首页木兰县地图全图PART 5



        [Cut to Sting on top of a tree. s off top akest, looks surprised, and drops doo the ground]

        Sossing t Man]:    do you see?

        rong Man [feeling tains. [Long akes trong Man. Baldakes a    passes by him]

        Bald e allions.

        Long he doll]: Sulfur, from ons.

        Sung Sing for us.

        hem easily.

        S o t pass. Besides, ttle girl    to her.

        [End Interlude]

        [Cut to Mulan by th Mushu, Khan, and Cri-Kee]

        Mus a good idea.    if somebody sees you?

        Mulan [from be because I look like a ma mean I o smell like one.

        Muso t    chips smell.

        Mulan [running by Muso ter on Mushu]: Ahhhhhhh.

        Mus, all rigs enoug out before you get all pruny and stuff [ a toowards Mulankeeping his eyes covered].

        Mulan: Musand ch.

        Musand c upidgirly s. [back to normal] humph, hygiene.

        Cri-Kee [alarmed, tugging on Mushus whiskers]: Chirp, Chirp.

        Yao: Me first! Me first! Me First! [Yao, Ling and Ch colored boxers]

        Muso notice!

        [Yao and Ling jump into ter. Coe to cemperature tohem and hides her face behind a lily pad]

        Yao [calling]: hey, Ping.

        [Mulan peeks over t on ter c ]

        Mulan [speaking nervously and unnaturally in a manly voice]: O kne" looks] I    he rock]

        Ling [from beo you before so lets start over. [extending o shMulan] hi, Im Ling!

        Mulan [c     arm, surns and sstretc arm, smiling]: urnsand o -Po]

        g a lily pad off his head]: And Im -Po.

        Mulan [ly and smiling]: hello -Po.

        [Yao stands on top of a rock looking do to ter and h her free hand]

        Yao: And I am Yao, king of t it.

        Ling [taking a figance]: Oake you.

        Mulan [    to take him anywhere.

        Ling [follo!

        Mulan: No . [unnaturally] e could just close our eyes and swim around.

        Ling:    dont be suc me.

        Mus of ter bety flavor.

        Ling [o]: Snake!

        Cher]: Snake, snake.

        [Mulan wles for Ko so sowelaround her body]

        [Cut to Yao, Ling and g on the rock]

        Ling: Some king of the rock]

        [Cut to Mulan owel ed around her]

        Mulan: Boy, t was close.

        Museet was vile! You owe me big!

        Mulan: I o see a naked man again. [t of troops run by naked and jump into the lake]

        Mus look at me. I aint biting any more butts.

        [Cut to Mulan outside t alking from inside]

        Croops are ready to fig last a minute against the huns.

        Sed training.

        C to be soldiers to be Captain. O, your troops tle.

        Musside tent]: O. Ive o o get Mulan into to Cri-Kee] th myplan.

        So t of ished.

        . t I am t t job on my orao tent for Shang] Youre dismissed.

        [Sorms out of tent and starts to walk by Mulan]

        Mulan [in a manly voice]:    reag] or not. [calling out to S its    captain. [So glance back, tinues forward]

        Mus Mulans fixed gaze on S!

        Mulan [ily]: ?

        Museasing]: You like    you?

        Mulan: No, I--

        Mus, Yeaing to Mula] go to your tent. [Mulan . Musalks toCri-Kee] I ts time ook to our oher].

        [Mus outside t. Co. les as er ent. Cri-Kee uses o e up a letter. akes the paper]

        Mus me see . From General Li, dear son, ing for t t if youd e and back us up. [sarcastically] ts great except you fot, "and since    of potpourri, maybe you mind bringing up some."    sound more urgent, please! You knoalkin about? [Cri-Kee startsing te again] ts better, mucter. [taking te] Okay, Lets go.

        [Cut to Ker frh. Mushu is on his back]

        Muss Muser from h]

        [Cut to C of toroops]

        Ctering]: Insubordinate ruffians. [to troops] You men o squeal like agirl. [a panda bear che slipper Chi Fu is holding] Aaaaaahhhhhh!

        Musting on top of ticks to gesticulate o pusetos tter, youve neverseen a blad we before?

        Chi Fu: ho are you?

        Musion is: upid questions. I s for t, [tarts c rig C. Musur Im feeling gracious today, so carry onbefore I report you. [tree taking Mus of sight]

        ot finding o Sent]: Captain. Urge.

        Musree]: Pack ys Cri-Kee, . [Cri-Kee high fives Mushu]

        [Song: A Girl    For]

        Army Croops tle

        Yao [close-up of Yao, t of 2 co like cattle

        Cow [spoken]: Moo

        Army arc our ac arent easy to ignore

        Ling [catco Yao and Cead,A girl ing for [Yao, Ling and -Po look upwards dreamily]

        Mulan [spoken from behind]: huh?

        Ling [grabbing Mulan and draerfold]:ts ing for [Mulan runs aerfold]

        [artistry se    a     sars

        Yao [lifting and loo s    my strengttle scars

        C care less ion, t image fades into statues t troops just passed]

        All three:Mmm...

        Yao [looking at Mulan    you e the charmer

        Lio make    ter leaks out making Ling look like his normal self]

        Army Cles to ladies    of t Mulan    off to ?A girl ing for!

        Yao [Mulan o Cs

        C Im a major find

        Mulan [Caugarts to look unimpressed]ho always speaks her mind? [Mulan shrugs her shoulders]

        Ling, Yao and Ced and disgusted]: Nah!

        Ling [grabbing Mulans sakes    turns of po thrill her

        Yao [ting K t from under Ling. Ling looks upset thinks hes such a lady-killer!


        Yao [aside to Mulan]:Yeaher! [Mulan smiles]

        Army Men [lining up log arms across eat]:But    the door!

        Ling [sitting on top of C do ?

        Army g for!

        Ling:is I had

        Army Ce dire of ting for!(o pelt urns around] A girl ing--

        [All unned looks on their faces]

        [End Song]

        [Cut to ruins of a burned out village. te and look around at t remain from thebuildings]