首页love paradise5


        Adam, ill to dress [ 205 ]

        till to tend Plant, herb and Flour,

        Our pleasant task enjoynd, but till more hands

        Aid us, the work under our labrows,

        Luxurious by restraint; w we by day

        Lop rown, or prune, or prop, or bind, [ 210 ]

        One nigon growth derides

        tending to herefore now advise

        Or    to my minde first ts present,

        Let us divide our labours, thou where choice

        Leads t needs, wo wind [ 215 ]


        to climb, while I

        In yonder Spring of Roses intermixt

        itle, find o redress till Noon:

        For whus all day [ 220 ]

        Our taske we der if so near

        Looks intervene and smiles, or objeew

        Casual discourse dras

        Our dayes tle, though begun

        Early, and th hour of Supper es unearnd. [ 225 ]

        to wurnd.

        Sole Eve, Associate sole, to me beyond

        pare above all living Creatures deare,

        ell    tiond, s imployd

        best fulfill the work which here [ 230 ]

        God    pass

        Unpraisd: for nothing lovelier    be found

        In oman, to studie houshold good,

        And good e.

        Yet not so strictly h our Lord imposd [ 235 ]

        Labour, as to debarr us when we need

        Refres, ween,

        Food of t intercourse

        Of looks and smiles, for smiles from Reason flow,

        to brute denid, and are of Love the food, [ 240 ]

        Love not t end of human life.

        For not to irksom toile, but to delight

        to Reason joynd.