means to shun

        t Seasons, Rain, Ice, hail and Snow,

        h various Face begins

        to sain, whe inds [ 1065 ]

        Blo and keen, stering the graceful locks

        Of trees; which bids us seek

        Som better ster o cherish

        Our Limbs benummd, ere tarr

        Leave cold t, herd beams [ 1070 ]

        Reflected, may ter sere foment,

        Or by collision of two bodies grinde

        ttrite to Fire, as late the Clouds

        Justling or pushir shock

        ti Lig flame drivn down [ 1075 ]

        Kihe gummie bark of Firr or Pine,

        And sends a fortable    from farr,

        supplie to use,

        And w may else be remedie or cure

        to evils w, [ 1080 ]

        ruct us praying, and of Grace

        Beseec fear

        to pass odiously taind

        By s, till we end

        In dust, our final rest and native home. [ 1085 ]

        better    o the place

        Repairing e fall

        Before , and there fess

        s, and pardon beg, ears

        atering the Air [ 1090 ]

        Frequenting, sent from s trite, in sign

        Of sorrow unfeignd, and ion meek.

        Undoubtedly    and turn

        From his displeasure; in whose look serene,

        severe, [ 1095 ]

        else but favrace, and mercie shon?

        So spake our Fatent, nor Eve

        Felt less remorse: to the place

        Repairing e fell

        Before , and both fessd [ 1100 ]

        s, and pardon begd, ears

        atering the Air

        Frequenting, sent from s trite, in sign

        Of sorrow unfeignd, and ion meek.