Or maybe around .’
"t ime to be living, Biff agreed.
Blount s self-sciously. o leave. Biff to detain ell me—o tion been a politie and ed it was queer his.
Its trut know.’
tood quietly for a moment, boter.
t dinner order, a Long Island duck special, o tore. turned ween a church sermon and a swing band.
Blount leaned over suddenly and smelled Biffs face.
Sion, Biff said posedly.
keep Blount loo go.
er. It his.
ed to dra out pletely so t aaiions ing Blount alk—only to te. It peculiar thing.
"t said. See you later.’
So long.’
Biff c o t. took up ties before ed on trimmings to attract ers. It looked bad. Rigy.
to tu t.ake tuff out of the window.
And bri red pottery bo.’
s last tion pleased ed tcalk ed ts and s for tter. Alice always had
do. . s scum of food bits at ttom. e do day. o leave tcake and by ter again.
Lucile and Baby came for Sunday ditle Md so good noill on or said it could not e off until monthe yellow curls made her head look naked.
Say o Uncle Biff, ed.
Baby bridled fretfully. o Unca Biff hon, she gassed.
S up a struggle o take off . No be saying. "You got to take it off or youll catc again.. No behave yourself.’
Biff took tuation in its set in truggle raig so t t ied o just t sted Baby on tle be some straoday, he said.
Barty good mother.’
ts a pliment’
e just been to Sunday Sche Bible you learned for your Uncle Biff.’
ted. Jesus , she said finally.
t s in t sound like a terrible thing.
ant to see Louis? Biff asked. .’
I wanna see illie. I wanna he harp.’
"N yourself, Lucile said im-patiently. You kno illies not here.
illie off to tentiary.’
But Louis, Biff said. oo. Go tell o get tune.’
Baby toche floor.
Lucile laid oears in and ty t d smart. But if a d ugly t expeyt Im trying to get at is t Baby is so s bandage on it just seems like it makes time. S practice ion—s do a t t manage her.’
If youd quit pig .’
At last tled t of c up fine, cream of s for Baby. Stle frock. il tarted. to be on to keep thly.
People eating. the food pushed in.
? t long ago. Life ter of intake and alimentation and reprodu. the radio.
tered t, very straigailored Sunday suit.
Blount follo be t struck at table, and Blount talked and ate o er for a fees. t out iced again t toget made ion himself.
could it be? te moron imes on to iced to t imes te to suc tzing
eleps. But did it matter after all?
Biff narroant. t mattered and Mick made of of o t e to give ies ted e t? And why?
A one-armed man came reated o a alking to anyone.
Sunday dinner le kids in ten needed. It y and tables over. Biff for t four ired. o stand for fourteen or sixteen notiy effects at all. But no it.
Or maybe matured aged—certainly not—yet. t ured. ed and it ht and sharp.
o one of tresses: take over for me .’
treet y because of Sunday. t and clear, close to reet out of pocket.
turn bad stay in taurant four Sundays see Mick. And t it t quite rige t Sunday s steps. But time as ly to t tilted t down over his eyes. Perhaps she would e
into ter. Often on Sunday after supper s cocoa and stopped for a able fit from t and ser sogs—ed to set o someto give to only a sundae or some s to eat—but somet o h hardened.
in a strange guilt.
in all men, unreed and a name.
Oily up, ed t into t purse, . Business agnant. t a single er in the place.
Business picked up around five. tly o time sz. s o be best bet. . Biff iced teetalking to ervieeetio matter in ten dollars a ailor doreet, and harry was an only child.
ell, Biff said. Youve been o like it? Sure, sir. Sure I like it.’
Biff turs see. time do you get off from sc;t gives you a couple of udy and recreation. to ten. Does t leave you enougime for plenty of sleep?’
Plenty. I dont need much.’
You need about nine and a ye, son. Pure, wholesome sleep.’
suddenly embarrassed. Maybe ao turn aside and t of something.
?You go to Vocational?’
Lets see. I kno of girls and boys t as t afire. o be a fool. ed to turn and ood tly.
Sure, I live rig door to in s a senior while shes a freshman.’
Biff stored tioly in o be t over later o ers drinking beer and remember o ask t take your time making crack of w goes on.’
Biff s airs. t on ty and cold. acks of able laid ionary, and a mandolin. Because of t o take more teps in any dire. Biff rocked rings of to sing in a doleful voice:II to the animal fair.
ts of the moonas bing his auburn hair.
rings and t sounds so silen the cold air.
to adopt a couple of little c ttle girl like Mick (or Baby?) at t age. Round cy smog at te buckskin stle red-velvet coat and cap and muff for er. ttle boy tage on ts and guide to to ions and hem.
Biff took up um-ti-tim-ti-tee, ti-tee, ted doll t to time. tie, and Loves Old S Song. t year kno all time ara dime. And t er . at first it seemed everything was gone.
Lucile alood t-up. S oo. Lucile o get a divorce. And so try t their messes.
Biff a p tense in ly to y-ninto drop by ment at tists. ed from ttle remembrance—a plate of carts ood s. S tered. t room eo steps a once aloitter and soo rolling minute Lucile came bad undid ter. t buo craood t, burning all over. t as bad as took it.
Later t nig od!
Biff carted a rollig corated to ism. .
At last a in to and fro in t did and? Not did ? to know. ? A mean-ing. hy? A riddle.
Broken pictures lay like a scattered jigsaw puzzle in his head.
Alice soaping in t turkey on display. Blounts mout -
fing. tely dark. From t he could hear Louis singing.
Biff stood up and touco still its rog. side was very warm and brig perraighed back his hair.
A uro aurant led er. ook in th a glance like a lasso.
t in teel, artistic display. ued to examiiced eye. and ily ing. Singer came finally and e ed only soup and e.
i o poor. Money ime it o pay te room and private nurse. But even t one bill. By time o a of t take age. ty dollars and Mister Singer on te h him.
Aftero rent every montead of taxes. ty near as poor as factory folks. Only nobody could look dohem.
Bill tling plant and made ten dollars a week.
y parlor fht dollars.
Etta sold tickets at a movie for five dollars. Eac t five dollars a er Singer, who paid
very prompt. it t all came to about t to feed tty good a for ts on ture.
Gee and get any lunco stop tia saved tovers from to eat after scime tcta sat e in tcd grease and side meat and coffee for breakfast. For supper tever could be spared from to eat in tcimes s hree days.
But tside room. It o do ries and ter nig by to ers and a pair of Bills outgros. Exciteme e box from u on to work.
In tures sed at t free art class. Saken t of Bills room. Also in t tery books , a box of cs, a rone necklace, a ebooks. Oebook op E. KEEP OUt.
PRIVAtE—and tied ring.
Sebook all ter. S studying sigime to spend on music. Mostly sten just little tunes—songs any even any bass o t. But even if tunes his book was a real piece
or a position. t songs io remember. Sorm.’
S e t like it sounded in her mind.
So t doo only a fees; ot too mixed up to go furt kno o e music. But maybe after so e tunes fairly quick so put dohe whole musi her mind.
In January sain very , I Kno It iful and marvelous song—very slo. At first sarted to e a poem along , but s to fit t a o r. ted and once. Music beautiful as to e. Sometes meant a ebook—after sime and every note.
So trate many times. o get up and ttle h a poker and sing Dixie.’
Somac. Later on—y—s all of and up on tform in front of to duct tra s or else a red dress spangled oains of tage and M.K. ed on ter Singer er a fried chi. he would admire her and
t friend. Gee o tage. It y or else in a fn try. Famous people at uro tosi and Admiral Byrd.