Alterms made a real friend. tes for icular affinity, let alone fondness. And to t, tfig taken for a roudent riving for scholarly laurels.
ter to a t . tracted by y, ask, by gestures. o bee t of to be in antly, obedient and serving, t ion and dedication, to learn a pure, noble, saintly life from only to finiser sain in ter, indefinitely pering o God. tention, as it lay upon t boy, an inal burden, a secret destiny of ato and sacrifice. Even t a, alts and clearly expressed t er forever. Some secret flataunds birt sougion. But t felt little sympatance ered e reserve, dismissing ts as not particularly important.
tion uition, but e foroo e of t trasts. Narcissus youtical, a t sometrasts: bot from ts and signs; bote.
Narcissus took an ardent i in ter ainy nize. Fervently Goldmund admired iful, outstandingly intelligent teaund imid; to court Narcissus o ex tentive, eager student. But more timidity o o emulate simultaneously t and tremely intelligent, learned, brilliant Brot every fiber of rove to attain tible ideals. It caused mont ter s, so fused, strongly tempted to run ao take on es. Sometimes a bit of ieasing or a prank ir suced boy t tmost trol o in; urn a ao table to find Bless, lean t out. Gradually iceable. he laugh all liked so much.
knoermio be a good sco begin iate as soon as possible, and after t to bee a quiet, prayerful monk of ter. all rengtalent drove tely sad to find tiful goal so difficult to attain. Occasionally o detect eful moods and tendencies in racted, uno learn. aste against tin teat es. And fusing o fig Daniel. Yet at moments almost certain t Narcissus loved ing for him.
Narcissuss ts ed t boy as a friend. e, ; o adopt, lead, enligrengto bloom. But all of t of all, tied and aste for teacoo frequently, fell in love en enoug tits and cajoleries tal. ood tter ation to love to make o run a caressing , never. Moreover, as a mere tutor, not tion or ty of a teacious and co dug y years to forbidding ernly all partiality to o particular fairness and for turally repugnant to o t ed rict life. Only secretly, during unguarded moments, did ter empting a friends could only be a danger; never let it touce. to serve to serve t, superior, self-ing guidance of only of oward ual goals.
For a year or moldmund udent at ter scimes es urees in tyard and uiful ut tree—ball games, races, sno tired and sid often o stay arate.
to e met during a fistfigo study Euclid t er. It er supper, an ion o play in tories, to alk in ter cloister yard.
"Goldmund," airs after ;I to tell you somet youre sut—youll probably end up a bis you must give me your tell teac;
Goldmund immediately gave er udent radicted t. But, as aen one; ry to evade student la.
Adolf dragged side trees. trong-ed classmates—udent tradition, of reminding t t monks. teal aer for an evening in t ure felloaking part in; later during t they would sneak back again.
"But tes are locked at t ; Goldmund objected.
Of course t t o get baside unnoticed; it be t time.
Goldmund recalled ;going to t; It stood for boys noal escapades, for all kinds of secret adventures and pleasures o t; time ood only too t ; sidered it a point of o take t it ain distin to be asked to join in ture.
o say no, to run bad go to bed. tired and slig of Adolf. And side ter, somet mig lessness and all kinds of pain. It o t and forbidden, noto feel proud of. Still, per o talk; suddenly he laughed and said yes.
Unobserved, t urees in t darkening courtyard; ter gate o ter mill t, unseen in t o a pile of slippery- planks, one of o cross ttle stream. And noside, on tening road t disappeared into t. All ting a; very much.
At t te, Konrad; ted for a long time and ramped t. Nigle of ars peeked and brig clouds. Konrad ctered and joked. Occasionally ty of nig made ts beat faster.
After barely an o t. It seemed asleep. tly, criss-crossed by dark ribs of timber; t a lig, on tiptoe, tood in a garden, sank into t eartumbled over steps, stopped by t a ster, ed, knocked again. t ster opened, and oer to a kity oil lamp anding on tove, its feeble flame flickering on a t girl, truders. Anotepped out of t one, a young t gifts for te cloister bread, and sometolen inse per Goldmund, or dle out of tco tayed aed on it and offered to Konrad. , passed it on. t rong apple cider.
In t of tiny lamp t dotle stools and tudents around terruptions for sips of cider, Adolf and Konrad making most of tion. From time to time one of t up and caress to oud tty oer of t make. It iful, out of ting but not dangerous. Forbidden yes, but even sression did not burden ones sce. ing girls at nig forbidden; it not for ined for tic life of a monk, and playing permitted pounded of t.
t of talk idbits of Latin. t girl seemed to like all to tle caresses, a timid kiss at most. to knoly ted. And siion o be t Goldmund did not see it t o t saying a raigo look at t no o t especially ime rayed to t quiet face of ted at hough she were spellbound.
As ed tion and caresses; t in embarrassed silence; Ebero ya girl said it ime to leave. tood up, s. t. Konrad to climb out t, a stop; oside on turned of the window.
"Goldmund!" sood and ed.
"Are you ing back?" simid voice h.
Goldmund s il her dark eyes were close before his.
"Do e back!" souched his in a childs kiss.
Quickly oppled across t eartore rotted after t of to. "Never again!" anded ;Again! tomorro; begged .
Nobody surprised t ourn to Mariabronn, across ttle stream, trees, alo passageo ter and tory.
Big Ebero be puncime for early mass, m soup and assembly in torium; but Goldmund looked pale, so pale Fatin asked all rig during Greek, around noon, Narcissus did not take oo, sa Goldmund said notc t o to avoid rousing tudents curiosity, and followed here.
"Goldmund," ; I rouble. Per feeling o bed and send you some soup and a glass of ;
For a long of troubled eyes, agaio speak but could not. Suddenly o one side, leaned erern, and burst into suarcissus felt embarrassed and averted ime before touco raise him up.
"All rig; ;All rig ter. t doo speak. I see t it oo muc for you to stay on your feet all m letting aice; youve been very ceous. eep no is t you do. No? All finis so soon? All rigo tter. Lets go."
o t to pass any study ed to one of ty beds aly began to undress, and to to on t. tory, treats ter ually allo greatly oo sick.
Goldmund lay to t of o so indescribably tired today, rain on t e, stantly rely failing effort tet last nig not t itself, not ter, or t, or t bridge across ttle black stream be of gardens, t tside tcouch of her lips.
But rouble uiselligent young teacly sarcastic mout of ood before ammering embarrassment, and arted to baead of ual oicism, . Never shame.
But tension. t loneliness of t more ts impact. After an a gruel soup, a piece of s normally drank only on e and draied e, pus aside, started to t couldnt, reace a feer, tly opened and Narcissus came in to look after ient, Goldmund o ime, y, and also a slig Goldmund ill; to send omorro t today it ime be and love. And from to accept it, to e to t some day.