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AUGUST, 1942

        FRIDAY, AUGUSt 14, 1942

        Dear Kitty,

        Ive deserted you for aire mont so little    I t find a

        o relate every single day. t teent from teento sixteent call-up notices rig and causing a lot of u, so t o leave a day too early too late.

        Peter van Daan arrived at y in till at breakfast). Peters going on sixteen, a s amount to mucer.

        Muco our amusement, Mrs. van Daan    inside. "I just dont feel at    my c," s    item to find a perma plader tead of a c, Mr. van D. ea table under his arm.

        From t, e our meals togeter t felt as if turally, to tell about tion. e erested i and toldsc.

        Mr. van Daan filled us in: "Monday m at nine, Mr. Goldsc p straigraught Mr.

        Goldsc. e t t beructed,    t to to be searc traig table. Suddenly I saepad on Mrs. Franks desk, ri on it. Even t it on purpose, I preteo be surprised and    to burn ting piece of paper. I s I kne your disappearance, but t te , I said, I bet I knoo. About six monto t seems ogeto    ioned in Maastric o o Belgium and to Szerland. telling to any friends of t t o mention t about Maastricer t I left. tory most of your friends old, because I    later from several other people.”

        e t it remely funny, but    certain people ions. For example, one family living on

        our square claimed tely positive o some kind of military ve.

        Yours, Anne

        FRIDAY, AUGUSt 21, 1942

        Dear Kitty,

        No Annex ruly bee secret.

        Because so many    it ter to    in front of trao our hiding place.

        It s on its ry work.

        (Mr. Voskuijl old t t helpful.)

        Noo go doairs er t t ter cus by nailing a touffed o ts see if it helps!

        Im not doing mu until September. Fats to start tut me t .

        ttle cers oday, but ts not loggerreats me like a baby, and. For t, tter. I dont ters gotten any nicer. o do a little carpentry urning to    a dope!

        Mama gave me anotake te vie;    mad at me, but it never lasts loes.

        Its a beautiful day outside, nid , and in spite of everyt of ttic.

        Yours, Anne