首页lost paradise游戏9


        Firm , yet possible to swerve,

        Since Reason not impossibly may meet [ 360 ]

        Some specious object by the Foe subornd,

        And fall into deception unaware,

        Not keeping strictest ch, as she was warnd.

        Seek not temptation to avoide

        ere better, and most likelie if from mee [ 365 ]

        t: trial .

        ouldst tancie, approve

        First ther who    know,

        Not seeing ttempted, ?

        But if trial unsought may finde [ 370 ]

        Us bot,

        Go; for tay, not free, absents thee more;

        Go in tive innoce, relie

        On    of vertue, summon all,

        Fod to, do thine. [ 375 ]

        So spake triarc Eve

        Persisted, yet submiss, t, replid.

        ithus forewarnd

        C t reasoning words

        touc our trial, , [ 380 ]

        May finde us both perhaps farr less prepard,


        A Foe so proud    the weaker seek,

        So bent, the more shall shame him his repulse.

        thus saying, from her husbands hand her hand [ 385 ]

        Soft s

        Oread or Dryad, or of Delias traine,

        Betook o t Delias self

        In gate surpassd and Goddess-like deport,

        t as sh Bow and Quiver armd, [ 390 ]

        But ools as Art yet rude,

        Guiltless of fire .

        to Pales, or Pomona, thus adornd,

        Likeliest she seemd, Pomona when she fled

        Vertumnus, or to Ceres in her Prime, [ 395 ]

        Yet Virgin of Proserpina from Jove.

        look his Eye pursud

        Delig desiring more ay.