首页love paradise3


        er loe, irresolute

        Of ts revolvd, ence chose

        Fit Vessel, fittest Imp of fraud, in whom

        to enter, and ions hide [ 90 ]

        From s sighe wilie Snake,

        ever sleights none would suspiark,

        As from    and native suttletie

        Proceeding, ws observd

        Doubt mig of Diabolic powr [ 95 ]

        Active e.

        t first from inward griefe

        ing passion into plaints thus pourd:

        O Earto    preferrd

        More justly, Seat    [ 100 ]

        its, ref w was old!

        For er better worse would build?

        terrestrial    round by other heavns

        t s bear t officious Lamps,

        Lig, for thee alone, as seems, [ 105 ]

        In tring all thir precious beams

        Of sacred influence: As God in heavn

        Is ter, yet extends to all, so thou

        tring receavst from all thee,

        Not in tue appeers [ 110 ]

        Productive in , and nobler birth

        Of Creatures animate h gradual life

        Of Growth, Sense, Reason, all summd up in Man.

        it delig thee round,

        If I could joy in aug interge [ 115 ]

        Of hill, and Vallie, Rivers, oods and Plaines,

        Now Land, now Sea, and S d,

        Rocks, Dens, and Caves; but I in none of these

        Find place e; and the more I see

        Pleasures about me, so much more I feel [ 120 ]

        torment eful siege

        Of traries; all good to me bees

        Bane, and in ate.

        But her here seek I, no nor in heavn

        t heavns Supreame; [ 125 ]

        Nor o be my self less miserable

        By    oto make such

        As I, to me redound:

        For onely iroying I find ease

        to my reles; and royd, [ 130 ]

        Or o er loss,

        For whis will soon

        Folloo    in weal or woe,

        Iru wide may range:

        to mee she glorie sole among [ 135 ]

        to have marrd

        ie styld, six Nights and Days

        tinud making, and who knows how long

        Before riving, though perhaps

        Not lo freed [ 140 ]

        From servitude inglorious welnigh half

        t throng

        Of o be avengd,

        And to repaire hus impaird,

        ue spent of old now faild [ 145 ]

        More Ao Create, if t least

        Are ed, or to spite us more,

        Determind to advao our room

        A Creature formd of Earth, and him endow,

        Exalted from so base inal, [ 150 ]

        it he decreed

        ed; Man

        Magnifit t,
