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The Seven Sages

        t. My great-grandfato Edmund Burke

        In Grattans house.

        t-grandfather shared

        A pot-h once.

        t-grandfatalked of music,

        Drank tar-er he Bishop of e.

        t mine saella once.


        t minds t ed higgery.

        th. Burke was a hig.


        Goldsmit and the Bishop of e

        All ed    w is higgery?

        A levelling, rancorous, rational sort of mind

        t never looked out of t

        Or out of drunkards eye.

        th. Alls higgery now,

        But    the world.

        t. Ameri ies, Ireland, Frand India

        melody against it.

        t he had seen,

        Roads full of beggars, cattle in the fields,

        But never sarefoil stained h blood,

        t it.

        tomb of S    away.

        third. A voice

        Soft as tle of a reed from e

        t gathunder-clap.

        tb.    schese four?

        the roads

        Mimig hey heard, as children mimic;

        tood t wisdom es of beggary.