MANKIND, says a e, for t seventy te t raing it from t as to t obscurely ed at by t fucius in ter of ations, erm Cerally t goes on to say, t t of roasting, or ratake to be tally discovered in ti, into to collect mast for tage in t son Bo-bo, a great lubberly boy, o a bundle of stra of till it o asogettage (a sorry antediluvian make-s of a building, you may t), ter of neeemed a luxury all over t from test periods t most sternation, as you may t so muement, any time, as for t o s of one of timely sufferers, an odour assailed rils, unlike any st proceed from ? -- not from t cottage -- t smell before -- i act of t resemble t of any knoening at time overfloo t stooped doo feel t. o cool to time in ) asted -- crag! Again and fumbled at t did not burn ill of . trut lengto anding, t it smelt so, and t tasted so delicious; and, surrendering o to tearing up , and doers, armed ributory cudgel, and finding ood, began to rain bloones, ig pleasure, o any inveniences feel in te quarters. lay on but beat ill , ion, somethe following dialogue ensued.
"You graceless not enoug you me doricks, and be o you, but you must be eating fire, and I kno ;
"O fataste pig eats."
ti tingled ever a son t s burnt pig.
Bo-bo, asu to ts of i, still sing out "Eat, eat, eat t pig, fataste -- O Lord," -- ions, cramming all the while as if he would choke.
i trembled every joint o deatural young monster, urn tasted some of its flavour, ence, proved not altogeto tle tedious) bot doo t off till tc remained of tter.
Bo-bo rictly enjoined not to let t escape, for tainly oge stories got about. It is cottage doly t fires from time for in broad day, ot-time. As often as ti to be in a blaze; and i ead of g o gro to lengtcerrible mystery discovered, and fato take trial at Pekin, toself produced in court, and verdict about to be pronounced, pig, of ood accused, migo t, and t, and burning ture prompting to eac ts, and t co t, ters, reporters, and all present -- leaving tation in a simultaneous verdict of Not Guilty.
t t iniquity of t privily, and boug could be oook o be seen but fires in every dire. Fuel and pigs grerict. t up s sliger every day, until it tecture ime be lost to tom of firing iill in process of time, says my manuscript, a sage arose, like our Locke, be cooked (burnt, as t) ty of ing a . t began ting by tring, or spit, came in a tury or ter, I fet in useful, and seemingly t obvious arts, make their way among man-kind.
it plag too implicit fait above given, it must be agreed, t if a ext for so dangerous an experiment as setting , t pretext and excuse mig PIG.
Of all tain it to be t delicate -- princeps obsoniorum.
I speak not of yro a young and tender sug -- under a moon old -- guiltless as yet of ty -- iae, tary failing of t parent, yet ma -- not broken, but somet.
be roasted. I am not ignorant t our aors ate t eriument!
tend, to t of tac over-roasted, crag, as it is eeted to t t in overing ttle resistance -- not fat -- but an indefinable sness groo it -- tender blossoming of fat -- fat cropped in taken in t -- in t innoce -- tessence of t pure food -- t a kind of animal manna -- or, rat and lean (if it must be so) so blended and running into eac botoget one ambrosia, or on substance.
Be seemet, t ! -- Noo see treme sensibility of t tender age, out ty eyes -- radiant jellies -- sing stars -
See t groo ty en apany maturer so oon, a sloven, an obstinate, disagreeable animal -- ion -- from tched away -
Ere sin could blight, or sorrow fade,
Deatimely care -
omaceteteful stomaigent to die.
of Sapors. Pine-apple is great. S too transdent -- a delig sinful, yet so like to sinning, t really a tender-sced person o pause -- too ravisal taste, set approacety of soppet te -- s ite -- and t barter ently for a mutton chop.
Pig -- let me speak ive of tite, tisfactory to tiess of te. trong man may batten on his mild juices.
Uo mankinds mixed cers, a bundle of virtues and vices, inexplicably ied, and not to be unravelled . No part of ter or tle meaend, all around. envious of bas. he is all neighbours fare.
I am one of t a so t (feo a friend. I protest I take as great an i in my friends pleasures, isfas, as in mine o;Presents," I often say, "endear Absents." s, partridges, snipes, barn-door c;tame villatic fo;), s, plovers, braers, I dispense as freely as I receive to taste t ongue of my friend. But a stop must be put some; give every t; I make my stand upon pig. Met is an ingratitude to to extra-domiciliate, or send out of tingly, (under pretext of friends icularly adapted, predestined, I may say, to my individual palate -- It argues an insensibility.
I remember a touc sc, t stuffing a s-meat, or some o my pocket, o sc time of day t erfeit). I o sole y of self-denial, and ty, sc of -- ttle, buoyed up, as one is on suc sootisfa; but before I to tter feelings returned, and I burst into tears, teful I o my good aunt, to go and give ao a stra I be a bad man f of t aking in t I -- I myself, and not anot so time I sao part ty present -- and t spicy cake came back upon my recolle, and ty I aken in seeing , and it to ted s I of it in my mout last -- and I blamed my imperti spirit of aims-giving, and out-of-place o see t insidious, good-for-notor.
Our aors ender victims. e read of pigs o deate . t o inquire (in a p merely) t oeing and dulcifying a substanaturally so mild and dulcet as t looks like refining a violet. Yet mig a gusto -
I remember as, . Omers, and maintained ry on bot; tained ioremam) superadded a pleasure upon te of a man more inteified in using t metting to deat; I fet the decision.
, banisribe. Barbecue your e, steep ts, stuff t ations of ty garlic; you ot poiser t sider, he is a weakling -- a flower.